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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 11:25:21 PM ---That is fun!  I love when you wake up with words or pictures already in your mind, just ready to write.  Mine was this whole made-up anecdote about Kevin finding a baby bird when he was a kid, and it was exactly the kind of thing I needed to bookend the bird reference I'm planning to use at the end of this chapter, but I couldn't come up with anything that good last night.
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Me too! It's a good place to start off from even if they're not immediately in the narrative. I really just wanted to draw it, but the horses would have looked so ugly, lol.

Aww, what a sweet little anecdote to bookend another reference! That's awesome. I'm glad you slept on it and found the exact thing you needed.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 11:25:21 PM ---That's great!  I wish more of these readers would leave comments, but at least there's people clicking on your stories.
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Baby steps. Also, I get that it's harder to read somewhere, then go elsewhere and leave a comment. I figure as long as someone's reading it, then it was worth posting. :) (In addition to the many times I said it was worth writing regardless.)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 11:25:21 PM ---Thanks!  Yes, your good writing day yesterday must have rubbed off on me today!  I wrote 3000 words, which is a lot for me in one day.

Good for you for getting to page 345, thereabouts!  How long do you estimate the finished story will be?

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Ooh, 3,000 is a lot! I've been hoping to write whole chapters in a day, but it's been closer to 1500-2000 words for me, even when I was feeling very inspired. I keep taking research, forum, and/or "stare off into space and contemplate life" breaks, lol. Glad you had a great writing day! (Sorry your sleep suffered.)

PBox is about 442 pages, so I'm guessing at least that. Of "complete chapter chunks" the first 3/5th of PBox were about 251 pages and the first 3/5th of PNecklace are about 323 pages, so... I'm already about 100 pages ahead of myself, lol. PNecklace will probably be on the mid to high end of the 500s. This story is getting lengthy!

The Brian chapter I'm on right now is equally as chatty as his last chapter, so I'm thinking I have to stop giving Brian the POV, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 11:27:42 PM ---LOL I would probably be terrible at that, but it sounds like a fun thing to try sometime.  Maybe the competition aspect of it would help keep me focused and make me write faster.  As we've discussed, I can type quickly, but I don't write quickly.

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Pre-planning one seems like a disaster, so we just have to all pop on when we wake up on Saturday or Sunday and say "I am feeling inspired." And if someone says "Me too," we sprint and see what happens, lol! I just want to try and see how much I actually get done in a sprint, since I wouldn't want to stop and look something up. I definitely gave up on describing those paintings and have some vague sentences that end with "and a Howie," if you were curious how lazy it got, lol. That first one though, that was so vivid that I'd hang up on my mantle. My point there was that a word sprint would likely also end up with many "and a Howie" moments to get something down in the meantime, lol.

(Okay, now I'm caught up.)

General writing updates: I'm about 1/2-3/4 of the way through this current chapter and then deciding if this arc needs one more chapter to round it out or if it's time to move on. I think I'll have a better idea once Brian stops being such a chatty cathy.

How's everyone else's writing/sleeping/life in general?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 12, 2021, 04:55:58 PM ---LOL Yes we are.  I had a terrible night's sleep last night... probably because I slept in too late yesterday and then stayed up too late writing and talking to you all, then couldn't get to sleep.  I took a melatonin at 9:30, which did nothing, then finally caved and added two Benadryl at 1 a.m. when I was still awake.  I didn't get to sleep until around 2 and then kept waking up every hour.  Then I still managed to oversleep ten minutes past my last alarm.  Ugh!  I am normally not that bad; once I fall asleep, I'm usually good at staying asleep or getting back to sleep quickly if I do wake up in the middle of the night.  Hopefully I will be tired enough to go to bed early tonight.  I don't know how you function on 3-4 hours of sleep a night.  I average about 6 on a school night, but then I am always exhausted by Friday and can easily sleep 9-10 hours on the weekend.

You are lucky!  The worst sad animal book I had to read for school was The Yearling.  I hated that book!!

Yeah, I noticed that too.  I guess they couldn't do a Covid episode without some casualties, or it would seem like they weren't taking it seriously enough.  I was glad the nurse in The Resident survived too; I thought she was a goner because she wasn't a main character.  I'm hanging by a thread with that show; I have almost quit watching it several times, but then a good episode will come along and it sucks me back in.  I miss ER.

