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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 03:18:54 PM ---It's okay, once I was done drinking my coffee, I switched it back to blonde AJ and Dolphins doorag Nick, haha. That's perfect for you! I got my bff one with a stethoscope on it that says "I limit myself to one cup of coffee a day," but it's one of those novelty gigantic mugs. I enjoy when I get to drink coffee out of an actual mug, because you get to smell it more. However, I think I prefer my to-go mugs because they don't have handles, so handedness and picture isn't an issue. My favorites are my crocodile mug (more recently since I used it every Wednesday this fall) and one I have that says "Cold Hands Warm Heart."

I always used writing as an escape/processing tool as well, so I'm hoping I'm just overthinking it while I mire around in Renee & NSYNC land. I got half a page of edits done so far today, so I'd say it's going pretty well (with a few "forum refresh" breaks when I stare at a portion too long). Although I woke up kind of late, so I'm more behind than I'd like to be.

I think the 2000s were just a rollercoaster for Nick too. I kind of wished I had someone to talk with during those times that understood my side of it and didn't just jump to "Nick's a terrible person."

I'm just hoping I don't let actual Brian affect PBox Brian in a terrible way. I'd feel so bad. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I guess I'm just more worried about how the other Boys are feeling today, but that's a conversation for the "Everything Backstreet Boys" thread and not this one necessarily.

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I wish you'd come back sooner. There were many talks here. Honestly I'm surer now than I was in 2017 about what I think happened.

As for Brian, I basically am taking a step back from him at the moment. Because I didn't jump to "terrible person", but I did jump to..."terrible decisions" and "terrible beliefs". So where does that leave me? No idea. I'm really bothered by it. So taking a break from him to sort out my head with him seemed best. I'm not judging how anyone decides to cope with it.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 05:54:57 AM ---The most ridiculous? Maybe the one where Julie and I were going to have the Boys happen upon a baby being dropped off at their house and it ends up being possessed with a demon LMAO.

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Haha, I forgot about this idea!  It was gonna be a twist on the old "Here's your love child you didn't know you had" cliche.

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 06:04:37 AM ---Oh Nick still argues with me. It's why my story "Miles To Go" hit such a block. I had a plan, Nick fought me. I gave up and went with him and here we are. I did write myself out of that corner finally though so that's a plus. It's just slow going.

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I would love to see you update this one again!  I'm glad you at least wrote yourself out of the corner.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 05:45:08 AM ---I am so guilty of song lyrics lmao. Nick's always singing in my stories.

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I am guilty of making him sing made up songs in his head. Anyone else do this or only real songs?

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 05:54:57 AM ---Now I'm curious about the most random thing ever. What font do you guys write in? LOL

What are some of the stories you've written because they were something you would want to read?

Practically every story I've written LOL. Since I write in the less popular genres it's always been more about write what I'd want to see.
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It's like we're twins! I know how much you'd love that.

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 05:54:57 AM ---Share the most ridiculous idea you came up with, but never wrote!
The most ridiculous? Maybe the one where Julie and I were going to have the Boys happen upon a baby being dropped off at their house and it ends up being possessed with a demon LMAO.
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I mean, there's definitely a fair share of guys who might describe an ex as a succubus. Someone's bound to be right eventually.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 13, 2021, 04:34:03 PM ---Haha, I forgot about this idea!  It was gonna be a twist on the old "Here's your love child you didn't know you had" cliche.
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Called it!  ;D

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 05:54:57 AM ---Give us a random fact about something you've written that we might find surprising.
Umm...Remember Me This Way is the only story where I knew the exact last line of the story before I even wrote it. I wrote it in my original outline.
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How soon in the idea did you come up with it? Was it the first thing or had you been planning it out for a while. I love when last lines are really impactful.

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 05:54:57 AM ---Are there any stories you've written that you don't think you would read if someone else had written them?
OH yeah, Just Another Day I never would've read LOL.

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I feel like I remember you being particularly proud of that one. Have your feelings for it changed over the years or is it "proud in a different way"?

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 06:04:37 AM ---Oh Nick still argues with me. It's why my story "Miles To Go" hit such a block. I had a plan, Nick fought me. I gave up and went with him and here we are. I did write myself out of that corner finally though so that's a plus. It's just slow going.

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Why is he so picky? At this point, I figure if he has something to say to just trust him. He's usually got the right idea. Glad you were able to write yourself out! You've got this!

This was basically my "respond to everything Rose has said" post.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 06:23:19 AM ---I wish you'd come back sooner. There were many talks here. Honestly I'm surer now than I was in 2017 about what I think happened.

As for Brian, I basically am taking a step back from him at the moment. Because I didn't jump to "terrible person", but I did jump to..."terrible decisions" and "terrible beliefs". So where does that leave me? No idea. I'm really bothered by it. So taking a break from him to sort out my head with him seemed best. I'm not judging how anyone decides to cope with it.

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Alas, I will hop in my time machine next time. I'm here now, slowly wasting time again.  ;D I'm still not entirely decided on it (and we don't need to get into it now), but I decided long ago that if Nick said he's on the right side of that line, I would choose to trust him. Definitely got labeled as a "won't hold their favorites accountable" by a friend, but I've accepted that.

I wish I could have, but as I said, I had a Brian PBox chapter to edit. However, it's gone mostly well, just took several days and basically got a whole chapter rewrite (mostly to fix some confusing bits), unlike the other Boys. So, lucky for you Brian? Now I just have to punch the last page of edits out and then let it sit while I edit everything else for updating day.

I figured if I checked here first, it would be less distracting later, haha. If you see me posting or lurking on who's online and I haven't updated my updates thread, call me out.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 13, 2021, 05:15:55 PM ---I figured if I checked here first, it would be less distracting later, haha. If you see me posting or lurking on who's online and I haven't updated my updates thread, call me out.

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Get back to work, Dee.


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