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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 09:04:44 PM ---Sometimes you need some less action-packed stuff, especially when the drama is in the interactions.

I feel like I've actually been writing a lot, but nothing for where I currently am in PNecklace, so... Who knows. I think some time this weekend, I'll just have to force myself to sit down and write something on the chapter I've been putting off, no matter what ends up on the page, especially when I'm not against a heavy overhaul before posting.

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Absolutely!  I just finished writing an argument between the boys, which is always fun once it gets going.  I just had to find a way to start it.

Sometimes you do just have to sit down and force yourself to put words on paper.  The first few words/sentences are usually the hardest, but once you get over that hump, it gets easier.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 09:04:44 PM ---Okay, before we go any further... Not sure why you question alright/all right. As you know, it is "Backstreet's back alright!" and they are clearly paragons of English language accuracy.  :biggrin:

I do this too, all the time, except I am unapologetic about my preferences whichever way they trend. If someone tells me I spelled it incorrectly, my response is akin to "I most certainly did not." My big one is theatre/theater and it's made even more difficult by people trying to explain away that "theatre" is the art and "theater" is the building, but it's not, it's literally British versus American. All that being said, my preference is "theatre." Gray/grey used to get me too. As long as you're consistent throughout the work, I chalk it up to personal style. So give cancelled two Ls! I think it looks fine either way.

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Well, obviously!  "Does his gifts come from the heart?"  "A little more better?"  "I resign in Florida?"  "Documen-tary?"  Those boys are good with words.

I agree, consistency is key.  And "theatre" seems more high class, especially if you say it with a British accent.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 10:31:27 PM ---Absolutely!  I just finished writing an argument between the boys, which is always fun once it gets going.  I just had to find a way to start it.
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You know, I hear naked passing around a bucket while they group bathed could be popular? (lol) Who instigated the argument? Nick? Nick usually ends up starting all my arguments.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 10:31:27 PM ---Sometimes you do just have to sit down and force yourself to put words on paper.  The first few words/sentences are usually the hardest, but once you get over that hump, it gets easier.
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You're totally right. Good news, I'm up to 115 words on the aforementioned chapter, so it's getting there! We've already made it to day nine of Camp Nano, can you believe it! How's your writing aligning with your goal and any other feel good moments?

I'm at about 50% of what I'd hoped to be writing, and probably about a 1/3 of that has actually been for PNecklace (though a lot of that was editing rather than writing). So I may get to 30,000 words, but I don't know if I'll finish the story this month. There's still three weeks left though, so never know what will happen! :) My feel good moment was convincing you to do it with me and providing sideline encouragement. I was just thinking today while taking a break from staring at the screen that this would have been the days of old where we would all just be writing and chatting in our little IM windows every now again to check in. I miss that.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 10:31:27 PM ---Well, obviously!  "Does his gifts come from the heart?"  "A little more better?"  "I resign in Florida?"  "Documen-tary?"  Those boys are good with words.

I agree, consistency is key.  And "theatre" seems more high class, especially if you say it with a British accent.

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True treasures of the spoken word.  :patpat: I think we've missed an opportunity by not calling the doc "the Documen-tary," lol.

I think it's my high school French creeping in and saying "that looks right," lol. As I said, I am absolutely confident in my choices, it's why I've so emphatically shouted "vert" as my kiddos were learning and practicing Spanish, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 10:58:08 PM ---You know, I hear naked passing around a bucket while they group bathed could be popular? (lol) Who instigated the argument? Nick? Nick usually ends up starting all my arguments.

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LMAO!  Actually, it was Brian.  I was proud of Nick; he did not jump up and scream, "Shut the fuck up!" or "Don't be a dick!" at any point in said argument.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 10:58:08 PM ---You're totally right. Good news, I'm up to 115 words on the aforementioned chapter, so it's getting there! We've already made it to day nine of Camp Nano, can you believe it! How's your writing aligning with your goal and any other feel good moments?

I'm at about 50% of what I'd hoped to be writing, and probably about a 1/3 of that has actually been for PNecklace (though a lot of that was editing rather than writing). So I may get to 30,000 words, but I don't know if I'll finish the story this month. There's still three weeks left though, so never know what will happen! :) My feel good moment was convincing you to do it with me and providing sideline encouragement. I was just thinking today while taking a break from staring at the screen that this would have been the days of old where we would all just be writing and chatting in our little IM windows every now again to check in. I miss that.

