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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 11:43:07 PM ---I guess the point when you can make enough money to fully fund your lifestyle without working another job is when it becomes your career.  And I know there are plenty of YouTubers who earn a living that way.  Good for them, I guess, but then they have to keep creating content to keep earning money.  At one point does that start to FEEL more like work than fun?
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Maybe it depends on what your free content was? Like if it was you doing stupid stuff with your friends, maybe it would still be fun? What YouTube has become for monetized content is wild to me.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 11:43:07 PM ---I would definitely worry about this.  I guess it's not as big of a deal if you're making your money off ads, but if you have paid subscribers to your channel or website or whatever, then there is an obligation to keep providing quality content for them.
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Does doing it for free make it feel like less of an obligation? Anyone here ever felt fanfic writing turning into an obligation? I think in my "supreme lack of creative anything" time, it did feel that way a little for me.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 11:43:07 PM ---There aren't many creators outside of fanfic that I have followed loyally over many years, but one example I can talk about is Jacksfilms on YouTube.  He did the Wimpy Boybands back in the day.  I've been following his channel since the early days of YouTube, and it used to be one of my favorites.  He put out some funny stuff back in the day.  But ever since he moved out to California and turned YouTubing into his career, I feel like the content has actually gotten stupider and less funny.  He's been successful at it, so good for him, but I wonder if the videos would be better if he hadn't sold out.

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I also loved Jacksfilms back in the day! I still sometimes pull up Wimpy Boybands because it felt like a loving parody. I have a particular soft spot for "Super Ultra Super Boy Band Force." Fly on the wings of a dream...

He's gotten less funny over the years. Jenna Marbles was another one I really liked back in the day and I also thought she got less funny overall over time. Every now and again they would all come up with something like they used to make, but they're few and far between.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 06, 2021, 11:45:22 PM ---LOL.  Now I'm imagining Nick in a bath tub wearing rigid, sturdy, shining armor.

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lmao! No! He would drown and his armor would rust and no longer be shining, lol.

Also, I've literally never written anything mundane like anyone taking a bath? Sitting around a table arguing, sure. Baths? Nope.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 11:54:09 PM ---Does doing it for free make it feel like less of an obligation? Anyone here ever felt fanfic writing turning into an obligation? I think in my "supreme lack of creative anything" time, it did feel that way a little for me.

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Yes and no.  I think the only time I ever feel obligated to write fanfic is when I'm in the middle of a novel that I've already started posting and that people like, and then I get writer's block or life gets in the way and I feel pressured to keep updating.  Holding off on posting new stories right away and hoarding enough chapters to be able to stay weeks or months ahead of what I'm posting has really helped with that.  I haven't felt that way since Sick as My Secrets, which I loved but only really had time to write consistently in the summer because of my master's classes.  I guess I would still feel that way about Guilty Roads if I were trying to force myself to keep writing it, but I've kind of given up on that... the trying to force it, not the hoping it will just happen someday LOL.  I don't have anyone asking about updates on that one anymore, so the sense of obligation is gone.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 11:54:09 PM ---I also loved Jacksfilms back in the day! I still sometimes pull up Wimpy Boybands because it felt like a loving parody. I have a particular soft spot for "Super Ultra Super Boy Band Force." Fly on the wings of a dream...

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I just pulled up his channel and sorted the videos by most popular.  His most popular video is the first WTF Blanket (Snuggie parody) from 12 years ago, which was also one of my favorites.  Wimpy Boybands was not even among the most popular videos, which surprised me, but I had fun watching a bunch of his old As Seen on TV commercial parodies.  I agree about Wimpy Boybands being a loving parody.  I follow him on Twitter, and he went to BSB's show in LA on the DNA tour.  He is definitely a fan.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 06, 2021, 11:58:06 PM ---lmao! No! He would drown and his armor would rust and no longer be shining, lol.

Also, I've literally never written anything mundane like anyone taking a bath? Sitting around a table arguing, sure. Baths? Nope.

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LMAO!  How deep is this bath tub?!

Maybe you should write a scene with the boys sitting around the bath tub arguing.  I bet the readers of AO3 would enjoy that.

I write more shower scenes than bath scenes, and they usually serve some purpose.  It's usually either an angsty "I'm going to go cry in the shower so my tears mix with the water" or (in the case of a cancer story) "Oh noes, my hair is falling out!" scene, or it's the start of a sex scene.  I know my foray into slash featured a scene with Nowie fooling around in the shower LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 07, 2021, 12:10:51 AM ---Yes and no.  I think the only time I ever feel obligated to write fanfic is when I'm in the middle of a novel that I've already started posting and that people like, and then I get writer's block or life gets in the way and I feel pressured to keep updating.  Holding off on posting new stories right away and hoarding enough chapters to be able to stay weeks or months ahead of what I'm posting has really helped with that.  I haven't felt that way since Sick as My Secrets, which I loved but only really had time to write consistently in the summer because of my master's classes.  I guess I would still feel that way about Guilty Roads if I were trying to force myself to keep writing it, but I've kind of given up on that... the trying to force it, not the hoping it will just happen someday LOL.  I don't have anyone asking about updates on that one anymore, so the sense of obligation is gone.
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I do feel less stressed out about in general having my hoard as also helped me feel better about that type of thing. I still feel a little bad if I'm not writing "the next thing," but feel good in general if I'm writing something. Whereas before, I would be like "but you should be writing this!" I guess my only real obligation is my little pre-posting edit I do every week. Last week, it felt like kind of a chore. This week I'm only in the first half of the chapter, but it feels more fun. I don't know if that was because last week's chapter was a "set up" type chapter or what, but... it felt like it dragged... I've always liked the chapter I'm editing this week though, so maybe that's part of it.

Sorry that SAMS felt obligation-esque for you, but it's definitely hard to keep up a pace when there isn't consistent time to write. At least you haven't given up on Guilty Roads! There's hope!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 07, 2021, 12:10:51 AM ---I just pulled up his channel and sorted the videos by most popular.  His most popular video is the first WTF Blanket (Snuggie parody) from 12 years ago, which was also one of my favorites.  Wimpy Boybands was not even among the most popular videos, which surprised me, but I had fun watching a bunch of his old As Seen on TV commercial parodies.  I agree about Wimpy Boybands being a loving parody.  I follow him on Twitter, and he went to BSB's show in LA on the DNA tour.  He is definitely a fan.

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Oh, the WTF blanket. Gold. Do they have As Seen on TV stuff anymore? Like the only really ridiculous one I can think of is the Trumpy Bear where you pull a flag blanket out of its back and it has really stupid hair. Glad I'll never see that commercial ever again, lol.

I'm surprised Wimpy Boybands aren't in the most popular. They were all hilarious. If IYWITBGG hadn't just come up on my Spotify shuffle, I was about to go watch them, actually, lol.


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