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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 09, 2017, 10:38:48 PM ---LMFAO!!  That is so true!

You know, hearing Nick talk about the stereotypical boyband roles, like the bad boy, the heartthrob, etc. in his press for Boyband, I've realized that Nick was actually the "bad boy" of BSB, not AJ.  AJ just got labeled that because he has the "look," but other than his addiction issues, he's not a bad boy at all.  Nick has gotten into way more trouble and had way more issues than AJ ever did, at least from what we know.  I do think that's why he's more interesting to write about, all the issues and drama he's had.  You have to manufacture drama for Kevin, Brian, and Howie.

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That's a good point - Nick really was the "bad boy." Even with all of AJs issues, he never got arrested. Even Nick now, having turned his life around still managed to find trouble with his arrest last year.

I also like what you said about manufacturing drama for Kevin, Brian and Howie. With Nick (or even AJ) you can have a smaller bit of plot and use his real life drama to build it up.


--- Quote from: mare on July 10, 2017, 02:33:26 AM ---I'm not sure if Nick knows what privacy is. All he's ever really known is life in the public eye. I bet even before he became famous, neighbors were all probably very aware of all the Carter drama. It's in their DNA. I can see them standing out in the backyard just screaming at each other with neighbors watching through half closed blinds saying, "Lord...there they go again!"

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OMG this is probably so accurate. That's entirely what House of Carters was too, so cringe-y but you just can't look away.

AJ is just too sweet to torture, like you've all said. I tried writing an AJ fic a long time ago and it just failed. Because he's always got good intentions it seems like, he just wants to please everybody. Nick can more easily be taken down a dark path of "I hate the world and want to burn it to the ground."


--- Quote from: Rose on July 10, 2017, 06:02:47 AM ---LMFAO THIS IS SO ACCURATE!

I've told Julie this but one of the ideas I have on the backburner is basically the BSB spin of This Is The End and what happened to the Boys before they finally got pulled up into heaven. That's probably who I'd have freak out first, is Nick. He's so melodramatic it just fits.

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LMAO Rose, that would be amazing.

Here's a question - do any of you guys have "head-canons" or portions of BSB history that are not necessarily real, but that you carry through all of your stories? For example, I always have Nick, to varying levels, have some kind of frustration that JT got with Britney instead of him LOL. I know I have more, I just have to remember them.

That's a good question.  Your JT example reminded me that I used to play up the animosity between BSB and NSync in my older stories, but I think that was more because it was played up by the media and fans in real life.  JT and other NSync members have cameos in quite a few of my older stories, never in flattering roles, usually being villainous or causing trouble in some kind of way LOL.

I used to make Nick depressed and suicidal in stories I wrote back in like 2000-2001, way before any of his issues with drugs and alcohol came to light.  I don't remember if he actually seemed unhappy to me in real life or if that qualifies as head-canon.  I was a melodramatic teenager at the time, so I think I channeled a lot of my own issues into my stories, and for whatever reason, Nick was the one who got most of them.

I also tend to make Nick very secretive in stories, which is funny after what Mare said about him not knowing what privacy is LOL.  But he always seems to be hiding things from the other guys in my stories.  I don't write any of the other guys that way.

None of those are great examples, but I can't think of anything else.


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 10, 2017, 09:03:21 AM ---LMAO Rose, that would be amazing.

Here's a question - do any of you guys have "head-canons" or portions of BSB history that are not necessarily real, but that you carry through all of your stories? For example, I always have Nick, to varying levels, have some kind of frustration that JT got with Britney instead of him LOL. I know I have more, I just have to remember them.

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I don't do this much anymore but I used to play up Nick's bitterness about the fact Jive played up the rivalry between him and JT when NON came out, and Nick's frustration about JT's solo career. I also tend to have Nick singing to himself when he's stressed out to try and calm down. I have no reason for it besides being something I sometimes do so I translated it onto him.


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