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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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There's a few things I could do. I kinda started writing something but I might change it, I have plenty of time because I plan to update again Monday. I'm actually about to work on it after I make myself dinner.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:14:22 PM ---I enjoy "replied" as an alternate to "said" that's not weird.  It's nice when you can avoid dialogue tags altogether, but sometimes I enjoy putting them in just to break up longer pieces of dialogue.  First person definitely makes it easier to differentiate between characters, as well as not having to use characters' names as often.  You can get away with using more pronouns.  The main reason I decided to write my slash in first person was so it wouldn't get confusing with all the "he/his/him" LOL.  At least one of them could be "I/me" then.
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I think I end up with a lot of "he smiled" type stuff from trying to break up long dialogue. Which probably isn't much better, lol! I feel like I only end up using a dialogue tag when someone is present, but hasn't spoken in a while and has nothing to do while speaking. If it made sense, I would absolutely make 80% of my scenes take place in a kitchen or something like that and give all the Boys a task to do that I could reference once they were quiet for a while, lol! LMAO! You're totally right on all the he/his/him things! I think this is an issue we have more than other fandoms (except for other boyband fandoms, of course) simply due to the sheer amount of male characters that are with each other for a good portion of the story. I think that's part of why epithets got so popular, and ridiculous! Anyone remember how Howie always got called "the Latin one"? At that point, just say "Howie." It's not like it's some cool epithet like The Blood King or something. Or like Hades got a lot of epithets because dying freaked the Greeks out; I feel like "he who receives many guests" was a frequent one. And Howie just gets "the Latin one"... Collectively, we should all be more creative. Even something mundane like "Howie, builder of beach-side condos" is better.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:14:22 PM ---LOL I know if I say definitively I am NEVER writing another Nick cancer story, I will inevitably get an idea for one and be tempted.  But I'm not planning to.

Yes, PBox & Co get grandfathered into the "No NSYNC" rule.  They can only disappear if you kill them.  Stab stab stab!

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I figured that was the reason, but I enjoyed that it was a question so much more than if you'd just written "possibly Nick cancer stories" or "write really long Nick cancer stories." At least it was "things you used to do that you don't anymore" and not "things you never do anymore." I call that a loophole around your vow to never say never!

Okay good. I know I'm a rule breaker, but... getting grandfathered in is good. lmao! You know, it's just not as much fun stabbing them.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:23:13 PM ---The inspiration was a conversation (probably here) about how cruel we are all to Nick in fanfic and the show 1000 Ways to Die.  LOL He would have the WTF reaction to a lot of his deaths; some of them are pretty random.  He can get his revenge on the snail in Revenge of the Slaughtered.
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That makes sense; we do often talk about how cruel we are to him. But, he's an equally picky muse, so I think it balances out some. It's probably more fun that they're random. Can he though? The premise is that it can't be killed.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:23:13 PM ---I would enjoy romantic comedies more if they contained random stabbing subplots LOL.

And yes, if it's been fifteen years, then Nick is definitely due for another stabbing!
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lol! That's how you get through some hurt/comfort, obviously.

It's only been about thirteen since I finished PBox? Close enough; you're right, he's due. Although, I meant since we've heard from the cryptic Nick account. A long discussion on stabbing him seems like the type of thing that would bring him back.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:23:13 PM ---I would absolutely work four tens over five eights!  I have also suggested having Wednesdays off so we never have to work more than two days in a row, but my district has not adopted this schedule yet. LOL
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Yes! My boss already claimed Wednesdays, but that would have been another option I would have opted for. I'm sorry your district is refusing to listen to your genius.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:23:13 PM ---Yay!  I hope tomorrow is a productive writing day now that your editing's out of the way for the week.
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Nope! Tired. Always so tired mid-week, lol. I think this will be another "I wrote a sentence to keep the streak alive" day.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 08, 2021, 11:23:13 PM ---Mornings have still been better, but I'm not quite in a routine with the late night writing yet.  I wrote a little bit last night, and then I went downstairs and watched a movie.  Today I wrote a tiny bit as I was getting ready in the morning, and then I was gone the rest of the day, so I haven't gotten back to it yet.  Hoping to get some more written tonight.  I still have a ways to go in the Nick chapter, so I won't finish it tonight, but hopefully by the end of the week.

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I get that. You've been so used to your morning routine for a while, that it's probably hard to get a night routine going that's different from "go to bed at a semi-decent hour." I hope yesterday's night writing went well! I'm sending good vibes for your Nick chapter! :)


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on June 09, 2021, 01:16:39 AM ---I am so close to finishing History. Two more chapters to go. This one is a flashback chapter but I'm having trouble picking moment in time that would kind of coincide with announcing Kevin's return. Cause the final chapter will obviously be about the announcement.

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Yay!!!! Two chapters to go!!!  :party: All of Julie's suggestions were good; I can't think of anything else off hand. How did the writing post-dinner go? Did you end up going the direction you were planning or did you choose something else?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 09, 2021, 10:30:12 PM ---I think I end up with a lot of "he smiled" type stuff from trying to break up long dialogue. Which probably isn't much better, lol! I feel like I only end up using a dialogue tag when someone is present, but hasn't spoken in a while and has nothing to do while speaking. If it made sense, I would absolutely make 80% of my scenes take place in a kitchen or something like that and give all the Boys a task to do that I could reference once they were quiet for a while, lol! LMAO! You're totally right on all the he/his/him things! I think this is an issue we have more than other fandoms (except for other boyband fandoms, of course) simply due to the sheer amount of male characters that are with each other for a good portion of the story. I think that's part of why epithets got so popular, and ridiculous! Anyone remember how Howie always got called "the Latin one"? At that point, just say "Howie." It's not like it's some cool epithet like The Blood King or something. Or like Hades got a lot of epithets because dying freaked the Greeks out; I feel like "he who receives many guests" was a frequent one. And Howie just gets "the Latin one"... Collectively, we should all be more creative. Even something mundane like "Howie, builder of beach-side condos" is better.

