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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:25:32 PM ---Interesting topic! A lot of fan artists do it, I think more so than fan fiction, but I also question the legality of that. What's that other one? "Buy me a kofi?" I've never actually become a patron for anyone, so I'm only vaguely aware of how it works.

Sponsorship ads also annoy me, but I recognize the draw for it if you're doing something time consuming, but fulfilling and popular, yet still need to pay your bills.

I'm on the fence when it comes to fandom specifically, less so for some YouTube content creators that aren't really fandom based. I'm thinking of the Overly Sarcastic Productions channel that I really enjoy where they do retellings of history and mythology (which I wouldn't call fanfic), but then again, I stumbled on the TV Trope fanfic recommendation page for "Classical Mythology" and someone listed the Percy Jackson series on that page and the Illiad, so... lol.

It's less the legality of it for me and more that part of the joy in being part of a fandom is sharing it together and it's all well and good when it's reviews and certain types of stories or certain well-known authors getting more reviews, but then it just seems like an uneven playing field if people monetize, because can you break through that ceiling without actually monetizing yourself? Is it worth it? Would people only start associating in dollar-related circles? Would it dissuade readers who always got it for free? Who knows! (I've actually thought about this and would honestly lean toward just sending OF PBox to anyone around here who wanted to read it if it ever actually got published... but future pipe dreams). But then there's also the argument that if you can make money (without getting sued) and people want to pay you money to write fanfic, then why shouldn't you?

I don't think it would be worth it for me personally, but I say to each their own.

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I agree with everything you said.

In general, I have mixed feelings about monetizing something you're doing for fun - as a hobby, not a career.  On one hand, I get the point that artists should be paid for their work, whether we're talking about music or visual art.  Copyright issues aside, creative writing is also a form of art.  All of it takes considerable time and effort.  And when you start buying special equipment or paying for a domain and web hosting to improve the quality of what you're putting out there, it costs you money too.  I get that, but I have never become a patron for anyone either.  When podcasts become too annoying with all their ads, I start listening to a different podcast.

All that said, it just feels tacky to start asking for money for something that has always been free.  Part of the fun of fanfic (and YouTube and podcasts and whatever) is that it's free entertainment.  There's a give and take relationship there - sure, I post my stories for free, but there are also plenty of other people in my fandom posting stories that I can read for free, so it goes both ways.  Like you said, if some people start monetizing, it leads to an uneven playing field.  But it may actually hurt the writers who ask for money more because why on earth would you pay for something when you can have it for free?  I would just read something else.  Maybe in a more popular fandom, people would pay to read fanfics, but I don't see anyone doing that in our fandom.  I'm just happy if anyone reads my story for free LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:48:44 PM ---In general, I have mixed feelings about monetizing something you're doing for fun - as a hobby, not a career.  On one hand, I get the point that artists should be paid for their work, whether we're talking about music or visual art.  Copyright issues aside, creative writing is also a form of art.  All of it takes considerable time and effort.  And when you start buying special equipment or paying for a domain and web hosting to improve the quality of what you're putting out there, it costs you money too.  I get that, but I have never become a patron for anyone either.  When podcasts become too annoying with all their ads, I start listening to a different podcast.
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I wonder at what point people stop thinking "this is a hobby" and start thinking "this is my career." It feels like a slippery slope with original content of whatever. If enough people like it, then why not see if it can make you money and be fun? Fanfic/fanart/fanwhatever feels less like something you could look at one day and say "yes, this will pay my bills" for the legality, but also like you said, it's been free for so long.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 10:48:44 PM ---All that said, it just feels tacky to start asking for money for something that has always been free.  Part of the fun of fanfic (and YouTube and podcasts and whatever) is that it's free entertainment.  There's a give and take relationship there - sure, I post my stories for free, but there are also plenty of other people in my fandom posting stories that I can read for free, so it goes both ways.  Like you said, if some people start monetizing, it leads to an uneven playing field.  But it may actually hurt the writers who ask for money more because why on earth would you pay for something when you can have it for free?  I would just read something else.  Maybe in a more popular fandom, people would pay to read fanfics, but I don't see anyone doing that in our fandom.  I'm just happy if anyone reads my story for free LOL.

