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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---Aww LOL.  That's a cute mental image you've created.
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Thanks. :) They're lovably created demons, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---Stab away!  It will only stop once we get to 1000 deaths, and we have a long ways to go LOL.  But if it's any consolation, there's also the spin-off where Nick gets his revenge by killing fans.  So if you want to redeem yourself, you can write a kill next.  It's kinda fun writing Nick as a sadistic yet sexy serial killer!
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Do enough people have 900 more deaths in them? What was the inspiration for 1000 deaths? I think Nick deserves to be a sadistic and sexy serial killer after dying so many times, lol. Though I think his reaction to death by snail would be "WTF?" more than murderous rage, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---I think it was pretty evenly balanced between them.  They both had filler subplots at different points in the story.

LOL If stabbing is the filler, it does make me wonder what's going on in the main plot that trumps that.

If Nick has already been stabbed and Brian hasn't, then yes, definitely stab Brian!  Spread the wealth pain!
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If nothing else, at least they had equal filler and not one more than the other. I think that's what would be hard about giving Nick extra plots in MBK if it doesn't feel like Kevin needs them, wouldn't want one story to be weaker just for being less A plot focused.

Something way more exciting than stabbing, obviously! lol Can't think of what that might be though... Maybe it's the opposite. It's a light and fluffy story with some F Plot stabbings.

LMAO! I misremembered my own story, I definitely stabbed Brian in PBox (how could I forget that he died?!); so I stabbed all of them lovingly at least once in PBox and Nick several times. So now we're back to me being on Chapter Forty-Eight without stabbing Nick yet... What do you think, Nick? Should I stab you? Then cryptic Nick pops up and goes "ummm..." It's been fifteen years, but we're due, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---Oh no, having your floor replaced because of a flood at the beginning of lockdown sounds terrible!  But at least you got new flooring out of it; I hope you like it better than the old!  I'm glad you have a friend who's letting you use his washer so you don't have to go to the laundrymat.
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We had one of those big plastic wraps with the zippers up for about a week as it dried out, it was no fun. It's just new? Hubs picked the exact same flooring as before, he's such a creature of habit, lol. Yeah, me too. Now that I've had my own washer and dryer, I can't go back to a laundrymat.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---Monday is the ideal day to take off.  Most people take off Fridays, but I can handle going to work on a Friday... because it's Friday!  The weekend is near.  But if you take off Monday, then you can avoid the Sunday night blues and come back to work knowing it's already Tuesday!  I should do that more, but I usually end up stressing over sub plans and wondering what I'm going to come back to the next day that I don't enjoy days off as much as I should, unless I'm traveling somewhere - then I don't really care; it can wait till I come back LOL.
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Yes! We were joking about working four tens today and I was all for it for all the reasons you listed; I volunteered to never come in on a Monday again if it became real. That will never happen, but it sure would be nice. Sub plans are hard for sure, especially if you're just taking a random day off for something. On vacation, it's definitely easier to not worry about it.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---I'm glad you got your editing out of the way so you won't stress out about that on Wednesday.  Yay for a good review from your friend!  That's good that she's giving you some notes of things you can edit, but glad it's overall enjoyable!
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Finished today. I edited a lot more than I'd originally planned on in this chapter, but I think it ended up better for it. Maybe tomorrow I'll just be able to write. I've never gotten much done on a Wednesday, but tomorrow might be the day, lol.

It was exciting! I also enjoy... appreciate might be a better word... appreciate when they tear it to shreds, but engaging was good to hear. :)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 12:16:46 AM ---I ended up going upstairs to my writing room last night and got a good start on Nick's chapter in the early a.m.  My first late night writing session of summer!  Then I wrote some more after I woke up this morning, so altogether I was over my needed word count for today.  I also organized a couple closets, so it was a fairly productive day!  Hoping to get some more written tonight.

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That is a productive day! Closets, morning writing, late writing, and a baseball game! How was it getting back into the late night sessions? Better than morning writing or about the same? Hope last night and today went great and you finished the Nick chapter!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:19:37 PM ---I'm pretty sure I've gone the opposite route to avoid them and made every character an unnecessary busy body instead, lol. I think in first person, it's also easier to differentiate between "me" and "not me" without having to tag it in some way. I can't think of the last time I used "replied."

