Fic Talk > General Discussion

The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I thought of a question/topic to discuss.  I usually listen to podcasts when I fall asleep at night, and most of them have Patreon accounts and are always begging their followers to become patrons and give them money.  A lot of them also have sponsors and ads, which drive me nuts.  I've also noticed certain YouTube channels have Patreons, and of course many of them have ads as well.  It made me wonder if any fanfic writers have created Patreon accounts to get paid for their work.  I Googled and found a Reddit thread on this exact topic.  The short answer is, yes, apparently it has been done, but many people question the legality of making money writing fanfic because of copyright issues.

So I guess my question is, how do you feel about content creators being paid/asking for donations for their work, and does this apply to fanfic as well?  If it became trendy for fanfic writers to have Patreons or something similar, would you do it?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 09:47:24 PM ---LOL Very true.  That might be a bit obvious to the beta readers.
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Especially since they know I like the Boys and are familiar enough with them themselves. So, I've got like four more chapter before I have to figure out what to about Howie because his name doesn't come up until then, thank goodness.

In the meantime, I'm doing my weekly edit and decided to change perspective on a scene and got to add this gem: “It’s Nick and his cute butt! He deserves our appreciation!” Because what better way to distract someone from being emo than talking about their butt, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 09:47:24 PM ---Facebook.  I hate Facebook, but I just can't quit it.  I'm too nosy.  I like knowing what's going on with people without having to actually call or text them LOL.  I like Twitter better, but that's probably because I only use Twitter for fandom stuff.

The cheesecake still looked good to me!  I'd eat it.
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Good luck getting me on Facebook. I know who really loves me if they say "I invited you to this thing on FB, but I know you don't check it and I still want you to come."

I don't like to eat food off the floor, but I love cheesecake, so... I guess, how often do you mop your kitchen, Mare?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 09:47:24 PM ---LMFAO!  I'm sure there is a fetish for having BBQ sauce rubbed all over you... which could lead to cannibalism.  And now I'm thinking about cannibalism slash.  Maybe that should be my April Fool's story next year.
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Mmm, finger lickin' good. lmao. I'll see myself out. Please do it. Is Sweet Bone more or less popular than Browie? (I keep mistyping it as Brownie, by the way, can we just call it that, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 09:47:24 PM ---You have to pay for it??  Oh man, that sucks.  Especially if it's not even giving you good words.  I bet you had a headache!
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To save it, get thousands of words, a translator function, and be able to edit or create multiple languages. It was only $25 forever, so it honestly wasn't too bad. And I finally got the words I was actually wanting to create (which weren't even that complicated... "to open" seems like a standard thing you'd need in a language), plus mucked around with making up some words. It made up "diamond" but not "sapphire" and I was like... okie dokie... where could you possibly get etymology for sapphire... I settled on "ocean-diamond" because I hated the way "blue-diamond" and "blue-jewel" sounded. Like I said... a headache...

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 09:47:24 PM ---That's what we've been doing - drinking on someone's driveway or patio in the afternoon.  So yes, I can still sleep in and spend the morning writing in bed before I have to burst the bubble and leave my house.  Not a bad routine, but then I come home sleepy and sunburned and don't feel like doing anything.  I have still been writing every day, just not as much as I would like to be writing.  I hope to be more productive the last four days of break!

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See, that's why I always offered up my house over the summer. I could make the time later and when it was time to leave, I just went inside, lol. I also feel lazy when I get sunburned, so I understand. I believe in your productivity in writing and day drinking!  ;D


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:10:16 PM ---In the meantime, I'm doing my weekly edit and decided to change perspective on a scene and got to add this gem: “It’s Nick and his cute butt! He deserves our appreciation!” Because what better way to distract someone from being emo than talking about their butt, lol.

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Nick does have a cute butt!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:10:16 PM ---Good luck getting me on Facebook. I know who really loves me if they say "I invited you to this thing on FB, but I know you don't check it and I still want you to come."

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Very true!  Meanwhile, I just unfollow people I don't care to keep in touch with and pretend I don't get on Facebook because I rarely post anything.  But I lurk there every day.  I'm that person LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:10:16 PM ---Mmm, finger lickin' good. lmao. I'll see myself out. Please do it. Is Sweet Bone more or less popular than Browie? (I keep mistyping it as Brownie, by the way, can we just call it that, lol.

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I almost typed Brownie too.  We can definitely call it Brownie.  Brian has an N in it, so it still works.  There are 62 works tagged with Howie/AJ, so Sweet Bone is slightly more popular than Brownie.  BSB fans must prefer BBQ sauce to chocolate.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:10:16 PM ---To save it, get thousands of words, a translator function, and be able to edit or create multiple languages. It was only $25 forever, so it honestly wasn't too bad. And I finally got the words I was actually wanting to create (which weren't even that complicated... "to open" seems like a standard thing you'd need in a language), plus mucked around with making up some words. It made up "diamond" but not "sapphire" and I was like... okie dokie... where could you possibly get etymology for sapphire... I settled on "ocean-diamond" because I hated the way "blue-diamond" and "blue-jewel" sounded. Like I said... a headache...

