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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Hi hi. Sorry I haven't been on the forum in a while other than when I update lol. I wanted to chime in on the other fandom thing really quick. So I've done crossover stuff before, most recently when I wrote If I Knew Then. Surprisingly a lot of my readers reacted positively to the inclusion of NSYNC. Many of them especially wanted Nick to dump Brian and date Lance. They all loved Lance lol. But I've included members from nkotb in my stuff too. So yeah the audience isn't there but it's fun for me to have a couple different characters to play with.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on May 03, 2021, 06:30:26 AM ---Hi hi. Sorry I haven't been on the forum in a while other than when I update lol. I wanted to chime in on the other fandom thing really quick. So I've done crossover stuff before, most recently when I wrote If I Knew Then. Surprisingly a lot of my readers reacted positively to the inclusion of NSYNC. Many of them especially wanted Nick to dump Brian and date Lance. They all loved Lance lol. But I've included members from nkotb in my stuff too. So yeah the audience isn't there but it's fun for me to have a couple different characters to play with.

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Just happy to see that you're still out there writing. :) I could totally see them wanting Nick to dump Brian if Brian was wishy-washy on Nick versus Leighanne and Lance was well-written, lol. Lance was always my favorite NSYNCer (an aside, the Progressive commercial with "Now's not a good time 3/5 of NSYNC" makes me die laughing every time); he seems the most chill out of all of them. And from my understanding, many BSB fans feel the same way with Lance being the "most tolerable" NSYNC member, lol. I kid mostly! I feel about them the same way I feel about most boybands, which is... #TeamBoybands and KTBSPA, obviously!

I'm not judging the crossover. As y'all know, the PBox universe is basically one giant crossover (as a fanfic), however, I would call the other boybanders... OOC at best, if not downright sadistic aholes at worst... to the point where I would not call it a crossover where their fans could find it and read it because they would not be pleased and might throw things at me, lol (unless you like Lance or Joey, they're pretty decent by PBox standards; if you like Justin... oof, yeah, he's something else). Here at AC... I mind less, though I suppose I did not tag O-Town this time around out of laziness more than anything else, lol.

Overall, there was no judgement in my research, other than the fact that we are four stories behind NSYNC and that needs to change asap! lol Does everyone here have a quick one chapter story in them to correct this injustice? ;)


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 08:48:19 PM ---Okay, but how long would we realistically allow them to just carry on happily? They react better when they have suffering and drama. lol I want that for a coffee mug: secretly a sadist.

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Very true!  Every story needs a problem.  Some problems are just bigger than others, and some stories have lots of them LOL.

Secretly a sadist... yes!  Same.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 08:48:19 PM ---Curiosity got the better of me. There are 212 NKOTB fanfics and 1491 NSYNC fanfics -- they have more than we do, that's a little surprising to me (by 4 stories, so we all need to get 5 more BSB stories on AO3, basically, lol). But most of the NSYNC ones on the front page are crossovers with other musicians whereas most of ours are BSB only. Also we update more frequently. Everything on our front page is from the past three weeks, but the NSYNC one goes from yesterday back to February (NKOTB goes from March back to July 2019 if anyone was curious and they mostly use NKOTB as characters, though the slashiness of the works tag for NKOTBSB Tour is worth a mention).

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Wow, that is surprising there are more NSYNC fics than BSB fics on AO3!  I guess when your favorite boyband is broken up in real life, you retreat even further into the fantasy world of fanfic LOL.  The crossover thing doesn't surprise me as much, nor does the slashiness of NKOTBSB.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 08:48:19 PM ---That's exactly what he was singing quieter than the Jaws them, lol. What are the hand motions for a Nick shark? That song needs a new verse since that version is much less dark than the camp version I learned.

As I said, percolating.

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Did you learn the one with the shark attack and losing limbs? LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 09:01:13 PM ---Let's check back on this in a few years and see how many of your "I probably wonts" you ended up doing, lol.

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LOL Yes, we'll see!  The fact that I brought up a sequel means there's definitely a chance I will end up doing it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 09:01:13 PM ---Whereas my less realistic hope was "still popping with literally all the same people."

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Aww, I know.  I wish that were the case!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 09:01:13 PM ---I'd say it's "involves children," but I know you'll kill off fake BSB children, so I'm not sure there's a blanket term for this line.

Aw, poor Nickleback. I think they get a bad rap and probably don't deserve it. I think a good rule of thumb in a fanfic is "avoid lyrics unless it's a character speaking."

