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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 03, 2021, 09:15:57 PM ---Yeah, it was a disaster.  I talked my original co-writer into revising it because I thought we could make it so much better than the original version, but she bailed on me shortly after we started.  So I recruited more co-writers to help me finish, and we basically wasted all our motivation on rewriting what was already there and then ran out of steam before we got around to continuing the story from that point.  This was my first time learning that huge collaborations don't last long, a lesson I would learn again with 00Carter LOL.  It might work out better if I was trying to revise one of my own stories by myself, but I just don't have the motivation.  If I ever did, it would be with one of my very old stories that had a good idea but poor execution.  I don't think I would ever try it with something like Broken that has flaws, but was well-liked by readers.  It would feel too much like George Lucas constantly going back and changing the original Star Wars trilogy.  Just leave it alone!  (I am not comparing Broken to Star Wars by any means. That is just the first example that came to mind of a writer taking something that people liked and messing with it much later.)

What I've found myself sort of unintentionall y doing instead is taking ideas from my very old stories and writing new stories that take that basic idea and twist it into something totally different.  That has been more fun for me because I can explore some of the same topics that interested me back then, but write about them with more depth and maturity than I could have as a teenager.

That whole thing sounds like an exercise in torture to me! LOL  This is why I will never publish a novel unless I self-publish it because I can never see myself committing to that level of editing.

Mare, how much editing did you have to do with Mel's Tree, and what was that like?

I have written several sex scenes, and I think I laughed through every one.  Especially the slashy ones!  So much giggling.  And they're probably all terrible!  But I tried LOL.

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You know, Code Blue originally got us talking and writing together even though we didn't fully come together till 00Carter so even though it didn't have the best of endings, I'm happy with it LOL. I miss collaborating, honestly. It kept me in check and made it easier to not lose inspiration.

I have like six posts in a row and do not care LOL. I sleep on a different schedule then everyone as always haha. I planned on writing today and tomorrow. What? No idea. Could be fic, could be blogging, but this thread makes me want to go look at my 00Carter notes again. It's funny cause I did a fan's BSB podcast episode and she asked about me and fanfic, and I made sure to mention 00Carter cause it's seriously one of my favorite ideas. We all encouraged each other's crazy with it, and I do love crazy LOL.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 04, 2021, 09:30:45 AM ---In my heart 00Carter has never died.

Honestly...I've opened the notes more than once last year. But I didn't want to write it alone LOL.

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I'm here for it!  I know we've kinda talked about it but didn't jump right back on board, but I'm in.  It's never died for me either.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 04, 2021, 09:33:58 AM ---You know, Code Blue originally got us talking and writing together even though we didn't fully come together till 00Carter so even though it didn't have the best of endings, I'm happy with it LOL. I miss collaborating, honestly. It kept me in check and made it easier to not lose inspiration.

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I still have fond memories of Code Blue too.  I don't have any inspiration to try to revive it, but it was a fun story while it lasted.  And yes, I made some great friends from it!


--- Quote from: Rose on January 04, 2021, 09:37:32 AM ---I have like six posts in a row and do not care LOL. I sleep on a different schedule then everyone as always haha. I planned on writing today and tomorrow. What? No idea. Could be fic, could be blogging, but this thread makes me want to go look at my 00Carter notes again. It's funny cause I did a fan's BSB podcast episode and she asked about me and fanfic, and I made sure to mention 00Carter cause it's seriously one of my favorite ideas. We all encouraged each other's crazy with it, and I do love crazy LOL.

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Sounds like you were the early bird this time around!  Weird!  I went to bed at 3 a.m, didn't fall asleep until after 4, and slept till 11:30 LOL.  It's gonna be rough going back to work on Wednesday, but whatever.

I caught the 00Carter mention and loved it.


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