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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 08:40:06 PM ---LOL I think I do have an old idea written down somewhere that was all going to turn out to be a coma dream, but it seemed too cliched.
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But if no one's done it in forever, it suddenly becomes uncliched... Hmmm... *holds out idea folder helpfully*

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 08:40:06 PM ---I think it's the disappearing for a decade that is the problem.  Obviously there are a few of us still here from ten years ago, but not many.  It seems like most people that were actively reading back then have moved on or disappeared.  I bet Pbox got lost in the crowd after you stopped updating it, and people that came to AC after that never found it.  Hopefully you'll attract some new readers, if not here than on AO3.
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I mean, it was finished, but I think people are more apt to read active authors rather than inactive ones. I definitely needed the break, though perhaps not that long. All in all, I'm just happy to be writing something again because I wanted to write it and that some of the people I was hoping were still around are the people around here. Yo who knows about AO3. I'll summon Tracy again to explain Watt Pad if that's more active, because I stumbled around without an account and did not get it at all. It's organized really bizarrely (or at least is on my cell phone when I have no idea how to navigate it).

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 08:40:06 PM ---Oh no, I wouldn't really write the teacher/doctor/self-insert love triangle.  There's a reason that one never made it into my ideas folder.  That would bore the crap out of me LOL.

I had that same thought about Howie being the mentor, but that would make it an AU, which is basically already what Code Blue was.  I was thinking it would be more interesting if Nick went to med school as himself, a Backstreet Boy.  It would be more along the lines of the show Castle, where a famous writer shadows a homicide detective to research for a story and ends up basically joining the police department.  This probably isn't a serious idea, although never say never.  I've written many a story that started as a joke.

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That's apparently your version of the "come up with the weirdest story you can!

Do you need a bachelor's degree to go to med school? Nick has his GED yeah? Med school might be a long process for him if he has to get a bachelor's degree first. However, people doing things like that is not uncommon, so more power to this fictional Nick! I believe in him!

And then it turns out to be a suspense novel in Brian's coma dream!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 08:42:22 PM ---Here is one reason I haven't updated Guilty Roads in so long:

Great advice LOL.

At what point is it better to give up and move on to a different project instead of persevering with one that's giving you all kinds of trouble?

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I'm telling you characters. They're annoying and will do what they want. Let him leave and then make the plot find him after sneaking around in the dark!

At the point of panic and avoid, of course! After many months of whacking your head on your desk and staring at a blank screen. Haha.

At this point, I would say if you go more than a month without writing and without inspiration, take a break and then come back with fresh eyes. Don't be afraid to just not write for that time either.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 08:52:43 PM ---I'll summon Tracy again to explain Watt Pad if that's more active, because I stumbled around without an account and did not get it at all. It's organized really bizarrely (or at least is on my cell phone when I have no idea how to navigate it).

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I find WattPad to be weirdly organized too.  I have an account there and have browsed a bit, but have yet to actually read or post anything.  But maybe I should because Tracy did say she gets more feedback there than on AO3.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 08:52:43 PM ---That's apparently your version of the "come up with the weirdest story you can!

Do you need a bachelor's degree to go to med school? Nick has his GED yeah? Med school might be a long process for him if he has to get a bachelor's degree first. However, people doing things like that is not uncommon, so more power to this fictional Nick! I believe in him!

And then it turns out to be a suspense novel in Brian's coma dream!

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You do need a bachelor's, and Nick would need to get his GED first.  He said on "I Heart Nick Carter" that he came close, but never actually graduated high school or got his GED and that he wanted to go back and get it (but I don't think that has ever happened LOL).  Then he would have to get his bachelor's degree and THEN go to med school.  I thought this through enough to realize it would take him like ten years to be far enough into this process to actually get to the point of seeing patients in a teaching hospital, which would be the fun part.  So no, it's totally not realistic.  But it could definitely work as a coma dream!

Here is a great answer to our "Why do we torture Nick so much?" question:,3335.msg117614.html#msg117614

"It could also be that he would give the best, most dramatic reaction in any situation just from what we've seen of him. The rest of them are more rational. Example:

*A hole opens up in the sky, the pending apocalypse is here*

Howie and Kevin: Oh, we read about this in The Globe and Mail. Good thing we combined our forces and built a bunker. Everyone into the bunker!
AJ: *Lights a cigarette* Well, this blows.
Brian: *Clutches his bible*
Nick: ARE YOU KIDDING ME??! How can this be happening?! I've got two girls waiting in my bed and after that I'm moving into my twentieth house on the beach. Everything is terrible. I should have patched things up with my family. No, I shouldn't have, they're terrible. I'm in such crisis! Brian's praying - I bet he won't save my soul. We used to be best friends AND NOW WE'RE NOT.
Howie and Kevin: *Drag Nick to the bunk while he clutches his beautiful blonde head, crying the whole way*"


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 09:13:38 PM ---I find WattPad to be weirdly organized too.  I have an account there and have browsed a bit, but have yet to actually read or post anything.  But maybe I should because Tracy did say she gets more feedback there than on AO3.
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That's why I looked into it, but yeah, I'm totally lost. Tracy, please make a step by step tutorial for me! I wanna be where the people are! *sings* I'm the Disney Princess of fanfic land and this is my "I want" song, basically.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 09:13:38 PM ---You do need a bachelor's, and Nick would need to get his GED first.  He said on "I Heart Nick Carter" that he came close, but never actually graduated high school or got his GED and that he wanted to go back and get it (but I don't think that has ever happened LOL).  Then he would have to get his bachelor's degree and THEN go to med school.  I thought this through enough to realize it would take him like ten years to be far enough into this process to actually get to the point of seeing patients in a teaching hospital, which would be the fun part.  So no, it's totally not realistic.  But it could definitely work as a coma dream!

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I didn't think he ever graduated, but I wasn't sure if he'd gotten his GED by this point. I guess he's never needed it. I laughed so hard when he said "Now I can add 'seduced Robin Thicke' to my resume" because my first thought was "In what world does Nick Carter the Grammy nominated Backstreet Boy need a resume?" Can't he just have his people call whoever and say "Nick Carter the Grammy nominated Backstreet Boys would like to do xyz"?

Also, you don't need to physically go through all of that, you just need the studying montage from the beginning of Legally Blonde! I wonder what Nick would get a bachelor's degree in? I feel like something like OChem would turn him off. And Anatomy and Physiology at my school was notoriously difficult as well. And those are the courses that come to mind when friends were planning on pursuing Med School.


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