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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Popping back and forth as I try to complete this week's edit. Whenever PBox Nick and I stumble over his feelings, I pause... So here I am again typing this reply off and on, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---Do the demons use their tails like whips to hit each other with?  Cause I could see Nick and Brian doing that to each other a lot. LOL
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You know, they don't, lol! Honestly, Nick and Brian probably don't play fight as much as they should. Like I said before, tails are boring, they're just kind of there doing nothing... or wagging while they sleep like puppies, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---It's cool to be the only one who's done something!  Angels have definitely been done in fanfic, but not so much demons.  Especially not lovable demons.
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Yes, my vague "It's about demons, but they're the heroes" description usually surprises people, lol. You can't help but love them when they're the Boys; they're just too warm and fuzzy. :)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---It's both a blessing and a curse.  On one hand, how lucky that he can miraculously come back to life for the next installment... but on the other hand, how horrible to have to die over and over again in 1000 different painful and/or humiliating ways.
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That's true, I guess it's not super fun if you're only coming back to life to die again! Now I feel bad adding to his misery, lol. Oh well, stab stab!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---With the right story, maybe!  You're on the end-of-story streak with this one, but if you continue on to the third installment, maybe you can keep that inspiration alive.  Or maybe you'll move on to something totally different, which can be equally inspiring.
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True! I think I'm getting ahead of myself, lol. The end of story streak is just a whirlwind though. It's been a while since I've been here.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---Yeah, I'm trying not to just come up with filler for Nick.  That's how BMS got to be so long - lots of filler to keep things balanced between Nick and Claire.  I learned my lesson.  But don't tempt me with the stabbing LOL.  I actually don't think I've ever stabbed Nick in a story before... Brian, yes.  Nick, no?  Not that I can remember offhand, anyway.
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Would you say more of Nick was the filler in that one or more of Claire? I can't remember. Okay, but there's a whole story about all the ways Nick can die, is a stabbing ever filler? lol Now that you mention it, I think the only one who hasn't gotten stabbed in PBox&Co is Brian! Maybe I should be stabbing Brian instead of Nick, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---Oh no!  That's a long time you've been without a working washer.  That's so frustrating.  My washer broke last year right in the beginning of lockdown, and I didn't know what to do at first.  I didn't really want to go to a laundrymat or an appliance store or have a repairman come over.  So I did some googling and figured out it was just the belt that broke... and then I ordered a replacement belt for cheap and managed to fix it myself!  Thanks, YouTube!  I hope your part comes soon so you can get everything set up and working!

Yeah, for real - I feel like it takes me Friday night and most of Saturday to recover from the week, so I don't usually get into my writing groove until Sunday, and then the weekend's over before I know it.  We really should have Mondays off.
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I'm about to lose it, lol. This would be even worse if it was last year at the beginning of lockdown. I'm glad that yours was just a belt and easy to fix! And props to you for learning from a YouTube video! That's awesome! Oh actually, now that I think of it, our house flooded a little and we had to replace our flooring last year around this time. That was... fun. I basically hid upstairs every time the construction workers were here. It'll be next week. So another week and a half until I can do some laundry. Thankfully, a friend in our same community has been letting us borrow his washer in the meantime.

I feel like Saturdays were my groove days the past month. That's why Memorial Day was awesome. I got a groove Saturday and a groove Monday! I should just start taking random three day weekends here and there. You should do the same.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:01:44 AM ---Yay!!  So proud of you!  I know the feeling; I am always most motivated on Sunday night when I need to go to bed.  Ugh.  I hope you wake up still inspired and are able to write before/after work tomorrow.

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I actually did wake up inspired, but then remembered how long it took me to edit last week's chapter, so I opted to edit rather than write anything new. I finished the first scene and the second scene is much shorter, so it should go quick tomorrow. I have no idea what to Author Talk about this week though, lol.

One of my friends beta reading the OF version said she was really enjoying it so far, so that made me happy. Her only notes were asking me what some vocabulary was. :) And that I can be repetitive sometimes, lol. I was like "Absolutely I ramble. Please tell me where I'm repeating myself!" Realistically, I probably have to cut PBox down by at least 80,000 words, so if I'm repeating myself, I just want to cut it.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on June 07, 2021, 01:13:54 AM ---Writing is going OK for me this weekend. I'm almost done with Chapter 19... I'm at 1,300 ish words so I should finish it by morning provided Nick doesn't butt in. He's been quiet so far, lol.