I'll let you know when I catch up with Snowpiercer!  At the rate I'm going, it may not be until summer LOL.

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I have tried to take melatonin but it didn’t work for me. Unisom doesn’t work either. Zzz quill helps me sleep for at least 3 hours straight but Tylenol pm and two gummy sleep aids seem to work best. My sister insists I should just start smoking pot lol but... no!

I miss ER too. Did you see there’s going to be a reunion? That’s very exciting. I also love how in those shows, the doctors ask all these questions and they happen to mention the one time when they went to NC and suddenly the doctors look at each other and are like yes! I know exactly what’s wrong with you! You just have come in contact with the green tailed chinchilla! All you have to do is take two of these and you’ll be cured!! I wish real doctors appointments went like that. I saw a different neurologist today and she was completely unhelpful. 


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 13, 2021, 09:44:57 PM ---I don't know how you function on 3-4 hours habitually, Mare! The days I have Julie's Sunday-Monday sleep are so rough for me. Like two coffees to exist rough. My fitbit says I average 5-7 hours on work nights and 7-9 hours on non-work nights. I was guessing when you were on before and calling "5am" reasonable. If you were up at 3am though, we were all for sure up. That was only midnight for Rose, lol.

I hope everyone got some quality sleeping in since it's been relatively quiet here the past couple of days. Or that everyone is so inspired that they can't tear themselves away from writing or reading a great novel.  ;D

My freshman roommate was like that also, Julie. If I am tired, I will sleep regardless of conditions. I miss being a high schooler. Somehow I was a pretty good 10ish to 6ish sleeper. Now I will call it 11/12ish to 5-7ish. Alas.

Ugh, so jealous.

The Yearling was so sad!

This has nothing to do with dead animals, but my least favorite book from school related-reading was definitely A Separate Peace, lol.

The forum is both ridiculous and extremely slow on my phone as well. I couldn't imagine attempting the long quoting conversations on a phone, so I think y'all on your phones deserve some praise.

I see your issue though! You used "\" instead of "/" to close the tags? frames? what are we calling these things? Anyway, a very minor issue. :)

I think that's true. Even on the smallest level, you have to be able to envision how it feels.

Those questions I posted a while back, I never responded because I got stuck thinking of a life experience I often use in my writing and never came up with one, lol!

That's true too. I think there's a difference between in the moment thinking "I am feeling x, and I am writing a similar x" than "I recall a time when x happened to me, so character may be feeling similar." I also like writing to avoid (or work through) things I can't control. Avoiding things I can control is no good for my focus, like you said. I do probably write best when I have nothing on my plate except a desire to write.

Same. I also feel like they're Hanson. Thinking the pig might be Nick Lachey and those are my guesses this season. My friend thinks the shell is SJP.

I enjoy seeing AJ on tv too, but I think he's gotta do a show first. I think at this point, Nick's just like "Monetize my life? Monetize my life. Cool." I'd say AJ would be more likely to do it than the others, but that's the perfect reason for Howie or Kevin to do it! It being the Masked Singer and all. :)

Were they not on Celebrity Apprentice? I thought they were. Have I added a tv appearance in my head that didn't actually exist?

I guess I meant in BSB-time, but you're both right, he seems to have a good head on his shoulders, so he may be (or have been) better about keeping it private. After his dad died is probably a reasonable time to expect. I truthfully have just always assumed that he had his stuff together, but that may just be the 15-year age difference between us. Eleven-year-old me was like "Look at Kevin, he is so mature and well-adjusted." Meanwhile he was actually 26 and having been a 26-year-old, I'm like "Nah, 26 is only a little better than you were at 22, girl." Then at the same time: "I like this 18-year-old mess. He is so cute and charming. Oh? He's going to become even more of a hot mess? That's cool; ride or die, Nick," lol.

Mare always knew Brian had more going on than boy-next-door, lol.

I didn't known Kevin was an extra in My Girl! I'm going to be honest, I had an old age moment where I didn't immediately recognize the movie by title and thought I hadn't seen it at all. Oh Macaulay Culkin in the '90s.

(Okay, now I'm almost caught up. It took me a long time to respond to both of these, lol!)

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I don’t always function that great on little sleep. I’m always feeling exhausted.

