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Even newer questions to ponder

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LMFAO!!  That is so true!

You know, hearing Nick talk about the stereotypical boyband roles, like the bad boy, the heartthrob, etc. in his press for Boyband, I've realized that Nick was actually the "bad boy" of BSB, not AJ.  AJ just got labeled that because he has the "look," but other than his addiction issues, he's not a bad boy at all.  Nick has gotten into way more trouble and had way more issues than AJ ever did, at least from what we know.  I do think that's why he's more interesting to write about, all the issues and drama he's had.  You have to manufacture drama for Kevin, Brian, and Howie.

Like all of you were saying, I think Nick is by far the easiest to torture because of his overly dramatic life. He seems like such an open book to his fans, it made it easy to just emulate what was going on based on real life events where the others were much more private with that stuff, minus AJ. He does also seem the most vulnerable which makes it easy to take advantage of. And let's face it, he is by far the most popular one of the group. People would tend to read a Nick centered story over any of the others.

I'm not sure if Nick knows what privacy is. All he's ever really known is life in the public eye. I bet even before he became famous, neighbors were all probably very aware of all the Carter drama. It's in their DNA. I can see them standing out in the backyard just screaming at each other with neighbors watching through half closed blinds saying, "Lord...there they go again!"

It is weird though because I really do feel like AJ should be as easy of a target, but like I've always said about AJ, he's odd. There's something about him that makes him less writable and interesting even though he seems like he should by far be the most entertaining one.

I bet you're so right about the Carter clan back in the day.

I agree with you about AJ.  I have written stories about him and tortured him before, but not nearly as much as Nick and Brian.  And that was a long time ago; I don't even remember the last time I wrote an AJ story.  I started one a few years ago that I never posted and probably won't keep writing.  I like him better as a supporting character than a main character.  I don't know if that's because it's hard to get inside his head or if it's just because I prefer Nick and Brian.  I do think AJ gets typecast as being the "rebel" and all that more than he actually is just going back to his stage persona from the early days.  He is an oddball, and he does have his issues, but like I said, I don't really consider him to be a "bad boy" at all.  I think he's a teddy bear.


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 09, 2017, 08:44:19 PM ---I forgot about this! He really does sound great singing that part live.

I remember being really annoyed with this part when IAWLT first came out, and now it's one of my favourite parts on the CD, lol. That whole song is really a jam.

As for poor, tortured Nick, I think it's sort of a combination of him being the most popular and him having the most issues. It's weird to say because AJ also had a lot of issues but there seems to be waaay more stories about Nick having drama rather than AJ. It's not just a matter of Nick romance either, it's anything! It could also be that he would give the best, most dramatic reaction in any situation just from what we've seen of him. The rest of them are more rational. Example:

*A hole opens up in the sky, the pending apocalypse is here*

Howie and Kevin: Oh, we read about this in The Globe and Mail. Good thing we combined our forces and built a bunker. Everyone into the bunker!
AJ: *Lights a cigarette* Well, this blows.
Brian: *Clutches his bible*
Nick: ARE YOU KIDDING ME??! How can this be happening?! I've got two girls waiting in my bed and after that I'm moving into my twentieth house on the beach. Everything is terrible. I should have patched things up with my family. No, I shouldn't have, they're terrible. I'm in such crisis! Brian's praying - I bet he won't save my soul. We used to be best friends AND NOW WE'RE NOT.
Howie and Kevin: *Drag Nick to the bunk while he clutches his beautiful blonde head, crying the whole way*

Well, that got away from me a little bit LOL.

--- End quote ---


I've told Julie this but one of the ideas I have on the backburner is basically the BSB spin of This Is The End and what happened to the Boys before they finally got pulled up into heaven. That's probably who I'd have freak out first, is Nick. He's so melodramatic it just fits.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 10, 2017, 03:15:31 AM ---I bet you're so right about the Carter clan back in the day.

I agree with you about AJ.  I have written stories about him and tortured him before, but not nearly as much as Nick and Brian.  And that was a long time ago; I don't even remember the last time I wrote an AJ story.  I started one a few years ago that I never posted and probably won't keep writing.  I like him better as a supporting character than a main character.  I don't know if that's because it's hard to get inside his head or if it's just because I prefer Nick and Brian.  I do think AJ gets typecast as being the "rebel" and all that more than he actually is just going back to his stage persona from the early days.  He is an oddball, and he does have his issues, but like I said, I don't really consider him to be a "bad boy" at all.  I think he's a teddy bear.

--- End quote ---

AJ is totally a teddy bear. Oddly that makes him odder to write when you combine that with all his quirks and issues. I write him best when I focus on one aspect and blow it up bigger. In undead that was his issues, in other fics it's his quirks where he becomes a comic relief.

Funny thing is, in real life comic relief probably belongs more to Howie LOL.


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