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Yay, you posted! I'm excited you're almost finished too!

Did Nick end up butting in or was it okay?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 02:02:38 AM ---Yay!  You are also almost done!  So proud of you, too; you've written this one so quickly!

I had a productive afternoon, but have yet to start my Nick chapter tonight.  But I did do some rereading and editing on the last few chapters, so that was still productive in its own way.

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How'd writing end up going today with the start of the Nick chapter?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 10:56:04 PM ---Good question!

I honestly feel like the summary for PBox is exactly that, vague intending to be mysterious and intriguing. So of course I made PNecklace mimic it, lol. I don't know that I have a better summary for either of them; I have a very hard time summarizing this tale. I will say though, that I feel like my holiday story summary is much better than any summaries I used to write. Give the basic idea without giving too much away. I made one tiny tweak to it after posting, which was to add "In December 1999" to the beginning, and then it got higher read counts.

Otherwise, things I used to do that I don't anymore... Weird dialogue tags is probably the biggest one. Post without editing or majorly proofreading? lmao Start writing and posting any old thing that came to my head?

I'm sure I probably still do a lot of things that are frowned upon, but I've really tried to be better about them. I can't think of any right now.

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I'm a fan of summaries that make me curious enough to click, so let's keep writing vague, mysterious, and intriguing ones!

That's interesting that the addition of 1999 increased your read count.  I guess readers like nostalgia?  I usually do include the date if I'm writing a story set in a specific time period, especially if it's that far in the past. 

Those are all good ones.  I do still use some weird dialogue tags because "said" and "replied" get to be too repetitive for me, but not as much as I used to.  I probably use them more in third person fics than first person; I limit my vocabulary a little more in first person so the narration sounds more like it's coming from a real person.

Trying to think of some other things I no longer do...

- Put song lyrics at the beginning or end of a chapter (or sometimes in the middle).  I only use song lyrics if the song is actually part of a scene, being sung, listened to, or referenced by a character.

- Put author's notes all over the place.  (I saw this one a lot in that thread.)  I only write author's notes if I feel the need to explain something or give credit where credit is due, and I typically post them at the end of the chapter so they're not distracting.

- Write a novel without some sort of outline.

- Post chapters as soon as I finish them.

- Write cheesy epilogues that take place in Heaven.

- Include NSYNC members (except for 00Carter - that one gets grandfathered in for being almost 15 years old LOL).

- Write Nick cancer stories? LOL


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 11:40:18 PM ---You know, they don't, lol! Honestly, Nick and Brian probably don't play fight as much as they should. Like I said before, tails are boring, they're just kind of there doing nothing... or wagging while they sleep like puppies, lol.

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Aww LOL.  That's a cute mental image you've created.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 11:40:18 PM ---That's true, I guess it's not super fun if you're only coming back to life to die again! Now I feel bad adding to his misery, lol. Oh well, stab stab!

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Stab away!  It will only stop once we get to 1000 deaths, and we have a long ways to go LOL.  But if it's any consolation, there's also the spin-off where Nick gets his revenge by killing fans.  So if you want to redeem yourself, you can write a kill next.  It's kinda fun writing Nick as a sadistic yet sexy serial killer!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 11:40:18 PM ---Would you say more of Nick was the filler in that one or more of Claire? I can't remember. Okay, but there's a whole story about all the ways Nick can die, is a stabbing ever filler? lol Now that you mention it, I think the only one who hasn't gotten stabbed in PBox&Co is Brian! Maybe I should be stabbing Brian instead of Nick, lol.

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I think it was pretty evenly balanced between them.  They both had filler subplots at different points in the story.

LOL If stabbing is the filler, it does make me wonder what's going on in the main plot that trumps that.

If Nick has already been stabbed and Brian hasn't, then yes, definitely stab Brian!  Spread the wealth pain!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 11:40:18 PM ---I'm about to lose it, lol. This would be even worse if it was last year at the beginning of lockdown. I'm glad that yours was just a belt and easy to fix! And props to you for learning from a YouTube video! That's awesome! Oh actually, now that I think of it, our house flooded a little and we had to replace our flooring last year around this time. That was... fun. I basically hid upstairs every time the construction workers were here. It'll be next week. So another week and a half until I can do some laundry. Thankfully, a friend in our same community has been letting us borrow his washer in the meantime.

