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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 30, 2020, 09:29:13 PM ---There's a question for everyone this week: What's most motivating for you? How do you keep the motivation going? What do you do when the motivation wanes (any particular rituals)? What does your inspiration station look like? (e.g., desk, location in your home, not your home at all, etcetera)

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Chatting here again has been pretty motivating, but I also haven't written a new chapter this month so we'll see how that goes. I'm trying to monster edit these last few days of winter break since the beginning of the new semester is always a little stressful and it's taken four days on average to edit PBox, then let it sit, then do a "quick" (still takes about half an hour per chapter) re-edit before posting. On keeping the motivation going, I honestly don't know. Right now it all seems exciting and great, but I also know that I've started so many things over the years (BSB fanfics or original fiction) that have sat unfinished, so I don't know if it's a lack of motivation or just being spent or what. The decade of nothing aside, of course... I think one day during NaNo, I hit a wall and decided to edit something instead and then figured out what to do next a couple hours later. I guess these days, I've been doodling if I'm not writing, so if you follow my update thread and like my doodles, have I got a million tiny Nick doodles for you all.

Click here for my "Inspiration Station"! Bless this mess (be grateful I didn't do a larger pan shot because it is... not pretty, as mentioned). I had to rearrange a couple things because there's a photo of my first class and some telling things that are first name/last name up there normally. I also figured our best man and possibly my husband did not want to be displayed on the interwebs, so I covered them with a magnet. I also purchased those BSB funko pops and haven't figured out where to put them yet...

--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 31, 2020, 12:23:24 AM ---What are everyone else's rabbit holes? Either in general or a particularly memorable one from the past?

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As I mentioned, right now it's castles, but in general I'm a sucker for interesting academia. I'll be researching on the internet and they'll list book sources or academic articles and I will read online if I can or get them from the library. And then it will be days later and I'll be knee deep in looking at something about... I don't know... deforestation and I'll stop and be like, "Wait, wasn't I researching furniture?" A book I've borrowed from the library, read and reread many times is called "The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt." I finally broke down a few years ago and just bought it. I've often joked that I decided to teach because Egyptology is not very profitable, if that's any indication of how much I love ancient Egypt.

I think the binges I've gone on so far in my little editing and writing adventure have been: castles, furniture in the Muromachi period/Ming dynasty/etcetera, clothing (mostly outerwear) of the Muromachi period/Ming dynasty/etcetera, caves, Eastern wedding traditions, and a couple others that I don't think I can mention because they'd be pretty big spoilers, but one of them took days from my life in October. All good and worth it, but days... And then I re-rabbit holed when I was actually writing the chapter in question.

TV Tropes is also a time suck for me, especially if I stumble on one that has an "Analysis" page.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 31, 2020, 02:40:05 PM ---I stumbled on that a few years ago after I saw her TED Talk "The Corpses that Changed My Life," which I thought, I should watch this because what a weird thing to call a TED talk. And you're right, oddly funny and fascinating is exactly how I would describe it.

Overly Sarcastic Productions is always really distracting for me. They retell history, classics, and do trope talks. It's all good and funny. I think my favorite was the retell of Paradise Lost, I've laughed every time I've watched it.

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Yeah, she is hilarious!  I share her morbid sense of humor and respect what she does for a living.  I could not handle the smells LOL.

I will have to check that channel out!  Sounds like something I would like.

Love your inspiration station and the cute doodles!

Ancient Egypt is definitely one of the coolest eras of history.  I love that stuff too.

And TV Tropes!  Yes!  I've been sucked down the rabbit hole of that site too.  Wikipedia is also notorious for wasting tons of my time (but is it really a waste when I learn so much from it? LOL).


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 31, 2020, 03:58:12 PM ---I could not handle the smells LOL.
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YES! Anything with other people's bodies, really. I would be the worst doctor. But then I sit over here writing "Blood! Blood! Blood! Let's talk about how it smells!" I think I compared Nick to steak once and couldn't think of anything better to say, so I left it, haha.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 31, 2020, 04:02:09 PM ---Love your inspiration station and the cute doodles!

Ancient Egypt is definitely one of the coolest eras of history.  I love that stuff too.

And TV Tropes!  Yes!  I've been sucked down the rabbit hole of that site too.  Wikipedia is also notorious for wasting tons of my time (but is it really a waste when I learn so much from it? LOL).

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Thanks! We're PBoxin' right now, but there's a whole stack of them under the magnet.

I've been working on an original fiction forever, almost 20 years now, that's heavily based in Egyptian mythology, but then Rick Riordian moved on from Greek Mythology and I've been wrestling with diversity in it for a while now... So that's where it's at...

Is learning ever a waste of time? Inconvenient perhaps, but all knowledge is good knowledge! I just really like tropes in general, so I'll reread the same pages over and over again. It's so silly.

Well, I got distracted by reading old posts on this forum! I'm sitting on the couch now trying to write to the ambient sounds of college basketball... Since inspiration station was super unproductive.. .


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