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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: mare on March 15, 2021, 09:23:26 AM ---I have been the total opposite. I can’t seem to read fast enough, but that’s all I seem to be able to do lol not much else.

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I go through phases like that too.  It's usually either/or for me... either I write a lot, or I read a lot.  It's hard to find the time to do a lot of both, and although I love to read, I tend to choose writing when I have the time and motivation because I'm always like, "I can read any time, but I can't write any time, so I should write now."  And then I realize it's been a while since I've read an actual book.  I have a pile of half-finished, barely-started, or not-started-yet-but-someday books waiting on my night table.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 01:18:38 PM ---Yay! Glad you're loving it! I think it's good to try it if you've never written hot mess Nick! He's definitely a wild card! And fun to dabble with, sometimes... I realize I say this and any present-day story I started during that time never got finished and PBox Nick is an emotional wreck, but not as much of a hot mess. Beta Sigma Beta Nick was probably the closest I got to successfully and sustainably writing hot mess Nick, but that was only in the AU parts -- Nick in the "canon" parts was very much 90's Nick. It's probably easier writing hot mess Nick knowing that it's a moment in time and not forever. Whereas back then, we spent a lot of time going "Oh Nick, I love you, but..." Or maybe that was just me. At least I hit 22 and ended up saying "Still not sorry for worrying about you, Nick, but sorry for judging your decisions."

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Yes!  Especially the part I bolded.  Back when Nick was a hot mess, I was happier writing about a fictional version who wasn't (or was at least less so).  But now that he's moved on to a new and better phase of his life, it's been interesting to look back and work some of his real life drama into my fanfic.  It makes me appreciate the personal growth he's made since then even more.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 01:18:38 PM ---Same, or writing forum posts, lol. Woah, that is inspiration! You skipped your favorite tv night to write! Good for you!

I had the most unproductive weekend. I wrote a sentence on Friday. I did nothing on Saturday... Well, I wrote 1,000s of words here, but nothing novel-wise. Yesterday, I was feeling pretty inspired and got 543 words of PNecklace written, was still thinking about it during weekly meal prep and feeling pretty inspired, then found out we had a snow day today at like 3pm when we finished cooking. And my motivation drained. So I wrote a few notes for myself on the things I had been thinking about while chopping potatoes and cauliflower, then watched the NCAA tournament bracket announcement show and played on my phone or checked here. I got a second wind of inspiration as I went to bed and wrote another 169 words on my phone. Today feels like a solid inspiration day, so I think I can be a little more productive, especially since refreshing the forum constantly would be silly since 9-5 weekdays are slower here, haha. Wish me luck, basically!

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I told myself I would watch my shows tonight because nothing else is on (except Snowpiercer, which I have already fallen a few weeks behind on - whoops).  But I wrote before school again this morning and am hoping to write more tonight, so we'll see.  I didn't watch Walking Dead last Sunday night either because I got sucked into the Meghan and Harry interview, and I didn't end up watching it until Saturday night because I wrote most of the other nights.  Too much inspiration and not enough time... it's a good problem to have!

I figured you must have had a snow day today when I saw what time you posted on here.  We had shitty weather here today too - rain, then freezing rain, then back to regular rain.  Not cold enough to get any snow, but some of the trees were covered in ice on the way home, while the grass is starting to get green... very weird looking. 

Don't feel bad about having an unproductive weekend.  We all have weekends like that, and you weren't feeling your best.  I hope you had better luck writing today!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 01:50:04 PM ---In the spirit of being totally useless and not productive, I decided to see what my word counts were like around this time (14th of the month) for all the other months that I've been keeping track (since November).

* November: 20,412 words
* December: 10,370 words
* January: 20,891 words
* February: 11,027 words
* March: 7,900 words
I broke the pattern, oh noes! lol I'm going to call this fairly consistent. Anyway, all this being said, I think I'm going to do the Camp NaNo in April if anyone wants to join me. It's a little less of a commitment than November's event since you get to set your own word count goal for writing or editing, rather than the 50,000 words of writing November requires for completion. Not sure what my word count goal will be yet, but my plan is to have PNecklace finished by the end of the month; about six months of committed writing, that would be pretty good work! I have about 60,000 words left to go (based on chapters left and my typical chapter length goals); I think I can do it! :)

Now I'll stop stalling, take advantage of this Monday snow day, and go write, lol. :)

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Wow, you were super productive in November and January!  Hopefully you're more productive for the rest of March, especially if you want to write 60,000 words between now and the end of April!

I've never tried keeping track of a monthly word count that way.  That is probably helpful for setting a goal for Camp NaNo.  I have never done that before either, but I'd be willing to give it a try.  I've always wanted to do NaNoWriMo, but November is never a good month for me.  April is more doable because at least it starts with my spring break.  It doesn't have to be a brand new story/project, right?  I can just set a word count goal for what I'm currently writing?  That would be good for me.

Answering your question, Dee. I just finished The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett. It was really great. I’m now reading Slaughterhouse Five. I promised myself I’d read at least one classic book a year that I’ve never read before. It’s really weird and funny and strange. Very Kurt Vonnegut lol

And I’m the same way too, Julie. Physically all I seem to be able to do is lay in bed or on my recliner so reading is the way to go for me. When I had the writing bug, I barely read anything except maybe a few fanfics I was following.

I'm going to come back and respond to all of this, but I need someone to appreciate this that is not my husband, because his response was "Okay, sorry you spent your time doing that instead of being productive." (still mostly productive)

In the name of quick research, I tried looking up videos of birds falling without being injured/able to stick the landing and stumbled on a bunch of videos of baby birds attempting flight for the first time instead. So, have some videos of baby birds attempting flight because they look like tiny puff balls bouncing off the ground that should have some sort of accompanying silly sound effect. or

I did stumble on one where the baby bird probably shouldn't have been trying to jump, but a predatory bird and fox wanted to nom on them. It went less well and made me sad. :(

Back to writing while feeling inspired and working hard!


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