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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:51:05 PM ---Just our Boys True Companioning in any setting/plot. I'm not super picky. Preferences for none of their actual wives or children being involved; fictional wives and children are fine.

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I'm all for more True Companioning and less kinky slash!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 07:43:16 PM ---If you could "order up" the ideal fanfic to read, what would yours include?

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Mine would include:
- all five guys but Brian or Nick as the main character
- bromance
- hurt/comfort angst
- some sort of illness, injury, or life-threatening situation


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:10:36 PM ---How does it feel to get to the point of not worrying? I bet it's a relief knowing that you'll keep going even if you get stuck a little.

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It is a relief!  Especially after getting stuck and staying like that for three years LOL.  I may get stuck again, but I feel like I'm committed enough to the story at this point that I'll be able to push through it sooner the next time it happens.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:10:36 PM ---It felt good to write something down on the big mystery even if it's still a long way off, since, like you said, eventually everything will connect. You know, I don't mind it. I thought it would bother me, but it gets the exciting things out. :) Then there's more space for the things I get stuck on to grow in the "garden."

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I feel like it would bother me too, but maybe I'll have to try it sometime and find out for myself.  I would be most worried about maintaining continuity, trying to keep track of what has already happened and what hasn't happened yet, and that sort of thing.  Does that get complicated for you?

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:10:36 PM ---lol! Yes! Oh the Conversation Mix...

I wonder how Howie feels about suggesting his ideal lady cooks all his meals and he just eats them.

Meanwhile, Nick's probably like "Yup, kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her. Good job 17-year-old me." I did feel glad for him that in that "I hate watching myself" youtube thing that they did not play the "resign" interview. I'm sure he would have hated that, but for nothing that was related to the sound of his voice.

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It always makes me laugh when it pops up on my BSB playlist.  Sometimes I skip it, and other times I listen to it and crack myself up saying all the lines along with them.  I'm sure I took it way too literally as a young teenybopper, but Howie was my least favorite for a while because of his stupid part in that song LOL.  Howie!  Your wife is not just there to cook you food!  Make your own damn breakfast!

Brian and AJ came off looking the best, although it's interesting that Brian talked about being attracted to a smart girl who had a good head on her shoulders and liked to go to school (teenybopper me was like, "That's me!"), yet he married an uneducated bimbo with big boobs.  Nick was right for calling him out in the song LOL.

I bet Nick and Kevin both cringe at the sound of their voice in that one - Nick because he sounds so young and Kevin because he's doing that cheesy Boys II Men-style sexy deep voice.  "Yes, baby... no diggity."  LMFAO!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:24:56 PM ---Exactly.  It's easier to read stories where you already love the characters than try something totally new and different.
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I assume that this is what people who write book series are counting on. Though I feel like there's less serial type ones going on now than there used to be? Like how did Ann M. Martin come up with so many plots involving the same 10 girls?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:24:56 PM ---I am terrible about that with TV shows.  I was told to watch Queen's Gambit on Netflix.  I watched the first episode a few weeks ago.  It was good, but long, so I didn't feel like watching the second one immediately after.  Then I started rewatching Friday Night Lights from the beginning and am now on the second season, but still haven't watched the second episode of Queen's Gambit.  But damn, I almost forgot just how good FNL was, especially that first season.
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I keep meaning to watch FNL. That exact situation you describe is me, just replace Queen's Gambit with The Crown, and FNL with the Big Bang Theory. I finally caved and started watching HBO Max. Friends is next.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:24:56 PM ---Face balls sounds exactly like a funny Mare description LOL.
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If we keep writing her name, she'll eventually see it and comment a week from now, lol. We need to know!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:24:56 PM ---Yeah.  I know squicky stuff has always existed in our fandom to some extent, but AO3 seems to have brought it into the mainstream.  I noticed a new story on there yesterday that was written in Chinese, which I thought was cool.  It was clearly tagged "Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot," but just for kicks, I clicked on it and let Chrome translate it so I could see what it looked like in English.  From what I understood in my skimming, the Boys (or at least Brian and Kevin) were bunnies?  Literally rabbits, with long ears and puffball tails.  And, as you might imagine, they were doing what rabbits are stereotypicall y known for doing.  That was something I'd never seen in our fandom LOL.
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I saw that one today when I just kind of checked to see what else was going on/if tons of people were still posting on Wednesdays. I did not go to the lengths that you did to figure out what it was about because I saw "cousin incest" and noped on out of there.

lol, rabbits! Happy Easter, here's a BSB pwp bunny fanfic. I don't think I can judge too much, since I'm probably at the top of the list of "writes stories where the Boys have odd body parts."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:24:56 PM ---It doesn't seem like our fandom uses as many of those terms as other fandoms do.  Obviously we've adopted some, like "slash" and "visuals/vizzies," but most of the other ones I know, I've picked up from pages about fanfic in general, not specifically BSB fic.  Since I don't read or write in any other fandoms, there are a lot I don't know.  But it's always nice to learn some new terminology.
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I wonder if it's just a compound of it being RPF and an older fandom. Like "slash" and "visuals/vizzies" I would consider older terms. I feel like now fandoms just portmanteau names for couples and then you just know it's slash or not based on that? And then I think PWP is the new version of "visuals." "Salt" wasn't a thing I saw until the last year or so when I'm looking up something and fandom-related things appear. Curiosity always got the better of me and I like fanart more than fanfic for other things. The Boys are my only fanfic love.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:24:56 PM ---Yes, you're probably right about Nick, since we weren't really bashing him, just making his life different.