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It's definitely easier when there's something for them to do so you can write in some body language or an action instead of a dialogue tag.

Oh, the epithets!  I remember them well.  I actually mocked that in a chapter of Not Another Teenybopper Fanfic, where they got super specific and obscure.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 09, 2021, 10:30:12 PM ---That makes sense; we do often talk about how cruel we are to him. But, he's an equally picky muse, so I think it balances out some. It's probably more fun that they're random. Can he though? The premise is that it can't be killed.

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Oh, it's definitely his fault.  He's attention whore, and there's no better way to get attention than die.  Then all the focus is on him.

Random is definitely more fun.  If they were serious deaths, it would just be sad.  But the randomness makes them funny.

Ooh, good point, I forgot the snail was invincible.  He'll have to take revenge on the author then. ;)

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 09, 2021, 10:30:12 PM ---Although, I meant since we've heard from the cryptic Nick account. A long discussion on stabbing him seems like the type of thing that would bring him back.

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Oh, gotcha!  Yes, if cryptic Nick is still out there lurking, this does seem like the kind of thing he would comment on.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 09, 2021, 10:30:12 PM ---Nope! Tired. Always so tired mid-week, lol. I think this will be another "I wrote a sentence to keep the streak alive" day.

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Ugh, I hate those days!  I went to bed/took a nap at 9 p.m. tonight because I was so wiped from sitting out in the heat through two ball games.  I got up at noon today, so I knew I couldn't really be ready for bed after only being awake nine hours... sure enough, I got up again at midnight.  This is how my sleep schedule gets so messed up LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 09, 2021, 10:30:12 PM ---I get that. You've been so used to your morning routine for a while, that it's probably hard to get a night routine going that's different from "go to bed at a semi-decent hour." I hope yesterday's night writing went well! I'm sending good vibes for your Nick chapter! :)

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I watched another movie instead of writing last night, and I didn't get very much written this morning (technically afternoon) - mostly just some edits on an upcoming chapter.  But I at least made it up to my writing room tonight, so hopefully tonight goes better.

I hope you get a good night's sleep and are less tired tomorrow.  At least it'll be Thursday, so the weekend's almost here!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 01:07:11 AM ---It's definitely easier when there's something for them to do so you can write in some body language or an action instead of a dialogue tag.

Oh, the epithets!  I remember them well.  I actually mocked that in a chapter of Not Another Teenybopper Fanfic, where they got super specific and obscure.
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OMG! I nearly died laughing; I had completely forgotten this. I was laughing at the different ways to describe green eyes and then the author's note in the middle of the chapter, but I lost it at "sea grass destroyer" and it only got better from there. Thanks, I needed that today, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 01:07:11 AM ---Oh, it's definitely his fault.  He's attention whore, and there's no better way to get attention than die.  Then all the focus is on him.

Random is definitely more fun.  If they were serious deaths, it would just be sad.  But the randomness makes them funny.

Ooh, good point, I forgot the snail was invincible.  He'll have to take revenge on the author then. ;)
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You're right. He would get appropriate mourning for his death to satiate his need for attention. And if he becomes Brian's guardian angel, then he can savor that attention, lol.

Yeah, I think if it was 1000 stories about how he died of cancer, it would be very sad.

What if he reads it and thinks it's poetic and nuanced? If it's poetic and nuanced, it's not worthy of murder, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 01:07:11 AM ---Oh, gotcha!  Yes, if cryptic Nick is still out there lurking, this does seem like the kind of thing he would comment on.
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It's been a couple days discussing the topic, so I think we're safe and can stab away!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 01:07:11 AM ---Ugh, I hate those days!  I went to bed/took a nap at 9 p.m. tonight because I was so wiped from sitting out in the heat through two ball games.  I got up at noon today, so I knew I couldn't really be ready for bed after only being awake nine hours... sure enough, I got up again at midnight.  This is how my sleep schedule gets so messed up LOL.

I watched another movie instead of writing last night, and I didn't get very much written this morning (technically afternoon) - mostly just some edits on an upcoming chapter.  But I at least made it up to my writing room tonight, so hopefully tonight goes better.

I hope you get a good night's sleep and are less tired tomorrow.  At least it'll be Thursday, so the weekend's almost here!

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You took a 9pm nap and still woke up at midnight ready to function! Witchcraft! Sitting in the heat and sun all day definitely wipes me out, so I would probably be ready for bed even if I only woke up nine hours before. What time did you wake up today? How'd writing go last night? Was today an unbooked day?

Editing is important! That's how I got 26 words out yesterday! The streak is alive... barely. I woke up wide awake at 6am or so and was thinking "maybe I should write this morning," but then hubs cuddled me and I feel back asleep. :( But when I woke up, I was very inspired to write!... a 400 word scene from the next book. ::) So still three chapters to go over here, lol. Going to try to write again this evening.


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