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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 16, 2021, 07:54:07 PM ---Both! I spent longer than I had planned on laying in bed, but the hubs just got back from a work trip, so I'm always a bit of a cuddle bug when he returns. Then I managed to get 176 words written this morning (even though I only wrote for 20 minutes instead of the hour or so that I'd been planning for) and have some fairly clear ideas for the next few chapters (not to the point of exact words yet, unfortunately), so I feel like it may be a productive night and definitely a decently productive weekend. We'll see. I did stop in the middle of my current scene, so I think I'll be able to pick right back up where I left off.

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Woo-hoo!  I hope you do have a productive night and weekend!

I do not foresee myself getting much more written tonight, but I am planning to do some research before I go to bed.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 06:09:31 PM ---Same.  If I don't get started first thing in the morning, it will take me forever to get going.  I have learned to make coffee and at least try to write before I turn on the TV.  Sometimes I still have success writing into the wee hours of the morning, but that happens more in the summer when I stay up that late anyway.

Along the same lines, I am more likely to write after school if I get on the computer before I turn on the TV or eat dinner.  Once that damn TV is on, I will waste hours in front of it and lose my motivation to write.
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The TV gets me every time! I popped on really quick since I was waiting to eat dinner, but hubs is slow... I should have just started writing instead, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 06:09:31 PM ---I think I used to do this, but when I was writing A Heart That Isn't Mine, I started getting paranoid about leaving it open when I left the house or went to bed.  I had this fear that something would happen to me, like I would get into a car accident or die in my sleep, and my parents would find it open on my computer and want to read their daughter's last words and be like, "WTF??" LOL  So now I close my work in progress if I'm going somewhere or going to be away from it for more than a few hours.
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lmao! I think my husband would think, "Yeah, seems right?" or "That kinky wife of mine," lol. But I also don't think he'd read it even if I died, so I'm less worried. I figure if I die in the car accident, the computer is damaged beyond repair as well. I might close them the next time I go on a trip... whenever that is or maybe not, maybe I'll just take it with me, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 06:09:31 PM ---This varies for me.  I tend to sit at my desk on my PC when I'm updating my site or doing anything that requires a lot of copying and pasting, which is easier with a mouse than a touchpad.  But for just writing, I move around a lot.  I usually start out in bed on my Chromebook and will stay there until I'm ready to shower.  Then I'll either go upstairs to my writing room, where I alternate between sitting at a desk and reclining on the little chaise/futon thing I have up there.  If I stay downstairs, I'll either write on my Chromebook on the couch or at the kitchen table, or I write at my desk in my den.  Sometimes a change of setting helps.
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I have a little mouse with my laptop all the time, but we don't have a lot of places to go in the house, lol. Kitchen, living room, office, bedroom. I try to keep my computer and tablet out of the bedroom just because of all the years when my bedroom was all the things, so it's nice to de-tech my bedroom a little bit... can't keep my phone out, lol. I think you're right though, sometimes it's good to have a change of scenery.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 06:09:31 PM ---Aww, I love those little traditions!  I actually don't have a BSB mug, which is weird considering how many mugs I have.  I do have a BSB wine glass and the blue BSB cup from Vegas, which I drink soda out of all the time.  I usually use a Tervis for my weekend coffee so it stays hot or cold longer... I should see if there's a BSB cup like that on Etsy.  I'm sure there is.
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Ooh, a BSB wine glass. I should get one of those, lol. I chug my coffee, so I don't really have the hot/cold problem, lol.

I quickly perused and found some tumblers, but they looked too tall to be tervis tumblers, so I didn't look into their insulation too much. I did see some kitchen towels with their picture that said "don't go baking my heart," and you better believe that those might be my next weird purchase, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 06:09:31 PM ---I usually do that too, especially if I'm having a hard time getting started.  It helps me get back into the story and remember where I left off.  I also try to hold off on checking the forum or Twitter until I've gotten far enough into a scene to leave myself hanging.  Then I can take a little internet browsing break and know I will come back to it.

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I think leaving ourselves a cliff hanger is key. It's also easier for me to get back into if I left myself hanging for a little bit.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 06:15:30 PM ---Wow, you can tell how sleep-deprived I was when I wrote this, LOL.  I have no idea where the random "open" came from.  I was in bed by ten last night, so I got a little more sleep than I did any other night this week.  I haven't reread Chapter 13 yet to see how many typos I made in it yet.  I will probably wait to do that until tomorrow when I have fresh eyes LOL.

The only rigid requirement I have for a successful writing session is privacy.  I can't concentrate in public or around other people.  Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible with where and how I write.

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Apparently I was equally tired, because I thought it said "often" until you pointed it out, lol. Glad you got a little more sleep and sometimes typos happen. I caught a couple this week from last week's edit and felt so ashamed. I wonder if anyone else noticed.

Good thing people typing on the other side of the screen don't count as privacy, lol!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 08:19:06 PM ---Woo-hoo!  I hope you do have a productive night and weekend!

I do not foresee myself getting much more written tonight, but I am planning to do some research before I go to bed.

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I'm all caught up now and our food is still not here. I should have just started writing, lol.

I hope you are productive as well!  ;D I believe! Sleep in and then write write write write write!

Speaking of sitting down and making yourself write, here's today's Camp NaNo Care Package:

"What gets your butt in the chair (aside from Camp NaNoWriMo!)? What makes for your best writing? These are not always the same.

For me: Pomodoros get my butt in the seat and words on the page (twenty-five minute writing sprints, tomato-shaped kitchen timer optional). But my best writing happens when I let myself stare out the window and not worry about the timer and how many words are spilling and squirting onto the page. I do my best writing when I remember that thinking and daydreaming are writing, too, no matter how long they take."

Today's Writing Challenge:

If you need to get some words down on the page, take Jen's suggestion and try to Pomodoro technique! Set a timer to write for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. After 4 writing sessions, take a longer (15-20 minute) break. Repeat as many times as you like or are able to!

So today's question: what gets your butt in the chair? What makes for your best writing? We talked about environment/rituals yesterday, so take this as you will.

Also, see, she said thinking and daydreaming are writing too. I think we're all on the write track when we say "you thought about the story today" being writing.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 16, 2021, 08:40:22 PM ---Ooh, a BSB wine glass. I should get one of those, lol. I chug my coffee, so I don't really have the hot/cold problem, lol.

I quickly perused and found some tumblers, but they looked too tall to be tervis tumblers, so I didn't look into their insulation too much. I did see some kitchen towels with their picture that said "don't go baking my heart," and you better believe that those might be my next weird purchase, lol.

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Yes, it's one of the wine glasses from their site that says "I wine it that way." LOL

I'm more of a leisurely sipper when it comes to coffee, so it always gets cold if I put it in a mug.  It's fine for before school, when I have to drink it fairly quickly while I'm getting ready, but not so great for a morning marathon writing session.

I also looked on Etsy and was disappointed by the lack of BSB tumblers I liked!  I am also somewhat picky about tumblers; they have to have a lid that is easy to drink out of, but not easy to spill.

I had to look up the kitchen towels.  Here they are for anyone else who's interested: y=backstreet+boys+kitchen+towel&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&organic_search _click=1  I have a problem with buying way too many cute kitchen towels, but the fact that it's BSB and has a clever pun... yeah, I may need one.

Also, kudos to the creator of this NSYNC towel that also came up in my search: y=backstreet+boys+kitchen+towel&ref=sr_gallery-1-11&organic_search _click=1  "Don't leave dishes *NSync." LMAO


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