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You're right; you never know what can happen in three weeks.  Even if you get to 30,000 words, that's still good!  I set my goal lower than that (20,000) based on how much I've written the last two months, and that was with me writing every day and being inspired.  I don't know how people start a new story in November and write 50,000 words.  I'm not sure I could do that even in June or July.  But I'm on track with my goal for Camp Nano; I'm over 7,000 words.  I just updated my total, and it jumped by over 2,000 words.  I didn't realize I had written anywhere near that many words today, but I went back and checked, and yes I did!  That's because it was just the boys having a discussion over dinner, so there was a lot of dialogue and not a ton of description or anything that required research.  I write so much faster when I don't stop to look anything up or overthink my word choices.  If nothing else, Camp Nano is helping me stay committed to writing every day, and I'm enjoying updating my daily word count.  I would do it again in June.  It would be nice if others from here would participate too.

I miss the IM days too!  I guess our conversations on here are taking the place of those little nightly check-ins as we were writing.

This was today's Camp Care Package on Nano.  I thought it could make a good discussion topic.

"Sometimes choosing a story idea is easy, others times it’s like having a rose to give only to one potential suitor. Sometimes you have to give the story a tryout period before finding out it’s the one. Also, never be afraid to put a story aside when you realize it’s not working out the way you like."

Today's Writing Challenge:

Before you begin your writing session for the day, take a minute to jot down the things you absolutely love about the story you're writing right now. What about it makes you feel excited and invested? (If you can't think of anything, or if another story keeps popping into your head, maybe that's a sign to try something different for a little while.)

Do you usually focus on one project, or do you get distracted by lots of new plot bunnies?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:17:14 PM ---LMAO!  Actually, it was Brian.  I was proud of Nick; he did not jump up and scream, "Shut the fuck up!" or "Don't be a dick!" at any point in said argument.
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Brian, starting arguments. For shame. I'm proud of Hot Mess Nick for for not screaming stfu/dbadlekya too! (It's just a long quote. It's high time we acronymed it, lol.) Maybe he's ready to stop being a hot mess in MBK, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:17:14 PM ---You're right; you never know what can happen in three weeks.  Even if you get to 30,000 words, that's still good!  I set my goal lower than that (20,000) based on how much I've written the last two months, and that was with me writing every day and being inspired.  I don't know how people start a new story in November and write 50,000 words.  I'm not sure I could do that even in June or July.
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I just wanted to finish the story and knew it would take about that much; I don't know that I was really prepared to get to 60,000 words in a month. You know, of all the times I did NaNo, this last time was the only time I did it and it wasn't a new story, it was a percolating vaguely dreamed up thing with snippets. I'm always impressed with the people who are like "November 1st, my novel begins" and then finish it. I say July's Camp is your time to challenge yourself! 50,000 words, just to see how close you get in the one month.

I think I'm probably better off if I go back to looking at it the way I did in November, which was "If I get to 50,000 words, great! But I'm really just trying to commit to writing every day." Maybe what's getting me was saying "I'm going to finish this story this month."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:17:14 PM ---But I'm on track with my goal for Camp Nano; I'm over 7,000 words.  I just updated my total, and it jumped by over 2,000 words.  I didn't realize I had written anywhere near that many words today, but I went back and checked, and yes I did!  That's because it was just the boys having a discussion over dinner, so there was a lot of dialogue and not a ton of description or anything that required research.  I write so much faster when I don't stop to look anything up or overthink my word choices.  If nothing else, Camp Nano is helping me stay committed to writing every day, and I'm enjoying updating my daily word count.  I would do it again in June.  It would be nice if others from here would participate too.
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Woo! Keep going at this pace and you'll be done halfway through the month! I believe!

I love when they just have a discussion (or a "discussion"/screaming match) for that same reason. No research, little planning, it just flows. On the topic of looking up things, right before I popped back over here, I spent so much longer than necessary looking up a political term that I couldn't remember, just to have the right word. Oh suzerainty (I'll define it in an effort to not have people look up things I can already explain: one state, typically stronger, controls the foreign policy and relations of a tributary state, but allows the tributary state to have internal autonomy), why did I need you? Epic fantasies are so complicated.

I like when it tells me that you earned the little badges in the writing group. It makes me smile. Yay! Team The Absolutely Chaotic Backstreet Project! I hope other people join us, because it is fun updating a daily word count (that's why I kept doing it post-November). :)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:17:14 PM ---I miss the IM days too!  I guess our conversations on here are taking the place of those little nightly check-ins as we were writing.

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And possibly keeping us more on track? It takes more effort to come here, sign in, and type than it did to pop the little button, twirl your finger around the metaphorical phone cord, and say "what are you doing now?" lol


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