I think the pig is Nick Lachey too and I think the crab is Bobby Brown.

The semester before I became an RA, my roommate was a party animal who didn’t go to bed until I got up for the day. She only lasted one semester lol I have to say it was pretty hard being a morning person at rock and roll university.

I loved A Separate Peace. I hated hated HATED The Scarlet Letter


--- Quote from: mare on April 14, 2021, 01:05:19 PM ---I don’t always function that great on little sleep. I’m always feeling exhausted.
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--- Quote from: mare on April 14, 2021, 12:56:21 PM ---I have tried to take melatonin but it didn’t work for me. Unisom doesn’t work either. Zzz quill helps me sleep for at least 3 hours straight but Tylenol pm and two gummy sleep aids seem to work best. My sister insists I should just start smoking pot lol but... no!
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Naps? I think naps are the solution.

Maybe if a doctor insisted it? I don't know if it's worth it just to sleep.

--- Quote from: mare on April 14, 2021, 01:05:19 PM ---I think the pig is Nick Lachey too and I think the crab is Bobby Brown.
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Bobby Brown is a good guess.

--- Quote from: mare on April 14, 2021, 01:05:19 PM ---The semester before I became an RA, my roommate was a party animal who didn’t go to bed until I got up for the day. She only lasted one semester lol I have to say it was pretty hard being a morning person at rock and roll university.
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Crazy! Was she like Julie's roommate or just gone?

--- Quote from: mare on April 14, 2021, 01:05:19 PM ---I loved A Separate Peace. I hated hated HATED The Scarlet Letter

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Boo! I'm kidding, I just really hated it. The Scarlet Letter is... okay? I don't hate it, but I don't love it.

--- Quote from: mare on April 14, 2021, 12:56:21 PM ---I miss ER too. Did you see there’s going to be a reunion? That’s very exciting. I also love how in those shows, the doctors ask all these questions and they happen to mention the one time when they went to NC and suddenly the doctors look at each other and are like yes! I know exactly what’s wrong with you! You just have come in contact with the green tailed chinchilla! All you have to do is take two of these and you’ll be cured!! I wish real doctors appointments went like that. I saw a different neurologist today and she was completely unhelpful. 

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LMAO! Well thank goodness those doctors know there are green-tailed chinchillas in North Carolina, lol. I wish real doctors were like that too. Sorry that neurologist was unhelpful.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 13, 2021, 09:44:57 PM ---I hope everyone got some quality sleeping in since it's been relatively quiet here the past couple of days. Or that everyone is so inspired that they can't tear themselves away from writing or reading a great novel.  ;D

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 13, 2021, 10:09:06 PM ---How's everyone else's writing/sleeping/life in general?

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I haven't gotten more than about 5 hours of sleep any night this week... ugh!  I have managed to keep up my daily writing streak, although the more sleep deprived I get, the less I'm able to write in a day.  I did not even have the mental energy left to reply to any of these posts last night LOL.  But I have maybe one or more paragraphs left to go in Chapter 13, so I'm hoping I can muster enough energy to finish that tonight.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 13, 2021, 09:44:57 PM ---Were they not on Celebrity Apprentice? I thought they were. Have I added a tv appearance in my head that didn't actually exist?

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They did make a guest appearance on one episode, but I meant as a contestant.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 13, 2021, 10:09:06 PM ---Aww, what a sweet little anecdote to bookend another reference! That's awesome. I'm glad you slept on it and found the exact thing you needed.

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I like how you assume it's a sweet little anecdote and not a horror story about the time Kevin was caught decapitating baby birds so he could collect their skulls like a serial killer in the making.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 13, 2021, 10:09:06 PM ---Pre-planning one seems like a disaster, so we just have to all pop on when we wake up on Saturday or Sunday and say "I am feeling inspired." And if someone says "Me too," we sprint and see what happens, lol! I just want to try and see how much I actually get done in a sprint, since I wouldn't want to stop and look something up. I definitely gave up on describing those paintings and have some vague sentences that end with "and a Howie," if you were curious how lazy it got, lol. That first one though, that was so vivid that I'd hang up on my mantle. My point there was that a word sprint would likely also end up with many "and a Howie" moments to get something down in the meantime, lol.

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Good idea.  I'd be curious to see how much I could get done if I didn't stop to look stuff up or contemplate my word choice too.


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