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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 03:12:39 PM ---Oh no!  Sorry to hear you're having a hard time so far.  Do you think the pressure of having a goal and a time limit is getting to you, or were you just due to hit a road block?  It happens to all of us.  I'm glad you were inspired to work on something.  I think it still counts, since it's all in the same universe.  Sending good vibes your way; hope you can keep making progress on one project or the other!
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I'm just happy to be writing at all, so I'm not super worried yet. If I go the entire month without writing PNecklace anything, then I will worry. I was probably just due for a roadblock. I also had a small "if I could go back and change x in the beginning" moment, so I'm trying to get away from wanting to do major editing while posting (especially when x thing in the beginning is semi-helpful to the story as is, but becomes redundant with some additions to the OF version, which is where the want to change it probably came from, I think). It probably doesn't help that I'm also thinking "Yeah, that series discussion, I think that this is the weak one right now... still got some awesome stuff, but could use some love..." while I'm writing, ha. I think it will all be fine. I just need to get out of my head and back into the characters' heads. Thanks for the good vibes!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 03:12:39 PM ---So far so good!  I've written every day of April, and my streak is up to 22 consecutive days.  I didn't update my word count the first day and now wish I had when I saw there was a badge I could have earned for doing so.  Rookie mistake!
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Woo! 22-day streak! That's awesome! You can go back and add it after the fact and it will count it in your streak! Go to and it should pop up with MBK as your current project. Then in the "Progress Updates" box, you can click the "+Add New Update" link and at the bottom where the date is, just change it to the first by either manually writing "01" where "03" is or by clicking the little calendar icon and selecting the first. You deserve those words you wrote on April 1st to count toward your goal and give you a two-day streak badge!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 03:12:39 PM ---Three people acknowledged my April Fool's joke, which is better than some years, so I guess it was a success.  That is partly why I went ahead and posted MBK this week, since my new Brian story was obviously not real.

Yes, I hope more people come on here and share!

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What was this fake Brian story about? Self-insert romance and a bus crash? lol


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 03:43:33 PM ---The car went uphill?!!! I hate everything about that, lol. I bet they didn't help you the second time because they saw the baby powder and knew you weren't actually in trouble. That's like a definite "meant to be here, meant to test this" sign.

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Yep!  We had that thought, too, that if there were ghosts, they saw the baby powder and decided not to cooperate the second time.  Who knows.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 03:43:33 PM ---Have we talked about sleep paralysis here yet? Because that's the only thing that's ever happened to me that felt paranormal and I thought maybe I saw something, but could have just been spooky shadows while unable to move. It only happened once, but it was horrifying.

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That does sound terrifying!  I'm glad it only happened to you once.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 03:43:33 PM ---I'm sure that I could mention anything vaguely Coloradoan and it would remind you of South Park, lol. The waterpark episode, for instance, is based on our waterpark, but I'm betting they were not on board with them saying the water was 99% pee anyway. But the shot with the little "street sign" for the rides is all accurate.

lol! I did not see Manbearpig, but maybe that's the monster that pulls people into the pit, lol. I wonder if they have one of those that's already being run... There's not that I can find, which is surprising to me, but I found this little article that would be a start:

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That's awesome!  I love that list.  Adding Fairplay to my personal list of places to go.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 03:58:47 PM ---I'm just happy to be writing at all, so I'm not super worried yet. If I go the entire month without writing PNecklace anything, then I will worry. I was probably just due for a roadblock. I also had a small "if I could go back and change x in the beginning" moment, so I'm trying to get away from wanting to do major editing while posting (especially when x thing in the beginning is semi-helpful to the story as is, but becomes redundant with some additions to the OF version, which is where the want to change it probably came from, I think). It probably doesn't help that I'm also thinking "Yeah, that series discussion, I think that this is the weak one right now... still got some awesome stuff, but could use some love..." while I'm writing, ha. I think it will all be fine. I just need to get out of my head and back into the characters' heads. Thanks for the good vibes!

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I hate when that happens.  I get stuck in my own head sometimes too, obsessing over small details.  "Is this right?  Should I go back and change this?"  I was doing it yesterday and spent way too long researching, trying to find an answer to what seemed like a simple question.  But I never could find a clear answer... I assume because every case is different.  I finally decided if I am actively searching and can't find an answer, no one is going to be able to fact-check me anyway, so I might as well just stick with my thought and not worry about whether it's right or not.  As long as it sounds realistic, no one's going to question it.

That is one challenge of writing a series - always comparing the later stories to the earlier ones and trying to live up to the original.  It's hard to compare a work in progress to one that is already complete though.  PNecklace probably only seems like the weak one because it's not done.  By the time you finish it, I'm sure you'll be happy with the final product.  I have faith in you!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 03:58:47 PM ---Woo! 22-day streak! That's awesome! You can go back and add it after the fact and it will count it in your streak! Go to and it should pop up with MBK as your current project. Then in the "Progress Updates" box, you can click the "+Add New Update" link and at the bottom where the date is, just change it to the first by either manually writing "01" where "03" is or by clicking the little calendar icon and selecting the first. You deserve those words you wrote on April 1st to count toward your goal and give you a two-day streak badge!

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Thanks for the tip!  I went back and added Thursday's writing too and got my badge.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 03:58:47 PM ---What was this fake Brian story about? Self-insert romance and a bus crash? lol

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 07:38:50 PM ---Yep!  We had that thought, too, that if there were ghosts, they saw the baby powder and decided not to cooperate the second time.  Who knows.