I feel like Saturdays were my groove days the past month. That's why Memorial Day was awesome. I got a groove Saturday and a groove Monday! I should just start taking random three day weekends here and there. You should do the same.

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Oh no, having your floor replaced because of a flood at the beginning of lockdown sounds terrible!  But at least you got new flooring out of it; I hope you like it better than the old!  I'm glad you have a friend who's letting you use his washer so you don't have to go to the laundrymat.

Monday is the ideal day to take off.  Most people take off Fridays, but I can handle going to work on a Friday... because it's Friday!  The weekend is near.  But if you take off Monday, then you can avoid the Sunday night blues and come back to work knowing it's already Tuesday!  I should do that more, but I usually end up stressing over sub plans and wondering what I'm going to come back to the next day that I don't enjoy days off as much as I should, unless I'm traveling somewhere - then I don't really care; it can wait till I come back LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 11:40:18 PM ---I actually did wake up inspired, but then remembered how long it took me to edit last week's chapter, so I opted to edit rather than write anything new. I finished the first scene and the second scene is much shorter, so it should go quick tomorrow. I have no idea what to Author Talk about this week though, lol.

One of my friends beta reading the OF version said she was really enjoying it so far, so that made me happy. Her only notes were asking me what some vocabulary was. :) And that I can be repetitive sometimes, lol. I was like "Absolutely I ramble. Please tell me where I'm repeating myself!" Realistically, I probably have to cut PBox down by at least 80,000 words, so if I'm repeating myself, I just want to cut it.

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I'm glad you got your editing out of the way so you won't stress out about that on Wednesday.  Yay for a good review from your friend!  That's good that she's giving you some notes of things you can edit, but glad it's overall enjoyable!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 07, 2021, 11:42:18 PM ---How'd writing end up going today with the start of the Nick chapter?

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I ended up going upstairs to my writing room last night and got a good start on Nick's chapter in the early a.m.  My first late night writing session of summer!  Then I wrote some more after I woke up this morning, so altogether I was over my needed word count for today.  I also organized a couple closets, so it was a fairly productive day!  Hoping to get some more written tonight.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 11:55:55 PM ---I'm a fan of summaries that make me curious enough to click, so let's keep writing vague, mysterious, and intriguing ones!
--- End quote ---

Deal. I like being vague anyway, lol

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 11:55:55 PM ---That's interesting that the addition of 1999 increased your read count.  I guess readers like nostalgia?  I usually do include the date if I'm writing a story set in a specific time period, especially if it's that far in the past.
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I like nostalgia too, so I get it. I thought maybe confirmation that it was classic Backstreet swayed everyone. No wives, no girlfriends, no children, just Boys. It's probably a good tactic to orient readers to the time frame right away.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 11:55:55 PM ---Those are all good ones.  I do still use some weird dialogue tags because "said" and "replied" get to be too repetitive for me, but not as much as I used to.  I probably use them more in third person fics than first person; I limit my vocabulary a little more in first person so the narration sounds more like it's coming from a real person.

Trying to think of some other things I no longer do...

- Put song lyrics at the beginning or end of a chapter (or sometimes in the middle).  I only use song lyrics if the song is actually part of a scene, being sung, listened to, or referenced by a character.

- Put author's notes all over the place.  (I saw this one a lot in that thread.)  I only write author's notes if I feel the need to explain something or give credit where credit is due, and I typically post them at the end of the chapter so they're not distracting.

- Write a novel without some sort of outline.

- Post chapters as soon as I finish them.

- Write cheesy epilogues that take place in Heaven.

- Include NSYNC members (except for 00Carter - that one gets grandfathered in for being almost 15 years old LOL).

- Write Nick cancer stories? LOL

--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure I've gone the opposite route to avoid them and made every character an unnecessary busy body instead, lol. I think in first person, it's also easier to differentiate between "me" and "not me" without having to tag it in some way. I can't think of the last time I used "replied."

Random song lyrics were all the rage way back when! I won't lie to you and say I don't use tiny pieces of songs, because I do that in spades without meaning too, but I can't think of the last time I specifically wrote down lyrics.

End of the chapter is the best place for Author Notes. It doesn't interrupt the story and you can talk about what went on.

I'm dying at this list, especially the question mark in "Write Nick cancer stories?" lol! Does PBox&Co get grandfathered in to having NSYNC in it too? Like I know PNecklace is new, but they can't just suddenly disappear from the story, lol.


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