LOL Oh jeez... Brian probably does need a nickname to reflect this era.  I bet Mare will come up with something better than me.  Blatantly Conservative Brian and Trump Troll Brian both have a nice ring, though I would rather not have to type Trump's name when discussing this 10+ years in the future.  Damn it Brian.

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We got through Hot Mess Nick, we'll get through Blatantly Conservative Brian together too (I also prefer not typing Trump a billion times). We could always just call him BAnon, lol. We loved Nick and we'll love Brian too. Unless anyone plans on bashing him, I guess.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:35:21 PM ---I'm all for more True Companioning and less kinky slash!
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Just to round it out a little. If people want to write slash, people want to read it. But I also like writing True Companions, so there must be people who want to read that too.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:35:21 PM ---Mine would include:
- all five guys but Brian or Nick as the main character
- bromance
- hurt/comfort angst
- some sort of illness, injury, or life-threatening situation

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I probably lean Nick as main character too, now that you mention it.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:53:32 PM ---I assume that this is what people who write book series are counting on. Though I feel like there's less serial type ones going on now than there used to be? Like how did Ann M. Martin come up with so many plots involving the same 10 girls?

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They were ghostwritten after the first 36 books - that's how.  But still, 36 books is a lot!  It seems like the big series are more prevalent in books written for elementary readers, probably because of the point you made - the authors know kids who read and like one book in a series will keep coming back for more because of that familiarity, and they capitalize on that.

Series don't seem as prevalent for adult fiction.  Most of the ones I've read as an adult were actually YA fiction, like Twilight and The Hunger Games.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:53:32 PM ---I keep meaning to watch FNL. That exact situation you describe is me, just replace Queen's Gambit with The Crown, and FNL with the Big Bang Theory. I finally caved and started watching HBO Max. Friends is next.

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FNL is so good!!  I grew up in a small town that was obsessed with high school football, so I could relate to so much of it.  But also, the cast is excellent, and ​it has one of the best pilot episodes I've ever seen.  If you make it to the end of the first episode, you'll be hooked.

I'm the same way with The Crown.  I started watching that over a year ago, and I'm only on episode 9 of the first season LOL.  It's well done, but it's not a binge-worthy show for me.  I have to be in the right mood for it, which apparently doesn't happen very often.  Meanwhile, I caught up on all 9 seasons of The Office in a matter of months when it was on Netflix.  I'm not a big sitcom person, but it's much easier to binge-watch 22-minute episodes of a comedy than 60-minute episodes of a period drama.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:53:32 PM ---lol, rabbits! Happy Easter, here's a BSB pwp bunny fanfic. I don't think I can judge too much, since I'm probably at the top of the list of "writes stories where the Boys have odd body parts."

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LOL Yep!  I can't judge too much either because I've written my own weird/squicky stuff.  To each their own.  It just made me laugh.  Gold star for originality, especially in a PWP!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:53:32 PM ---I wonder if it's just a compound of it being RPF and an older fandom. Like "slash" and "visuals/vizzies" I would consider older terms. I feel like now fandoms just portmanteau names for couples and then you just know it's slash or not based on that? And then I think PWP is the new version of "visuals." "Salt" wasn't a thing I saw until the last year or so when I'm looking up something and fandom-related things appear. Curiosity always got the better of me and I like fanart more than fanfic for other things. The Boys are my only fanfic love.

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Oh absolutely, that makes sense.  And you're right, PWP is the new version of visual.  I guess it's because there just aren't many places to discuss BSB fanfic anymore that we don't adopt or create as many terms.  And since we mainly only write about five "characters," we don't have as many cutesy couple names as other fandoms.  Go figure, the only one I've ever used is "Nowie," and I don't think that's a popular pairing on AO3.

I like learning new terms, though, so keep sharing them as you come across them!  I remember the first time I came across the term "hurt/comfort" years ago - I was like, "OMG... that's exactly what I like to read and write!"  I never knew there was a specific name for that trope.  That was way before TV Tropes existed, or at least before I discovered that site.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 08:53:32 PM ---We got through Hot Mess Nick, we'll get through Blatantly Conservative Brian together too (I also prefer not typing Trump a billion times). We could always just call him BAnon, lol. We loved Nick and we'll love Brian too. Unless anyone plans on bashing him, I guess.

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BAnon LOL.  I like BCB best too.  And yes, this too shall pass.  I hope we can get to a place where being conservative isn't seen as a bad thing.  I still love Brian and will only bash him with love.  All in good fun!


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