Fic Talk > General Discussion

The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: Rose on January 04, 2021, 09:27:31 AM ---LMAO so I mean as much as we torture Nick, it was inevitable I ended up thinking we should create a story where he dies in every chapter.

God I love rereading these 00Carter memories. That story isn't perfect but I'm still proud of how we made a LOT of random off the wall ideas come together and make sense LOL.

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Inevitable indeed. I'm surprised it took so long to be honest!

Same. That's why I said, I may be inclined to do it again if we all live read/reacted together (because what better way to get going again while I catch up/remember details) and with the right contribution parameters because:

--- Quote from: Rose on January 04, 2021, 09:33:58 AM ---I miss collaborating, honestly. It kept me in check and made it easier to not lose inspiration.

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is not something I can claim in good conscience. But, I did enjoy it when I had the inspiration for contributing. And I have missed the teamwork aspect. So I could see myself being able to commit to an episode a month? Maybe two in certain months? And I would feel better if we hoarded for a second and then posted. That way if life happens, there's still things to post.

But again, this is all details that could be discussed at a later date.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 04, 2021, 12:19:43 PM ---Sounds like you were the early bird this time around!  Weird!  I went to bed at 3 a.m, didn't fall asleep until after 4, and slept till 11:30 LOL.  It's gonna be rough going back to work on Wednesday, but whatever.

I caught the 00Carter mention and loved it.

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That was me at the same exact times as you, but MTN timezone version (so an hour ahead). Except I had to be up at 6am no matter what. Did we have the same weekend, Julie? Haha It was rough going back today.

While I'm thinking about this... Camp NaNo Writing group... Should it be named "The Backstreet Project" or something related to AC?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 04, 2021, 12:16:58 PM ---I'm here for it!  I know we've kinda talked about it but didn't jump right back on board, but I'm in.  It's never died for me either.

--- End quote ---

Yes please! I love my Secret Agent Nick. He was fun.

Now that we're at eleven pages, I thought it might be nice to have a post with a summary of the questions so far so that anyone else can jump in without having to read through Julie and I back and forthing at each other to find the questions, though I enjoyed every second of this thread and it's worth the read if you want to see other thoughts on them.

1. How has your writing changed over the years?

2. Is there something you wrote that you wish you hadn't? Is there something you never finished, but wished you had? Is there a genre you've always wanted to try?

3. What's most motivating for you? How do you keep the motivation going? What do you do when the motivation wanes (any particular rituals)? What does your inspiration station look like? (e.g., desk, location in your home, not your home at all, etcetera)

4. What are everyone else's rabbit holes? Either in general or a particularly memorable one from the past?

5. Does anyone have any writing-related resolutions this year?

6. So what do you do if you're feeling motivated to write and/or edit, but your brain is just spent on staring at your computer or red/green walls of edits. Do you keep going because you're feeling inspired? Do you take a short recess then come back? In general when you're inspired to write, do you keep going as long as inspiration strikes or do you set yourself time limits? Has that changed at all since quarantining and stay at home orders have happened (increased or decreased)?

7. On the reverse, if you're in an "open/stare/close" mood, how long do you stare before you close? Do you leave it on in the background while you do something else or is a permanent close for the day? How many times a day would you open a document?

8. Where do you fall on the planning scale? Do you have everything planned before you write a single word? (planning) Do you just start writing and let the muses takes you? (pantsing) Are you some combination of the two? (plantsing)

9. If you're writing away perfectly contentedly and a great idea pops up for far down the line, what do you do to keep it at bay? Would you drop everything to write it? If you have an outline, do you ever go back and change it or are you very rigid about it? Same with characters?

10. What do you finalize first? Characters or plot?

Questions asked in the context of a conversation that can be answered by all:

1. Do you find it hard to keep perspectives balanced? And do they tend to lean toward anyone in particular in any of your writing?

2. It seems like you've run the gambit on challenging yourself with your writing. What was your favorite challenge to yourself? What was your least favorite? Is there something you haven't tried yet that you wanted to try?

3. Can leg choppage be in a YA novel? What pushes it out of YA rating?

4. How do you un-BSB [a fanfic] enough [to publish without getting sued] but not too much that it's an entirely different story?

5. I wonder how many other things [The Boys have] done that are more fanfic of them? eg. renting the house in London while working on IAWLT.

Off-topic Questions:

1. Y'all and Twitter, am I missing out?

2. Camp NaNo Writing group... Should it be named "The Backstreet Project" or something related to AC?


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