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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: mare on March 16, 2021, 08:50:03 PM ---Only the assemblies I did not have to attend lol which was most of them.

Favorite a John Grisham novels are Callico Joe and The Guardians. I just finished Slaughterhouse Five so I’ll be starting The Partner tomorrow.

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I feel better that you were only reading if you didn't have to go to the assemblies, not during the assemblies.

You're reading so quickly!

Have you ever been dissatisfied and unsure about a chapter and either posted it anyway or not posted it, and why? What made your decision for you.

That was me today. I was very hesitant to post the update for history today because I've been feeling less than confident in many things, writing being one of them. Also it was a silly chapter so I wasn't sure if it would fit in. I just had doubts. I ended up posting it and a couple of my readers on wattpad liked it so I'm happy I changed my mind about rewriting the whole thing.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 16, 2021, 08:19:04 PM ---Wahoo! Everyone who's interested in joining me for a little craziness, go to and click "sign up" if you don't already have an account. Then everyone tell me your usernames and I will invite you to "The Absolutely Chaotic Backstreet Project" writing group. :)

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Done!  I'm RokofAges75.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 16, 2021, 08:34:59 PM ---I ended up shredding zero papers today, lol. Next time. But I did get a lot of writing done! I successfully spliced the two chapters and still ended up writing 1,700 new words for the chapter, including two times where I actually laughed out loud while writing, which I didn't know this was a chapter for jokes, but apparently it was.

And we can all play another addition of "Which Backstreet Boy is being discussed?" Hooray!:

“Clueless, unpredictable, and impulsive! At least something always gets done!”

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I'm glad you got a lot of writing done!  That is more satisfying than shredding papers.

I guess Nick!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 16, 2021, 08:34:59 PM ---I have so many versions of all of these at this point that it is what it is, haha. I try to limit the walls of green text to one chapter at a time, then track the new words, then accept the changes so it's not always walls and walls of green text. I think it's fun to have a "complete old version" copy, then you can see how much has changed. :) It's why I still have my circa 2008 version of PBox even though I updated it on the site.

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That is smart to go one chapter at a time.  I don't like having multiple versions of a story and typically delete the old ones after I don't need them anymore, but that is for works in progress.  I do think if I ever went back and rewrote a finished story that was already posted, I would save the original version.  Although I didn't do that for Code Blue, so maybe not.  (But Code Blue also wasn't finished.)

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 16, 2021, 08:34:59 PM ---April is so soon! I'm excited for you; you're getting a lot done! Are you changing over to two chapters for Nick and two chapters for Kevin or just this time because of the length?

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No, I'm still switching back and forth between their POVs every chapter, but I ended up splitting the two scenes I had written for Chapter 7 into two separate chapters, which would make the other one Chapter 9, since they're both from Kevin's POV.  That means I have to go back and write Chapter 8, which will come between them and be from Nick's POV.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 16, 2021, 11:35:50 PM ---Have you ever been dissatisfied and unsure about a chapter and either posted it anyway or not posted it, and why? What made your decision for you.

That was me today. I was very hesitant to post the update for history today because I've been feeling less than confident in many things, writing being one of them. Also it was a silly chapter so I wasn't sure if it would fit in. I just had doubts. I ended up posting it and a couple of my readers on wattpad liked it so I'm happy I changed my mind about rewriting the whole thing.

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I loved your chapter!  It was really cute.  I didn't think it was too silly; it fit with the theme of the story, and I liked how it told the story behind that picture of the four of them in the bed.

I think there's a difference between being dissatisfied and being unsure.  I have definitely felt both.  If I'm dissatisfied with the chapter and feel I can do better, I will revise it before posting.  If I'm unsure, I think about my reasons for writing whatever I was unsure about it and whether it warrants changing or not.  If I'm really unsure, I'll ask someone else for an opinion before posting it for everyone to read.  If I think it needs changing, I'll go back and revise, but as long as I can justify my decisions within the chapter, I'll go ahead and post it.  The chapters I tend to be most unsure about are the ones that make me uncomfortable.  I'll wonder, "Is this too much?  Too intense/inappropriate/gross/weird?"  I usually end up going for it and not regretting it.  At the end of the day, we have to write what we want to write and not worry about what other people think, although I know that's easier said than done.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 16, 2021, 11:35:50 PM ---Have you ever been dissatisfied and unsure about a chapter and either posted it anyway or not posted it, and why? What made your decision for you.

That was me today. I was very hesitant to post the update for history today because I've been feeling less than confident in many things, writing being one of them. Also it was a silly chapter so I wasn't sure if it would fit in. I just had doubts. I ended up posting it and a couple of my readers on wattpad liked it so I'm happy I changed my mind about rewriting the whole thing.

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I really need to catch up! Sorry I'm running behind! I think silly chapters absolutely have value, even in serious stories, and I'm happy to hear that some of your readers on Wattpad enjoyed it. :) It's always a good feeling when you hear otherwise about your worries.

I think dissatisfied or unsure are smaller things for me that I try to address before posting. Nervous, though, definitely!

Like Julie said, If I'm feeling dissatisfied, I keep tweaking it until I feel like it's good enough for me, then I'll post it. No matter how long that takes, whether it's a week or six months, lol. Especially now, haha. My process is usually write, quick edit a couple of days after finishing, let it sit, edit again. I don't really have beta readers anymore since I've been gone so long, but in the past I did bounce parts off people if I was unsure about what I wrote. Now, letting it sit usually helps me work through it myself.

There's a lot of things I've been nervous to post! I think we've talked about it before, usually ones that felt too dark (character deaths and whatnot) or like Beta Sigma Beta where I knew it would be part AU/part "canon." I was worried to post my big reveals ch.10/ch.11 in PNecklace and people still read those two, so I figure all was good. But then no one's read the last two chapters I posted, so maybe everyone did hate it, lmao. It is what it is and I'm happy with the direction of the story, so that's really what matters. And think positively! You obviously felt like including it had merit when you started writing it. :) I always take that as a good sign when I feel like writing something to begin with, and you should too. :)

Julie's absolutely right with this:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 17, 2021, 04:52:22 PM ---At the end of the day, we have to write what we want to write and not worry about what other people think, although I know that's easier said than done.

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