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That's not bad if it's something you'll actually use.  I'm glad you were able to get at least some of what you were looking for.  I hate when you spend money on something that you think will be useful, and then it turns out to be not what you thought it would be.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:10:16 PM ---See, that's why I always offered up my house over the summer. I could make the time later and when it was time to leave, I just went inside, lol. I also feel lazy when I get sunburned, so I understand. I believe in your productivity in writing and day drinking!  ;D

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Good idea!

Tomorrow I am going to visit my grandma (which will not involve day drinking) and then going axe throwing with some friends (which will involve night drinking).  That is my last day of planned social activities, and then I can get my vaccine and retreat back into my cave of solitude for the rest of my break LOL.  The weather has been beautiful here this week, which is not always the case on spring break, so at least I can say I saw the sun and enjoyed some outdoor time.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 09:57:03 PM ---So I guess my question is, how do you feel about content creators being paid/asking for donations for their work, and does this apply to fanfic as well?  If it became trendy for fanfic writers to have Patreons or something similar, would you do it?

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Interesting topic! A lot of fan artists do it, I think more so than fan fiction, but I also question the legality of that. What's that other one? "Buy me a kofi?" I've never actually become a patron for anyone, so I'm only vaguely aware of how it works.

Sponsorship ads also annoy me, but I recognize the draw for it if you're doing something time consuming, but fulfilling and popular, yet still need to pay your bills.

I'm on the fence when it comes to fandom specifically, less so for some YouTube content creators that aren't really fandom based. I'm thinking of the Overly Sarcastic Productions channel that I really enjoy where they do retellings of history and mythology (which I wouldn't call fanfic), but then again, I stumbled on the TV Trope fanfic recommendation page for "Classical Mythology" and someone listed the Percy Jackson series on that page and the Illiad, so... lol.

It's less the legality of it for me and more that part of the joy in being part of a fandom is sharing it together and it's all well and good when it's reviews and certain types of stories or certain well-known authors getting more reviews, but then it just seems like an uneven playing field if people monetize, because can you break through that ceiling without actually monetizing yourself? Is it worth it? Would people only start associating in dollar-related circles? Would it dissuade readers who always got it for free? Who knows! (I've actually thought about this and would honestly lean toward just sending OF PBox to anyone around here who wanted to read it if it ever actually got published... but future pipe dreams). But then there's also the argument that if you can make money (without getting sued) and people want to pay you money to write fanfic, then why shouldn't you?

I don't think it would be worth it for me personally, but I say to each their own.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:24:00 PM ---Nick does have a cute butt!
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Agreed. PBox Nick would be embarrassed to know that it's being appreciated outside of that conversation, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:24:00 PM ---Very true!  Meanwhile, I just unfollow people I don't care to keep in touch with and pretend I don't get on Facebook because I rarely post anything.  But I lurk there every day.  I'm that person LOL.
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That's my husband. He checks it every day, but only posts when he's at a sporting event, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:24:00 PM ---I almost typed Brownie too.  We can definitely call it Brownie.  Brian has an N in it, so it still works.  There are 62 works tagged with Howie/AJ, so Sweet Bone is slightly more popular than Brownie.  BSB fans must prefer BBQ sauce to chocolate.
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That's what I figured, the "n" in Brian made it fine. Savory versus sweet. Just make them a power thruple and BSB fans get it all, lol.

Those "all of them have sex with each other stories" may as well just tag it "Backdoor Boys, alright!" I'm just trying to get all our possible pairing names out of the way to modernize us, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:24:00 PM ---That's not bad if it's something you'll actually use.  I'm glad you were able to get at least some of what you were looking for.  I hate when you spend money on something that you think will be useful, and then it turns out to be not what you thought it would be.
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Like I said before, not sure how much of it I'd end up using... whole sentences seem like a lot. But, here and there it's good to distance itself from the loanword way it is now without just banging my head on my keyboard and hoping it looks okay. At least it uses real phonemes and grammar structure.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:24:00 PM ---Tomorrow I am going to visit my grandma (which will not involve day drinking) and then going axe throwing with some friends (which will involve night drinking).  That is my last day of planned social activities, and then I can get my vaccine and retreat back into my cave of solitude for the rest of my break LOL.  The weather has been beautiful here this week, which is not always the case on spring break, so at least I can say I saw the sun and enjoyed some outdoor time.

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That sounds like a fun day! Sweet grandma time and then badass ax throwing! Ours was really nice last week too, thank goodness. And it was 81* yesterday, then rained all day today. Oh spring. Make sure to at least see the sun during your retreat into your cave of solitude. Vitamin D is good for us all. :)


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