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I enjoy "replied" as an alternate to "said" that's not weird.  It's nice when you can avoid dialogue tags altogether, but sometimes I enjoy putting them in just to break up longer pieces of dialogue.  First person definitely makes it easier to differentiate between characters, as well as not having to use characters' names as often.  You can get away with using more pronouns.  The main reason I decided to write my slash in first person was so it wouldn't get confusing with all the "he/his/him" LOL.  At least one of them could be "I/me" then.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:19:37 PM ---I'm dying at this list, especially the question mark in "Write Nick cancer stories?" lol! Does PBox&Co get grandfathered in to having NSYNC in it too? Like I know PNecklace is new, but they can't just suddenly disappear from the story, lol.

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LOL I know if I say definitively I am NEVER writing another Nick cancer story, I will inevitably get an idea for one and be tempted.  But I'm not planning to.

Yes, PBox & Co get grandfathered into the "No NSYNC" rule.  They can only disappear if you kill them.  Stab stab stab!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:43:55 PM ---Do enough people have 900 more deaths in them? What was the inspiration for 1000 deaths? I think Nick deserves to be a sadistic and sexy serial killer after dying so many times, lol. Though I think his reaction to death by snail would be "WTF?" more than murderous rage, lol.

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The inspiration was a conversation (probably here) about how cruel we are all to Nick in fanfic and the show 1000 Ways to Die.  LOL He would have the WTF reaction to a lot of his deaths; some of them are pretty random.  He can get his revenge on the snail in Revenge of the Slaughtered.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:43:55 PM ---Something way more exciting than stabbing, obviously! lol Can't think of what that might be though... Maybe it's the opposite. It's a light and fluffy story with some F Plot stabbings.

LMAO! I misremembered my own story, I definitely stabbed Brian in PBox (how could I forget that he died?!); so I stabbed all of them lovingly at least once in PBox and Nick several times. So now we're back to me being on Chapter Forty-Eight without stabbing Nick yet... What do you think, Nick? Should I stab you? Then cryptic Nick pops up and goes "ummm..." It's been fifteen years, but we're due, lol.

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I would enjoy romantic comedies more if they contained random stabbing subplots LOL.

And yes, if it's been fifteen years, then Nick is definitely due for another stabbing!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:43:55 PM ---Yes! We were joking about working four tens today and I was all for it for all the reasons you listed; I volunteered to never come in on a Monday again if it became real. That will never happen, but it sure would be nice. Sub plans are hard for sure, especially if you're just taking a random day off for something. On vacation, it's definitely easier to not worry about it.

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I would absolutely work four tens over five eights!  I have also suggested having Wednesdays off so we never have to work more than two days in a row, but my district has not adopted this schedule yet. LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:43:55 PM ---Finished today. I edited a lot more than I'd originally planned on in this chapter, but I think it ended up better for it. Maybe tomorrow I'll just be able to write. I've never gotten much done on a Wednesday, but tomorrow might be the day, lol.

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Yay!  I hope tomorrow is a productive writing day now that your editing's out of the way for the week.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 08, 2021, 10:43:55 PM ---That is a productive day! Closets, morning writing, late writing, and a baseball game! How was it getting back into the late night sessions? Better than morning writing or about the same? Hope last night and today went great and you finished the Nick chapter!

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Mornings have still been better, but I'm not quite in a routine with the late night writing yet.  I wrote a little bit last night, and then I went downstairs and watched a movie.  Today I wrote a tiny bit as I was getting ready in the morning, and then I was gone the rest of the day, so I haven't gotten back to it yet.  Hoping to get some more written tonight.  I still have a ways to go in the Nick chapter, so I won't finish it tonight, but hopefully by the end of the week.

I am so close to finishing History. Two more chapters to go. This one is a flashback chapter but I'm having trouble picking moment in time that would kind of coincide with announcing Kevin's return. Cause the final chapter will obviously be about the announcement.

Yay, you're so close!!

They announced Kevin was coming back in April, right?  So maybe something about their anniversary?  My first thought was showing when Kevin called Brian to join the group, but you already included that.  What about showing when Brian actually came down to Orlando and met the other guys for the first time, from Kevin's perspective?  Brian completed the Backstreet Boys then, and Kevin coming back makes them complete again, so that could go together.

Otherwise, what about showing the meeting where Kevin told the guys he wanted to leave the group?  I know you've included flashbacks to that moment, with Nick screaming that he hates Kevin and all that, but you haven't actually shown the whole scene, have you?  Or maybe a scene with Kevin and Kristin where Kevin makes the decision to leave and/or reacts to the announcement coming out that he's leaving.  They could talk about wanting to start a family and whatnot.  I think any of those ideas would work to connect to Kevin coming back.


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