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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Hey, 2,300 words in a day and 27,000 words for the month so far sounds good to me!  Congrats!
Even if you don't finish PNecklace this month, it sounds like you've made a lot of progress.  No pressure!

My Sunday was more productive than Saturday, but not as productive as last weekend.  I'm about to the point in my story that I wanted to skip through with a nice montage, though, so I guess I knew that would probably happen. LOL

To answer your question, I wrote the scenes in order for Bethlehem, so I jumped around between characters.  I didn't have a set order for alternating perspectives; I just tried to keep it somewhat balanced between the five boys, but also focused on whichever character made the most sense to focus on in each scene.  I planned that out a few chapters at a time, and that helped me decide the best order and perspective for each scene.

Since you are used to writing scenes out of order, I'm sure it would also work to write one arc at a time and then splice them together.  Or write part of one arc and then switch to the other when you get bored.  I know you'll figure it out!

If only they were all actually for PNecklace, lol. But you're right. I've got three chapters written (almost), some solid plans (but no actual words) for two more, four other scenes in various places, and the start of a sixth chapter. If I could finish those two with solid plans and maybe catch my stride in one of the two little arcs, I'd be pretty happy. I think I'm just a little too excited to slap "the end" on it before I actually get there, lol.

It's now up to 28,000 words and I don't have to worry about editing anymore this week. I do have to worry about what I'm going to talk about on Wednesday though, lol.

You're on a 19-day streak too though and almost to your goal! That's awesome! Congrats to you! I feel you on the slow bits, but don't let your montage make you drag your feet. Maybe next weekend, we'll both have words flying on the paper. :)

It sounds like this may be one of those times where planning is better than plantsing, lol. I thought it was really well balanced, that's why I asked. I have the vaguest timeline... let's call it major objectives, events, and outcomes for each arc, but no definite order for the whole thing. You're right though, it's probably best to WADD this and see what happens. It's not like writing out of order when I feel like it has steered me wrong yet, lol.

This was the camp care package either yesterday or Monday, can't remember. Thought it was something good to remind ourselves.

"In addition to your main goal, try to set a goal during each writing session (i.e. a word count or scene goal). That way, you'll stay motivated and you'll know what you're working toward each time you sit down to write."

Today's Writing Challenge:

Follow Kristina's advice and set a specific goal for your writing session today. Do you want to finish a particular scene, or get to a certain word count or page number? You can do it! Breaking big goals into bite-sized chunks can help them seem more manageable.

I haven't written anything yet today and I need to keep the streak alive! Wish me luck! I think my goal is to finish the scene I've been working on off and on since last week. For some reason, the conversation isn't coming to me as well as I'd hoped.

That's a good idea, to set a small goal for each writing session.  This week, my goal is just to write something every day.  I've been averaging about a sentence per day LOL.  I've actually written a few sentences today, so hopefully that's a good sign.  Just trying to keep my streak alive until the weekend.

I hope you can keep your streak alive too!  Good luck!

Woo! You beat your average with a few sentences! Hope you write more!

I've written thirty words, so the streak lives! This two-hour Masked Singer is great, but not for my writing, lol.


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