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If you really liked that particular author? If you tried other free stories and wanted to go back to the same author? I don't know. I can't see any BSB fans being like "pay to read my fanfic" either, whether that's because we're out of our heyday, it's been free for so long, or we're just here for the community and camaraderie of it all. ("I published this and it is no longer a fanfic," aside.)

Maybe you can research whether BTS fans or One Direction fans have patreons post getting your vaccine, lol!

There's also the author side of it, what happens if you decide to monetize it and then life happens or you get writers block? Are you then obligated to continue writing when inspiration isn't there simply because people are paying you for it? I would hate that. I guess traditionally published authors might have that problem too... I almost feel like feeling obligated to do it for anyone but me would make me want to do it less. Everybody reading it for free though, appreciate y'all!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 10:43:50 PM ---Like I said before, not sure how much of it I'd end up using... whole sentences seem like a lot. But, here and there it's good to distance itself from the loanword way it is now without just banging my head on my keyboard and hoping it looks okay. At least it uses real phonemes and grammar structure.
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So in the pattern of being utterly useless as I refresh the forum, I was trying to figure out how this conglang would pronounce Nick's name since "ni" doesn't exist in it (all the n sounds at the beginning of words are either "ng" or "ny") and the things around what would be likely pronunciation are cracking me up.

nyi̥khai /ɲi̥χai̯/ n. knight
nyiko /ɲiko/ n. bath
nyiku /ɲikɯ/ adj. rigid, stiff, stubborn, sturdy

I'm dying laughing. He would hate his name sounding like "stubborn" so much, lmfao. But that "knight" is in that list, how fitting, aww.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 11:09:36 PM ---I wonder at what point people stop thinking "this is a hobby" and start thinking "this is my career." It feels like a slippery slope with original content of whatever. If enough people like it, then why not see if it can make you money and be fun? Fanfic/fanart/fanwhatever feels less like something you could look at one day and say "yes, this will pay my bills" for the legality, but also like you said, it's been free for so long.

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I guess the point when you can make enough money to fully fund your lifestyle without working another job is when it becomes your career.  And I know there are plenty of YouTubers who earn a living that way.  Good for them, I guess, but then they have to keep creating content to keep earning money.  At one point does that start to FEEL more like work than fun?

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 11:09:36 PM ---There's also the author side of it, what happens if you decide to monetize it and then life happens or you get writers block? Are you then obligated to continue writing when inspiration isn't there simply because people are paying you for it? I would hate that. I guess traditionally published authors might have that problem too... I almost feel like feeling obligated to do it for anyone but me would make me want to do it less. Everybody reading it for free though, appreciate y'all!

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I would definitely worry about this.  I guess it's not as big of a deal if you're making your money off ads, but if you have paid subscribers to your channel or website or whatever, then there is an obligation to keep providing quality content for them.

There aren't many creators outside of fanfic that I have followed loyally over many years, but one example I can talk about is Jacksfilms on YouTube.  He did the Wimpy Boybands back in the day.  I've been following his channel since the early days of YouTube, and it used to be one of my favorites.  He put out some funny stuff back in the day.  But ever since he moved out to California and turned YouTubing into his career, I feel like the content has actually gotten stupider and less funny.  He's been successful at it, so good for him, but I wonder if the videos would be better if he hadn't sold out.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 11:19:27 PM ---So in the pattern of being utterly useless as I refresh the forum, I was trying to figure out how this conglang would pronounce Nick's name since "ni" doesn't exist in it (all the n sounds at the beginning of words are either "ng" or "ny") and the things around what would be likely pronunciation are cracking me up.

nyi̥khai /ɲi̥χai̯/ n. knight
nyiko /ɲiko/ n. bath
nyiku /ɲikɯ/ adj. rigid, stiff, stubborn, sturdy

I'm dying laughing. He would hate his name sounding like "stubborn" so much, lmfao. But that "knight" is in that list, how fitting, aww.

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LOL.  Now I'm imagining Nick in a bath tub wearing rigid, sturdy, shining armor.


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