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The Writing Thread

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This derailed from writing a little. I feel like Mare will pop in some time in the next week and tell us that this has nothing to do with writing.

Back on writing, I just left myself a comment where I highlighted an edit and wrote "Castles are distracting, come back to this after you've researched/loved/enjoyed castles on your own time!" I've done nothing productive over the past couple days because of this.

What are everyone else's rabbit holes? Either in general or a particularly memorable one from the past?

I just popped in to say, even though I don’t have much of anything to contribute to these conversations, I have enjoyed reading them lol Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I always appreciate you adding your two cents, Mare.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 31, 2020, 12:23:24 AM ---What are everyone else's rabbit holes? Either in general or a particularly memorable one from the past?

--- End quote ---

I definitely go down the rabbit hole of YouTube a lot.  I discovered some cool YouTube channels with ambiance music that I like to write to, but a lot of the time, I'll pull up YouTube to play one of those videos and promptly get distracted by one of the recommended videos on the main page, which then sucks me right down a rabbit hole.  I was looking up a lot of morbid stuff for a story I wrote last year and discovered a channel called "Ask a Mortician," which is oddly funny and fascinating. 

Ask a Mortifican:

Ambient Worlds:

Epic Worlds:


--- Quote from: mare on December 31, 2020, 11:06:19 AM ---I just popped in to say, even though I don’t have much of anything to contribute to these conversations, I have enjoyed reading them lol Happy New Year!
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 31, 2020, 12:46:48 PM ---I was looking up a lot of morbid stuff for a story I wrote last year and discovered a channel called "Ask a Mortician," which is oddly funny and fascinating.
--- End quote ---

I stumbled on that a few years ago after I saw her TED Talk "The Corpses that Changed My Life," which I thought, I should watch this because what a weird thing to call a TED talk. And you're right, oddly funny and fascinating is exactly how I would describe it.

Overly Sarcastic Productions is always really distracting for me. They retell history, classics, and do trope talks. It's all good and funny. I think my favorite was the retell of Paradise Lost, I've laughed every time I've watched it.


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