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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 15, 2021, 09:42:29 PM ---I don't think I have watched any of her other videos.  I'm not sure how I found the original one, but it apparently stuck with me.  I will have to venture down that rabbit hole someday soon.

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It was interesting, though the other ones are a bit longer than the one you linked. I watched "Going from fanfic to pro" talking about strengths and weakness fanfic writers have on a whole and then I watched the one about filing serial numbers off fanfic. And at the end she was talking about that Harry Styles one and said something like, "If you're already writing RPF AU, then you should probably just be writing your own novel." And I was like, maybe? The evidence seems compelling enough, but also... fandom.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 15, 2021, 09:50:07 PM ---She was trashy though, with her smoking and shoplifting LOL.  Plus, there's never been total agreement on whether it's Julie or Jodie.  Most of the lyrics sites say Jodie.  This is something I would love for the Boys to clarify for us someday because it's hard to tell.  Poster Girl is my least favorite song on Never Gone, but I liked it a little better when I thought it had my pen name in it.

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I know, which is why I didn't mention it originally. Can't name a kid after a named woman who commits petty theft. Madeleine's just off dreaming, having some hard times, and being supported.

I have never heard Jodie, but that doesn't mean my ears aren't deceiving me. However, I would be willing to wager that it is Juli-a. It's probably my least favorite song too. This is what needs to be asked instead of "boxers of briefs" or whatever other inane questions have been answered a million times.

They should have just printed the lyrics in their liner notes!  Why'd they stop doing that for all their songs?  It was so helpful.

I have no idea! I loved it. No questions or deep googling. One thing the internet brought the downfall of, now we have to rely on what people think they hear.

Anyone besides Julie and I have a long weekend that they're hoping to use for writing?

Here's another one, describe what you've got going on writing-wise in five words or less, but cryptically. Like I couldn't say "I'm editing PBox" and Julie can't say "Bethlehem."

Here's a writing quote for the weekend:

"Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader." -- Joseph Joubert

Also, Nick insisted that this should be the quote that you read, so... here's another one?:

"First, find out what your hero wants, then just follow him!" -- Ray Bradbury


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