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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:14:09 PM ---I wouldn't be able to ration it for too long because I definitely can't eat stale Oreo O's.  I would just be really sad if they went away again.  I didn't see any last time I looked for them at Walmart, which made me worried, but I got some at Kroger yesterday.  Yay!

LOL Poor Nick.  Sounds about right!  I remembered I actually have given him flesh-eating bacteria before, in the AC fairy tale challenge we did a while back.  Someone randomly left a comment on it on my site, so I was rereading it and came across that.  No herpes, though... yet.

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I feel like every week, something different is out at the usual grocery store, but is perfectly fine at a different grocery store. I'm sure they're just restocking. :)

Haha! I picked it because I thought it was too random. Rule 34/BSB fanfic Rule #1, I guess. I wonder if anyone's actually given him herpes because of the mundane and commonality of it... Also the spreadability. .. You can't catch a terminal illness. Although, now I'm wondering, could you catch flesh-eating bacteria from someone else? I guess I'm not really sure how you would get it other than being in contaminated water or something.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:16:46 PM ---Sounds like you both have a great balance!  And yeah, my cats totally judge me.  One of them is rubbing her head on me right now as she watches me type this, like "Mama, pay attention to me!"

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We do! Also, pay attention to the cat already if it's judging you and asking for attention!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 02:18:11 PM ---LOL Oh Brian.  We always knew he was conservative, but until this past administration, I didn't think of "conservative" as necessarily being a bad thing.

I will have to try the stopwatch trick next time I'm actually writing.  I doubt I'm going to do any of that this weekend.  I'm going to update my site and try to finish reading Bethlehem and editing the last few chapters, but I don't think I'll try to start anything new.  (Of course, as I'm typing this, the song "Fallen Angel" pops up on my BSB playlist.  That's also the working title of the Brian idea that might be my next project.  Is that the universe telling me to write? LOL) 

Good luck being productive!

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That must be the universe trying to tell you to write. Up to you whether you heed or ignore the sign!

It was motivating, but I don't know if it was motivating in the right way? It kept me off here, but I was bummed every time I paused it because I needed to think for a minute or get a snack or something. All said though, out of the three hours I committed to, I actively wrote for two of them, plus fifteen minutes because I was half a page out from finishing a chapter. If I can do that three more times this weekend, I'll be golden!

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 23, 2021, 02:58:54 PM ---I am trying to be productive on Chapter 41. I'm a little stuck at the moment but I am not sure why, I guess I need to go read about where Brian talked about his recovery again because that's what's tripping me up a little bit.

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I hate that "I am stuck" feeling when you can't put your finger on why. I think going to the source for inspiration is a good plan.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 15, 2021, 10:25:17 PM ---Describe what you've got going on writing-wise in five words or less, but cryptically.
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So, editing this past chapter wasn't nearly as bad as writing it the first time (it did not take six months for instance, probably three hours tops if you count the first couple pages where I wasn't focusing at all). I teared up a little while editing the end, so I think my suspicions on why it took so long the first time were correct: I just really didn't want to kill off Brian, but ignored that feeling. Can you imagine if I had ignored Nick's wishes and stuck to my original plan to kill them all? I probably would have never finished PBox! Thank goodness he was really annoying thirty chapters prior, it saved us both a lot of heartache.


This chapter's cryptic quip is: "Hashtag Team Howie Forever! Sniff!"

Edited to add: Oh hey, I hit 10,000 posts today. Supreme time waster indeed!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 03:45:41 PM ---I wonder if this is why we were all faster when we were younger. The internet was slower, so it took a lot longer to use it as a distraction.

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I definitely think that's why.  When I first started writing fanfic, I didn't even have internet in my bedroom (at my parents' house).  I had an old computer I could play games and do homework on, but it wasn't connected to the internet.  The only computer with internet (dial-up) was my mom's computer in the den, where I guess she thought she could better monitor our use of it. Ha!  So I had to do any research I needed ahead of time on her computer, save everything I needed to a floppy disk, delete my history, take it back to my own computer and write offline, then save my updates to the floppy and get back on her computer to post them.  It took a lot of dedication and a bit of stealth, but it definitely made me more productive with the writing part because there weren't any distractions.  Social media is somehow even more distracting than IM was back in the day, and faster internet definitely makes it easier to fall down a rabbit hole.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 03:45:41 PM ---I think you and a bunch of other people really enjoy Nick torture. Although, is there a lot Nick torture around these days? Have people started being nicer to him? Are we the only sadists left?

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That's a good question.  My inclination is to say of course there's still a lot of Nick torture around, but I really haven't read much outside of the AC regulars' stuff in years, so I actually have no idea.  It seems like angst is popular on AO3 (usually slashy angst), but that may be more emotional than physical torture.  I hope we're not the only sadists left.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 03:53:21 PM ---I feel like every week, something different is out at the usual grocery store, but is perfectly fine at a different grocery store. I'm sure they're just restocking. :)

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Yeah, it has been weird since the great toilet paper shortage of 2020.  At least I've been able to find TP and soap.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 03:53:21 PM ---Haha! I picked it because I thought it was too random. Rule 34/BSB fanfic Rule #1, I guess. I wonder if anyone's actually given him herpes because of the mundane and commonality of it... Also the spreadability. .. You can't catch a terminal illness. Although, now I'm wondering, could you catch flesh-eating bacteria from someone else? I guess I'm not really sure how you would get it other than being in contaminated water or something.

We do! Also, pay attention to the cat already if it's judging you and asking for attention!

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LOL The relatively obscure but terrifying ones are my favorite!  I've given him Ebola and bubonic plague in 1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter, but of course the goal there is to be as ridiculous as possible.  I don't think I've ever read a "Nick has herpes" story, nor am I sure I would want to LOL.  Technically I have given him an STD, but it wasn't that one.

I looked up your question about flesh-eating bacteria being contagious because I wasn't completely sure either.  Apparently it could be passed from person to person through close contact, like someone with an open wound touching someone else's infected wound.  Ew...

Don't worry, kitty got plenty of pets.  :cheshire:


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