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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 19, 2021, 06:54:08 PM ---But now we're at 41 pages... Can't just leave a thread on 41 pages.

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Let's start a new one at 50.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 19, 2021, 06:55:02 PM ---Let's start a new one at 50.

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A nice, round even number. Perfect!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 19, 2021, 06:53:24 PM ---Well, I think when I finished PBox the first time, it was definitely "I never want to look at another fantasy again." Definitely stretched myself too thin back then.

What story felt most satisfying to finish and why?

Any story I finished? haha! It did feel pretty nice to finish the ~150,000 word juggernaut that was PBox. In this edit, it's definitely creeping closer to 200,000, so here we are.

Which of your unfinished projects (if you have more than one) would you most like to finish?

Other than current projects? Probably Gobosei, especially with our recent Backstreet Project chatter.

Anything else I started writing is definitely lost to the past. But Gobosei was always one I wanted to finish that unfortunately got pushed to the side for PBox.

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I definitely know that feeling!  And I agree, finishing anything feels satisfying!  Do you think you'll go back to Gobosei when you're all done with PNecklace, or would you rather start something new?

What story felt most satisfying to finish and why?

Finishing By My Side was really satisfying because it was so long.  I was and still am proud of that!

Finishing Sick as My Secrets was satisfying because I took a long break in the middle of that one while I was getting my master's, so it felt good to come back to it and complete it.

Finishing A Heart That Isn't Mine was satisfying in the same way it feels to get off a rollercoaster that was fun to ride, but also made you nauseous... so part of you is like, "Thank god this is over," and another part is like, "Let's go again!"

But maybe the most satisfying one to finish was Song for the Undead, if only because it felt so good to see a collaboration (that started as a joke) through to the end.  Most of my collaborations fizzle out and never get finished, so to stick with one for seven years and give it a definite ending was an awesome accomplishment .

Which of your unfinished projects (if you have more than one) would you most like to finish?

I have to go with Guilty Roads because it has the most potential and the most readers wanting to see it finished.  Maybe someday.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 19, 2021, 07:00:09 PM ---I definitely know that feeling!  And I agree, finishing anything feels satisfying!  Do you think you'll go back to Gobosei when you're all done with PNecklace, or would you rather start something new?

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I mean, there is that "Nick is Brian's guardian angel" story that might be calling me, haha.

I actually have the next two and a half chapters of Gobosei written from way back when, but never posted. Plus some random ramblings from different points in the story. I peeked over it a moment ago since I remembered that I'd written at least something that I never posted and found this gem of a joke:

Nick put both hands on the floor excitedly.  “She said she wanted to be a pop star, we could make her our opening act!”

Brian mimicked dialing a phone, “Hey, EYC, listen, you guys have been great so far, but we’ve decided to replace you with someone without a record label or any songs or references.  We hope you understand.”  Brian stared right at Nick and pretended to hang up the fake phone.

Nick rolled his eyes, “Okay…  Well if she can sing, she can probably dance.  We can make her one of our background dancers!”

Brian cleared his throat.  “Hey Backstreet dancers, we’ve called this meeting to let you know that you’re disappointing us.  We can’t say who in particular really, you just are.  So we’re replacing one of you with this girl halfway through the tour!  Of course she doesn’t have to audition.  Dance off!!”

Nick rolled his eyes again, “Brian, Brian, Brian, I get it…  The joke is old.  Stop…”

Howie blinked, “Nick’s annoyed at Brian’s jokes?  We really have seen everything tonight.”


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