LOL How quickly we forget.
Time gets muddled together.
I'm not opposed to killing off the Boys, but I understand why some authors are, for the same reason some people consider writing fanfic about real people in the first place crossing a line. What if you put something like that out in the universe, and then it actually happened in real life? That would be horrible. I am not superstitious enough to believe anything we write could somehow curse the Boys in real life - at the end of the day, even if we are writing about real people, it's still fiction. But then why would it bother me to kill off their real kids in a fictional story? Maybe I am a little bit superstitious, or maybe it's just because they're innocent children and that seems worse than killing adult characters.
What if Nick dated a decent lady instead of Paris Hilton? Glad we as a fandom didn't superstitiousl
y summon that into the universe. Phew!

In all seriousness, I get it. You want to make sure you don't put bad juju on anyone, especially people you like/love/etcetera, but I like to save my superstitions for my football teams and not my writing. A story is just a story, unless you physically go out there and try to get real life to reenact said story. That's the line for me.
It's the innocent children thing for sure. That and they didn't decide to have a Backstreet Boy for a parent, it just happened. At least the wives chose to have a Backstreet Boy for a husband, though I don't like writing about them either.
On a side note, I would be stoked as hell if the Boys turned out to be demons with magic powers. Stoked. As. Hell.
Have you guys ever crossed a clear line that you used to have?
Probably? I'm sure when I was younger, I thought many times that whatever was too sad and decided not to write it. Then as I got older, I decided sad was more interesting. I can't think of anything specific though! I'd say I shy away from mental health things more than physical things. I'm thinking of that "BSB is all in Nick's head in a psychiatric ward" idea, but then PBox Nick is basically an amnesiac with PTSD, so...

Just gotta think long and hard about whatever it is first. Team Story!
Are they spoilers for PNecklace or a future story?
Julie, was this your offer to contribute to my list as long as it wasn't something you were interested in reading down the line, btw?