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Yeah, my line is rather specific to killing real life BSB kids.  I am not opposed to hurting them if the plot calls for it, but I won't kill them.  I will totally kill fictional kids LOL.

I don't actually hate Nickelback; I obviously liked some of their songs in the early 2000s.  But yeah... sticking lyrics in the middle of a chapter, even between scenes, is cheesy unless it's a songfic, and the fact that they were Nickelback lyrics makes it even more cringey LOL.  That is a good rule of thumb to follow.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 09:01:13 PM ---Not the Butternut Bread trucks!!! Didn't that thread start because of Mare's near death experiences? I've avoided so many car accidents just by not going when the light turned green because something off to the side was fishy, and thank goodness every time. Like there was one time some pedestrians were hoping on and off the edge of the sidewalk, so I paused for at least 30 seconds to a minute watching them to see if they were going to cross the street against the light and a car blew through the opposite red light at probably 40-50 mph. Thank goodness I hadn't moved yet; thanks crazy pedestrians! lol

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Yes!  Same - I never venture out into an intersection without checking both ways to make sure traffic is stopped, regardless of what color the light is.  I don't trust other people!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 10:01:42 PM ---LMFAO!!!! I love everything about this, but this is why I don't use voice to text. However, it's good that you're using cleaning time to make the most progress you can, write? ;) It recording your reaction is the best part.

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Well, I tried LOL.  It usually is not that bad, but I think there was too much background noise, between me doing dishes and the episode of "Very Scary People" about the Golden State Killer I had on TV in the other room.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 10:01:42 PM ---Edited to add: I misspoke, I guess the little Nick and Brian scene I started earlier is not the end of this chapter, but the beginning of the next chapter. So, onward! One chapter down, thirteen left to go!

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--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on May 03, 2021, 06:30:26 AM ---Hi hi. Sorry I haven't been on the forum in a while other than when I update lol. I wanted to chime in on the other fandom thing really quick. So I've done crossover stuff before, most recently when I wrote If I Knew Then. Surprisingly a lot of my readers reacted positively to the inclusion of NSYNC. Many of them especially wanted Nick to dump Brian and date Lance. They all loved Lance lol. But I've included members from nkotb in my stuff too. So yeah the audience isn't there but it's fun for me to have a couple different characters to play with.

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Glad to see you writing again and popping in here, Tracy!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 03, 2021, 04:59:06 PM ---Just happy to see that you're still out there writing. :) I could totally see them wanting Nick to dump Brian if Brian was wishy-washy on Nick versus Leighanne and Lance was well-written, lol. Lance was always my favorite NSYNCer (an aside, the Progressive commercial with "Now's not a good time 3/5 of NSYNC" makes me die laughing every time); he seems the most chill out of all of them. And from my understanding, many BSB fans feel the same way with Lance being the "most tolerable" NSYNC member, lol. I kid mostly! I feel about them the same way I feel about most boybands, which is... #TeamBoybands and KTBSPA, obviously!

I'm not judging the crossover. As y'all know, the PBox universe is basically one giant crossover (as a fanfic), however, I would call the other boybanders... OOC at best, if not downright sadistic aholes at worst... to the point where I would not call it a crossover where their fans could find it and read it because they would not be pleased and might throw things at me, lol (unless you like Lance or Joey, they're pretty decent by PBox standards; if you like Justin... oof, yeah, he's something else). Here at AC... I mind less, though I suppose I did not tag O-Town this time around out of laziness more than anything else, lol.

Overall, there was no judgement in my research, other than the fact that we are four stories behind NSYNC and that needs to change asap! lol Does everyone here have a quick one chapter story in them to correct this injustice? ;)

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LOL That's how I write NSYNC as characters in my stories too.  I don't think NSYNC fans would enjoy the portrayal.  I actually don't hate NSYNC anymore, except for Justin.  I find Joey to be the most tolerable.

I just posted a one-shot companion to Curtain Call that I hadn't posted on AO3 yet.  It's backdated, so it won't show up on the most recent page, but at least we'll have one more in our fandom.  I also still need to post SAMS and AHTIM there at some point.  That sounds like a summer project.  If I get REALLY bored this summer, maybe I'll post Broken and BMS LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Very true!  Every story needs a problem.  Some problems are just bigger than others, and some stories have lots of them LOL.

