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The Writing Thread

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How many words can you write in a minute?
71 wpm, but with only 90% accuracy! Basically, my brain works faster than my fingers, haha. I will get on testing how many words I type in a minute when writing later.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever researched?
The weirdest... Probably when I was trying to poison Nick in PBox! I googled what happens when you drink poison, hated it, then ended up going for something more like what happens if you swallowed venom from animals instead.

If you could ask one of the Boys one question to help with your writing, who would you ask and what would that question be?

I don't have an answer for this one yet either. Maybe getting to ask for an honest and detailed answer about how they feel about how their relationships with each of the others have changed over the years, good or bad. I lean toward Nick or Kevin, but I think hearing it from any of them would be really interesting.

Would you rather only write self-insert fanfics or have to write about only one of the Boys and his wife for every story? Why?

Self-insert because I hate writing about the wives!

If you spent an hour "writing" how much of it would be dedicated solely to putting words on the page?

Uhhh.... I'll answer this when I get back to writing and not editing because it is much easier to distract me from editing.

What's your go-to writing snack?

Popcorn! I put it in a bowl and chomp away. If I get unfocused, I try to toss it in the air and catch it with my mouth. I am not great at that...

Imagine a world where pet peeves are no longer allowed: Which fanfic pet peeve would be the hardest for you to give up?

It's been so long, I can't remember any of mine! And I'm probably guilty of any one else's except for lose/loose. As a dedicated fan, I've got that one on lock down.

Of all the old fanfic cliches, which one is your guilty pleasure?

I already admitted it was Kevin carrying Nick up the stairs! I put something similar into PNecklace for a reason and that was my own personal enjoyment! For a bigger plot point, anything that started with a bus crash, especially once they all stopped sharing a bus.

Share with us the last word you wrote down. If it's not a spoiler, tell us the last sentence.

He caught her, then pulled her up before holding her left shoulder and pressing his palm against her right shoulder, forcing her to turn and face him.

(Clearly I've been really unproductive since begging for my husband's help!)


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---Ooh, these are fun!

How many words can you write in a minute?

According to the typing test I just took, I can type 110 words per minute at 100% accuracy.
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You're a wizard!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---What's the weirdest thing you've ever researched?

Oh jeez.  I don't even know.  I took a look through my story research bookmarks because I have them all saved dating back to BMS, and here are a few of the weirder or more random ones:

- Can platypuses kill people?
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I love how random these are and that you've saved all of them!  But also, can platypuses kill people?!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---If you could ask one of the Boys one question to help with your writing, who would you ask and what would that question be?

That is a good one and a tough one.  I am not sure right now, but I can tell you my answer from five years ago.  I would ask Nick, "What the hell are you singing before 'dreams' in 'Cherry Pie'?"  "___ dreams... ice cream skin..."  Then, finally, the album came out, and I got my answer:  virgin.  It's "virgin dreams."  Which I can hear now, but I never would have guessed it then LOL.
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He's the king of words that often sound like they have extra letters, for sure.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---Would you rather only write self-insert fanfics or have to write about only one of the Boys and his wife for every story? Why?

I'd rather write only self-insert fanfics as long as they could include all the Backstreet Boys.  I will just make myself a doctor or nurse, since most of my stories feature those characters anyway LOL.

If you spent an hour "writing" how much of it would be dedicated solely to putting words on the page?

LOL I should try to track this sometime, but my estimate would be 15 minutes refreshing Twitter and this forum, 25 minutes "researching" (a.k.a. looking up something legitimate and then going down a rabbit hole), 15 minutes staring at the page thinking about what words to put on it, and 5 minutes actually typing words on the page.
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That Florence Nightingale effect is dreamy, no? But thank goodness we don't live in this would you rather situation.

I asked because I was thinking about it. I don't think it's fair for editing because it's way easier to distract me. But I was like, man, I should put the stopwatch up and do a lap every time I get unfocused.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---What's your go-to writing snack?

Don't laugh, but... Oreo-Os.  A.k.a. Oreos for breakfast LMAO.  It's my all-time favorite cereal, and I eat it without milk or a spoon at any time of day.  Just bought a new box this afternoon, so maybe I actually will write something this weekend LOL.
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I did laugh really hard. If all it takes to inspire you is a box of oreo-os, I will send you pallets of them.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---Imagine a world where pet peeves are no longer allowed: Which fanfic pet peeve would be the hardest for you to give up?

The grammatical errors... especially "loose" for "lose," as in "Don't Wanna 'Loose' You Now."  Ahh!!!

Of all the old fanfic cliches, which one is your guilty pleasure?

Probably my original favorite:  the Brian heart problem stories.  I read so many of those back in the day, and I've written a few of them too.  Even the first fanfic I read in its entirety on AO3 (just last year) was a Brian heart problem story.  I didn't even know people still wrote that storyline these days, but apparently I'm still a sucker for it.  Sorry, Brian.
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Is a world without pet peeves a post apocalyptic world for you? I knew you would say the grammar.

