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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 11:21:20 PM ---Oh no, I forgot how much I head hopped in this chapter... I probably still head hop between Minako and Nick between scenes and haven't even noticed, don't I? Darn me for considering them co-protagonists in this one... Oof, this one will be fun to edit and put back into more Brian's POV like the other demon-focused chapters are... This is one I got told was confusing and that would probably solve the problem.

Apparently this is a question thread and also a "Dee complains about things to anyone who might listen" thread...

I think that was one of the questions? 1st or 3rd POV?

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POV can get so complicated when you have multiple main characters.  Even J.K. Rowling is guilty of head-hopping.  It happens.

So what is everyone's preferred point of view these days?  And if you write in different POVs depending on the story, how do you decide which to do?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 11, 2021, 04:45:51 PM ---Yep!  I posted 16 this past weekend, and I'm working on 20, which should be the second to last chapter.  So I'm good through at least the 30th and hoping to be done by then.

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You've got this! *holds up a reasonably sized banner that says "Go Julie!"*


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 11, 2021, 04:53:35 PM ---So what is everyone's preferred point of view these days?  And if you write in different POVs depending on the story, how do you decide which to do?

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I think I used to write exclusively in a 3rd omniscient POV, but then dabbled in some 1st person POV and enjoyed the inner monologue enough that I tend to go for a 3rd limited these days. But I really try my best to stick to one character for a chapter. Although Nick has a tendency to black out in the middle of chapters, so... That's probably where I get in trouble head hopping.

I did my holiday story in Nick's POV exclusively though because he was alone for a good chunk of it and I didn't feel like omnisciently following him around.

It's definitely easier to do limited with only one character.

I used to write almost exclusively in third person.  Then I went through a first person phase, and now I'm back to writing mostly third person.  I think I said this before, but first person helped me move past my purple prose phase.  You can't do purple prose in first person, or it sounds like Twilight LOL.  First person is fun and works well for stories where I only want to show one character's perspective (though I have written first person stories that switched between two narrators), but when I want to show the perspectives of more than one or two people, I stick with third person.  I usually write in third person limited, although which character's perspective it's limited to may switch from scene to scene or chapter to chapter.

Here's a fun question for today. I came across this thread "Fanfic Cliches" where we all discussed how guilty we were of cliches.

What decisions have you made to actively subvert a fanfic cliche?

I talked about it more in the post quoted below, but I decided to introduce Howie second in PBox because I actively wanted to avoid him having an unimportant role in the story where he just slept or something.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 16, 2020, 10:58:47 PM ---In the early days of my career as a fanfic writer, I leaned hard into that old cliche that "Howie appears in chapter seven or something, finally, and then doesn't appear until the end again" because as a young writer, I didn't know what to do with him. Also, Nick existed.

So, when I started writing PBox, I had a few shaky details on the aspects of the Boys I wanted to draw their archetypes/roles/powers from (I'm a hardcore plantser, more on those two things once AJ has been introduced in the edits), but I also wanted to make a conscious effort to give Howie something important to do. I thought, well he's Sweet D. always taking care of people, so "The Good King" seemed like the perfect role for him. He gets introduced as a "voice in a carriage," but I always felt like he was out and about that day checking on his citizens and their day-to-day goings on. At least until Nick and Minako crashed into the capital screaming, "We're here to interrupt you with the plot, Howie!!!"
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