Secretly a sadist... yes!  Same.
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Especially when you're Team Dark, but then you gotta let some things carry on happily, I suppose.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Wow, that is surprising there are more NSYNC fics than BSB fics on AO3!  I guess when your favorite boyband is broken up in real life, you retreat even further into the fantasy world of fanfic LOL.  The crossover thing doesn't surprise me as much, nor does the slashiness of NKOTBSB.
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Maybe that's it, the fantasy world of fanfic. I looked and there is not a separate category for Justin Timberlake, so I guess I'm a little surprised there's not more NSYNC fanfics, just for Justin stuff.

I guess I pointed it out more as a "huh, why don't we crossover as much as they do" type thing.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Did you learn the one with the shark attack and losing limbs? LOL
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I sure did and was relieved that was not the song my Pre-Ks were into! Though part of me was like, "Well, sure, start them young on the path to darkness," lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---LOL Yes, we'll see!  The fact that I brought up a sequel means there's definitely a chance I will end up doing it.
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It's fun over here. You know you want to come back, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Aww, I know.  I wish that were the case!
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Maybe there's someone else out there like me who got back into it over 2020, but it's not far enough along yet that they think they're ready to post again. I keep hoping to see additional familiar faces who will join our shenanigans.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Yeah, my line is rather specific to killing real life BSB kids.  I am not opposed to hurting them if the plot calls for it, but I won't kill them.  I will totally kill fictional kids LOL.

I don't actually hate Nickelback; I obviously liked some of their songs in the early 2000s.  But yeah... sticking lyrics in the middle of a chapter, even between scenes, is cheesy unless it's a songfic, and the fact that they were Nickelback lyrics makes it even more cringey LOL.  That is a good rule of thumb to follow.
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I'm kind of anti-bad stuff happening to kids in general, but definitely BSB kids and most of that is because I'd rather not write about them at all. I guess, unless it was Nick in his backstory. He can continue to be the owner of so much baggage.

I say, let it live in the early 2000s. Sometimes these things happen back then, lol. Accidentally or purposefully Backstreeting is the exception to this rule, of course.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Yes!  Same - I never venture out into an intersection without checking both ways to make sure traffic is stopped, regardless of what color the light is.  I don't trust other people!
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Driving is a dangerous sport indeed, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---Well, I tried LOL.  It usually is not that bad, but I think there was too much background noise, between me doing dishes and the episode of "Very Scary People" about the Golden State Killer I had on TV in the other room.
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And I commend you for trying and giving me a good laugh. That's a lot of background noise for trying to voice to text. I wonder how much of it was you actually speaking, how much was the show, and how much was sink noise.

Was a mother even part of it at all, even if she wasn't dating out there? lol

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 07:20:53 PM ---LOL That's how I write NSYNC as characters in my stories too.  I don't think NSYNC fans would enjoy the portrayal.  I actually don't hate NSYNC anymore, except for Justin.  I find Joey to be the most tolerable.
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To be fair, I'm sure there were plenty of NSYNC fanfics where the Boys were the villains. I would just never read them, lol. I always like to think there's a NSYNC version of PBox out there where the roles are reversed and Nick is sadistic and licking blood off his sword or something.

I never really hated them, but Justin is his own kind of special. I find Joey pretty tolerable as well (like I said, PBox gives Lance and Joey the best treatment). I would, however, point out all the ways the Backstreet Boys were better and not back down. Support your team over putting down the other one (unless it's your husband's fantasy football team, then he deserves so much trash talkin').

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 03, 2021, 06:55:03 PM ---I just posted a one-shot companion to Curtain Call that I hadn't posted on AO3 yet.  It's backdated, so it won't show up on the most recent page, but at least we'll have one more in our fandom.  I also still need to post SAMS and AHTIM there at some point.  That sounds like a summer project.  If I get REALLY bored this summer, maybe I'll post Broken and BMS LOL.

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You are so fast at fulfilling my call to action, lol!

I'm trying to not think about it too hard, but it feels like my immediate plans post-PNecklace will be Snail, which I don't know how 1,000 Ways works over there if it's a separate story or just a chapter (it's just a chapter here yeah?)... And then I may lean toward a short comedy/dramady of some sort. Or just go for broke and start writing PDemons. One of the two. Nick is Brian's guardian angel feels a little too serious to tackle right this second and my gut says to finish off PBox&Co before going back to Gobosei, but who knows, maybe I'll want a bigger PBox&Co break than I'm thinking. But as I said, I'm trying not to think about it too hard because I still have 12.5 chapters to go!

Speaking of, I'm up to 1,344 words today so far! I may finish another chapter today! :o


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