I think there's still something "special" about writing a medical drama that is based in reality rather than the Nick wheel of torture. Especially if they're something you loved in nostalgic times!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:14:08 PM ---Share with us the last word you wrote down. If it's not a spoiler, tell us the last sentence.

Last new word: Year (the last word of The Road to Bethlehem)
Last word I edited: Howie's

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I have a guess to the last sentence, but you clearly didn't include it for a reason, so I won't say! And yay for Howie getting an edit. I've been editing him a lot lately because he's the most prone to the word salad moments.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 11:20:27 PM ---I will not feel any guilt if I don't write anything this weekend.  I have an easier time keeping it going when I'm in the middle of a project, but it's different when I'm starting something new.  Part of me wants to start writing the Brian idea I have.  Another part is thinking about trying to write a short story I came up with for the DNA challenge here two years ago and never wrote.  And another part is like, "F that, I'm gonna binge watch TV all weekend and not even open Google Docs!"  But we'll see how I feel once I'm well-rested LOL.

He sounds like a great guy!  I always wondered how married women managed to keep writing fanfic.  You are lucky he's supportive without being too nosy.

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Starting is always the hardest part for sure. What would you binge watch? Something new or an old favorite?

He is! I think it's easier if you're writing a story and not trying to live out some self-insert fantasy through fanfic. If it's a story, it's just a story about characters who happen to be BSB, you know? Like I said, I think he's mostly just happy that I'm doing something instead of wrapping myself in our burrito blanket and staring at my phone as I binge watch tv. Though I do need to be better about not getting so sucked in while writing and go watch Trevor Noah with him or something without a computer attached. He's braver than I am about leaving the house, so it's just me here on the weekends usually.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 11:47:58 PM ---I love how random these are and that you've saved all of them!  But also, can platypuses kill people?!

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Male platypuses have venomous spurs on their hind legs that can paralyze smaller animals.  It's not strong enough to kill a human directly, but it does cause excruciating pain that can last for months.  Just another reason platypuses are awesome!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 11:47:58 PM ---I did laugh really hard. If all it takes to inspire you is a box of oreo-os, I will send you pallets of them.

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True story:  They stopped making Oreo O's everywhere except South Korea in 2007, and I was so devastated, I signed petitions and joined a Facebook group dedicated to bringing them back.  Nothing came of that, so I eventually moved on with my life.  Then, a decade later, I was walking down the cereal aisle at Walmart, and lo and behold, a gleaming blue box of Oreo O's caught my eye.  They were back!  I had no idea!  I was so excited, I literally let out a little squee and fought the urge to jump up and down in the middle of the aisle.  I've tried to keep at least a box or two on hand at all times since then, just in case they disappear again. LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 11:47:58 PM ---I think there's still something "special" about writing a medical drama that is based in reality rather than the Nick wheel of torture. Especially if they're something you loved in nostalgic times!

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OMG, I totally forgot to look for the Nick wheel of torture at school this week!  Sad panda.  I didn't find it in my garage, so I'm almost positive it's in the storage closet at school.  Must remember to do some digging next week.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 11:47:58 PM ---I have a guess to the last sentence, but you clearly didn't include it for a reason, so I won't say! And yay for Howie getting an edit. I've been editing him a lot lately because he's the most prone to the word salad moments.

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I just didn't wanna give away my whole last line, but you can share your guess!  And yeah, that was me changing a mention of Kevin's phone to Howie's phone, since Kevin's phone broke earlier in the story.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 11:55:13 PM ---Starting is always the hardest part for sure. What would you binge watch? Something new or an old favorite?

He is! I think it's easier if you're writing a story and not trying to live out some self-insert fantasy through fanfic. If it's a story, it's just a story about characters who happen to be BSB, you know? Like I said, I think he's mostly just happy that I'm doing something instead of wrapping myself in our burrito blanket and staring at my phone as I binge watch tv. Though I do need to be better about not getting so sucked in while writing and go watch Trevor Noah with him or something without a computer attached. He's braver than I am about leaving the house, so it's just me here on the weekends usually.

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I have four more episodes of Snowpiercer to watch so I'm ready for Season 2 to start on Monday, so definitely that.  I also want to watch Bridgerton.

I wondered more about you spending hours and hours working on fanfic instead of hanging out with him or being a productive adult, more than the romantic fantasy aspect of it.  If he has his own hobbies and/or likes to go out and do his own thing, that helps.  I'm just basing this on my own experience of living with no one but a couple of cats.  I love the freedom of being able to literally write all day if I want to without having to answer to anyone, but I always think, "I don't know how I could ever live with another human being again" LOL.  I would need someone with his own nerdy hobbies who didn't ask too many questions about mine.  Your Nick sounds perfect in that respect!


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