That does sound terrifying!  I'm glad it only happened to you once.
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Next time do it when it's snowing. Could be "in trouble," could catch hand prints in the snow, win-win.

I don't know if you've ever googled it in your adventures, but it is crazy what is likely going on in your brain and then the weird stories people have.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 07:38:50 PM ---That's awesome!  I love that list.  Adding Fairplay to my personal list of places to go.
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It's a cute little town. :)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 07:38:50 PM ---I hate when that happens.  I get stuck in my own head sometimes too, obsessing over small details.  "Is this right?  Should I go back and change this?"  I was doing it yesterday and spent way too long researching, trying to find an answer to what seemed like a simple question.  But I never could find a clear answer... I assume because every case is different.  I finally decided if I am actively searching and can't find an answer, no one is going to be able to fact-check me anyway, so I might as well just stick with my thought and not worry about whether it's right or not.  As long as it sounds realistic, no one's going to question it.

That is one challenge of writing a series - always comparing the later stories to the earlier ones and trying to live up to the original.  It's hard to compare a work in progress to one that is already complete though.  PNecklace probably only seems like the weak one because it's not done.  By the time you finish it, I'm sure you'll be happy with the final product.  I have faith in you!
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It's always the small details that get me too! Whether that's a research thing or getting stuck on one word and none of the options sounding right. That sounds frustrating that it seemed like a thing that would be easy to fact-check and then wasn't. I say if you did your due diligence, then you're all good.

I guess that's true. And I also wanted to edit early PBox while I was writing it too, lol. I think this is just a place I hit once I get a third of the way through. It doesn't help that my brain is like "We're stuck. Let's go back and do this instead!" So once again, I've worked for about two hours, edited about 700 words, and researched materials for paving streets, the history of columns in architecture, and when carriages were invented/where they were widely used, but nothing for PNecklace. I'm hoping something will come to me tonight as I lay awake that is as persistent as the stuff I wrote yesterday. I've also spent some time making my first verb, but I don't think any of the conlang sites can do what I want... So, I've been messing around with that and just putting in a placeholder for now as I familiarize myself with verb conjugation in Greek, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 07:38:50 PM ---Thanks for the tip!  I went back and added Thursday's writing too and got my badge.
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Yay! Keep that writing streak up!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 07:38:50 PM ---

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LMFAO! The sound effects! The video effects! I'm dying! It reminded me of that episode of South Park where it reveals Gerald is the internet troll, lol. Was that your real voice? Because I think that's brave.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 09:03:43 PM ---Next time do it when it's snowing. Could be "in trouble," could catch hand prints in the snow, win-win.

I don't know if you've ever googled it in your adventures, but it is crazy what is likely going on in your brain and then the weird stories people have.

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Good idea!

I have looked up a little bit on sleep paralysis because it's something I may include in my Brian horror story if I ever get around to writing more of it.  It is interesting!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 09:03:43 PM ---It's always the small details that get me too! Whether that's a research thing or getting stuck on one word and none of the options sounding right. That sounds frustrating that it seemed like a thing that would be easy to fact-check and then wasn't. I say if you did your due diligence, then you're all good.

I guess that's true. And I also wanted to edit early PBox while I was writing it too, lol. I think this is just a place I hit once I get a third of the way through. It doesn't help that my brain is like "We're stuck. Let's go back and do this instead!" So once again, I've worked for about two hours, edited about 700 words, and researched materials for paving streets, the history of columns in architecture, and when carriages were invented/where they were widely used, but nothing for PNecklace. I'm hoping something will come to me tonight as I lay awake that is as persistent as the stuff I wrote yesterday. I've also spent some time making my first verb, but I don't think any of the conlang sites can do what I want... So, I've been messing around with that and just putting in a placeholder for now as I familiarize myself with verb conjugation in Greek, lol.

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Wow!  At least you've gotten a ton of research done.  As you've told me many times, that still counts!  Research can be a way to get re-inspired too.  I hope it helps!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 09:03:43 PM ---LMFAO! The sound effects! The video effects! I'm dying! It reminded me of that episode of South Park where it reveals Gerald is the internet troll, lol. Was that your real voice? Because I think that's brave.

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Thanks!  I had fun making that LOL.  I love that it reminded you of South Park - high praise!  And yes, that is my real voice, although I lowered the pitch a little because I always think my voice sounds too high-pitched in recordings.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 11:08:53 PM ---I have looked up a little bit on sleep paralysis because it's something I may include in my Brian horror story if I ever get around to writing more of it.  It is interesting!
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It definitely belongs in a horror story, haha. I look forward to this actual Brian horror story and not internet troll Brian horror story, lol!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 11:08:53 PM ---Wow!  At least you've gotten a ton of research done.  As you've told me many times, that still counts!  Research can be a way to get re-inspired too.  I hope it helps!
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It was mostly mundane things I didn't look up before and an attempt to smooth out the blatant fantasy Asia aspects by mixing them up with some fun fantasy Mediterranean stuff. I actually did end up writing about 300 words of two little scenes from PNecklace, so maybe it will happen!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 11:08:53 PM ---Thanks!  I had fun making that LOL.  I love that it reminded you of South Park - high praise!  And yes, that is my real voice, although I lowered the pitch a little because I always think my voice sounds too high-pitched in recordings.

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I can tell! It's too funny not to enjoy while making it. I'm surprised you didn't just laugh hysterically take after take. Ugh, my voice is also too high-pitched, but we've talked about this. I don't think I would ever make anyone listen to it that didn't need to, lol.


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