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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 14, 2021, 07:57:40 PM ---3000 new/changed words?!  Wow, that would be like every word in an average chapter of mine LOL.

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You know, it felt like it. That's about my average too 3000-4000. I think it ended up being on the high end of 4000, maybe crept into 5000. I think I'll need to pare something down...


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 14, 2021, 08:00:13 PM ---I thought I did, must have gotten lost in the shuffle... Found it.

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Oops, so it was your post that got lost in the shuffle, not mine.  Sorry I missed it!

It is fun reading and writing old-school, late '90s/early '00s era fics.  I think it's easier to keep it group-centered in those, compared to now.  Now it takes more effort to get rid of their families.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 14, 2021, 08:00:13 PM ---I think you're in my head, because I was doodling your word chickens during lunch today and was thinking that with all the Brian drama, these three jokes all sound like the're actually the same story:

I already doodled Nick as the childlike empress, so it did already start popping around my brain. Maybe it's fate?

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LOL Can't wait to see the word chickens!  Yes, maybe you are destined to write a story with Nick as Brian's guardian angel, after you finish your PBox/PNecklace series.  But don't take too long - Brian seriously needs an angel to set him straight right now LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 14, 2021, 08:00:13 PM ---A Brian idea would be wild right now, how would all the current business affect your idea? (No major spoilers, obviously.)

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Oddly enough, I think it actually strengthens my idea.  Like maybe it was fate that I sat on that idea so long; maybe I was meant to write it this year.  I won't know until I actually try to write something, which won't happen until Bethlehem is officially done, but it kinda seems like perfect timing.  Now, will anyone actually want to read a Brian story right now?  That is another question LOL.

Inspired by the nostalgia thread...  Would you ever name a child after a character from one of your stories?  What about a character from someone else's story?  (This could also include published fiction.)  Would you name a kid after one of the Boys?

So you can also answer for pets if you want!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 14, 2021, 08:19:04 PM ---Inspired by the nostalgia thread...  Would you ever name a child after a character from one of your stories?  What about a character from someone else's story?  (This could also include published fiction.)  Would you name a kid after one of the Boys?

So you can also answer for pets if you want!

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I think it depends on what the character does in the story? I like the name Renee, but I'd know she was a jerk in the story. It's kind of like kids in class having names you like. I'd been pondering "Carter" since I met my husband/decided I'd marry him if he asked/wasn't sure how long it would take to convince him to go for a "junior"... and then I had a Karter in my class and he was a sweet hellion. But I was like, well that was a Karter and not a Carter, so it might be okay. And then when one of my sister-in-laws and I were discussing baby names, she brought up Carter (again, don't know if she wanted C or K), and I was like, ugh, that would be weird... Two Carters in the same family. Plus I didn't want to fight with her over ownership of the name, because she would fight passive aggressively and dirty, haha. But after my BSB 2020, I just don't think I could get the husband on board. Maybe if I hadn't devolved into my teeny ways on Wednesdays?

So I guess we're back to "Junior"?

I pondered the other Boys for a hot minute, but I don't think I could convince him to go for Howie or AJ for similar reasons, we know too many Kevins personally, and I can't in good conscience claim that "Don't be a dick like everyone knows your namesake is" wouldn't slip out of my mouth once. And I would laugh, but the kid would not.

Going for a "Junior" situation or Carter would be the best bet. My dream of owning a yellow dog named "Beau" was shattered for similar reasons to the "Kevin" for a kid's name.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 14, 2021, 08:12:59 PM ---Oops, so it was your post that got lost in the shuffle, not mine.  Sorry I missed it!

It is fun reading and writing old-school, late '90s/early '00s era fics.  I think it's easier to keep it group-centered in those, compared to now.  Now it takes more effort to get rid of their families.
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When we're speed replying/commenting like in the days of old, it's easy to miss a post. I'm glad you brought the question back up. Other people might have missed it, but I have eagle eyes to respond to all questions, haha.

That's most of it. I'm lazy and don't like writing about their families. Also, I've become more like Mare in my old age. If I'm reading a BSB fanfic, I'd rather not read about their actual families. I'd honestly be fine with female OC love interests, but I feel like there aren't as many of those anymore.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 14, 2021, 08:12:59 PM ---LOL Can't wait to see the word chickens!  Yes, maybe you are destined to write a story with Nick as Brian's guardian angel, after you finish your PBox/PNecklace series.  But don't take too long - Brian seriously needs an angel to set him straight right now LOL.

Oddly enough, I think it actually strengthens my idea.  Like maybe it was fate that I sat on that idea so long; maybe I was meant to write it this year.  I won't know until I actually try to write something, which won't happen until Bethlehem is officially done, but it kinda seems like perfect timing.  Now, will anyone actually want to read a Brian story right now?  That is another question LOL.

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I think you'll get a kick out of them. They just have to be just right and they're not quite there yet. That might have to be a two projects at once thing if that was the case, because PBox/PNecklace/etcetera will likely take a while. However, it's something new I'm intrigued by, so it's a possibility. I'm mostly in the "mulling it over" stage at the moment.

I love that. Sometimes things are just serendipitous! I'm excited for you, but yes, finish Bethlehem first. I think you're well known and enjoyed enough that people who read your stuff would read it as well as people who would read Brian centered fanfics anyway. There's also that sheer curiosity aspect: Brian was always Julie's favorite, how's she angling this?


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