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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Aww, cute! Thanks for only sharing the successful ones LOL. I can't handle sad animal videos.

Sorry for not being so chatty in the last few days, I’ve had a really crazy weekend with work and today is my day off so I am here and there. I did manage to write a little bit over the weekend and almost have a new chapter of History written.

I was going to answer questions but they are pretty buried so I am going to try to answer at least one lol

there’s nothing that I’ve ever written that I didn’t post, other than a death I started for 1000 Ways last year, I never finished it so I never posted it but it’s in my drafts on Google Docs somewhere. I also still have the beginnings of that Brian romance story that I was playing with too. Not sure if I want to post it or not, I’m undecided.

I’ve never regretted writing anything but looking back on my older stories recently, there’s things I would change or tweak to make them bettter. I don’t because it’s good to reread them and look back to see how I have grown as a writer. I used to use such short chapters and very little description so it’s nice to see how I have improved in that area.

As for my most popular story? If I had to guess I would say You Give Love A Bad Name only because I know it’s my most read story on Wattpad so it could very well be the same case on AC too. On Wattpad it has 10,400 hits on it.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 04:33:15 PM ---Yes!  Especially the part I bolded.  Back when Nick was a hot mess, I was happier writing about a fictional version who wasn't (or was at least less so).  But now that he's moved on to a new and better phase of his life, it's been interesting to look back and work some of his real life drama into my fanfic.  It makes me appreciate the personal growth he's made since then even more.
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It's like real life character development! Once again, Nick just screams protagonist, lmao. ;) I appreciate it too. :) In the right crowd, he's got a good head on his shoulders.

Ooh, that actually reminds me of something I was reading today about things people notice about men who are insecure in their masculinity and one of them was something like "Put their friends down constantly. Real men constantly celebrate and love their brothers for their accomplishment s. Insecure men are always trying to one-up everyone or make others look small so they look better." And my first thought was definitely "Nick versus Justin" rather than anyone I knew in real life, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 04:33:15 PM ---I told myself I would watch my shows tonight because nothing else is on (except Snowpiercer, which I have already fallen a few weeks behind on - whoops).  But I wrote before school again this morning and am hoping to write more tonight, so we'll see.  I didn't watch Walking Dead last Sunday night either because I got sucked into the Meghan and Harry interview, and I didn't end up watching it until Saturday night because I wrote most of the other nights.  Too much inspiration and not enough time... it's a good problem to have!
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If you wrote before school, you almost gotta keep the momentum going if you can? Or take a break because you deserve it. I see both arguments. That interview was wild! I think I'd rather have too much inspiration and not enough time rather than loads of time and no inspiration. I can confirm that no writing gets done without inspiration.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 04:33:15 PM ---I figured you must have had a snow day today when I saw what time you posted on here.  We had shitty weather here today too - rain, then freezing rain, then back to regular rain.  Not cold enough to get any snow, but some of the trees were covered in ice on the way home, while the grass is starting to get green... very weird looking. 

Don't feel bad about having an unproductive weekend.  We all have weekends like that, and you weren't feeling your best.  I hope you had better luck writing today!

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I am bold enough to write at work if I have nothing else to do, no one is around, and I'm feeling inspired. I am not bold enough to check the forums. Or play on my phone... I figure writing looks like doing work, so unless someone sneaks up on me and says "Who stabbed what now?" they would never know, lol.

That's what Saturday was like. Loads and loads of rain. Then our fourth largest snow storm in record-tracking years. And then snow day number two tomorrow! It's a sign to write. Also a great time to be recovering from the vaccine if it had gone more poorly. Extra days. :) It's always super weird when it's green out and there's ice. It's like that here a lot just because of the sun being out most of the time, even when it snows.

I was just mostly bummed that Sunday felt like an inspiration day and ended up being a wash. But you're right, we all have days and weekends and weeks like that. :) After all that, I ended up finishing the chapter I was working on and writing about 1,300 new words today so far. Next chapter is fun because I basically have two versions of it written, I'm just figuring out how to splice it together the best so that it's the most interesting. So I'll go back to having several documents open at once, the worst, lol.

I hope you've enjoyed your day off, Tracy!  Glad to hear you got some written over the weekend.  I also hope you'll finish that Nick death and post it at some point!  What has you undecided about the Brian romance?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 09:26:08 PM ---It's like real life character development! Once again, Nick just screams protagonist, lmao. ;) I appreciate it too. :) In the right crowd, he's got a good head on his shoulders.

Ooh, that actually reminds me of something I was reading today about things people notice about men who are insecure in their masculinity and one of them was something like "Put their friends down constantly. Real men constantly celebrate and love their brothers for their accomplishment s. Insecure men are always trying to one-up everyone or make others look small so they look better." And my first thought was definitely "Nick versus Justin" rather than anyone I knew in real life, lol.

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Haha, that is so true!  I love how our boys embrace their "feminine" side.  They're not afraid to share their feelings or cry in front of other people or tell each other "I love you" or, in AJ's case, wear nail polish and eye makeup and women's clothing LOL.  They must be fairly confident in their masculinity to do those things.  I also think their willingness to emote and show their love for each other makes them more fun fanfic characters to write.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 09:26:08 PM ---If you wrote before school, you almost gotta keep the momentum going if you can? Or take a break because you deserve it. I see both arguments. That interview was wild! I think I'd rather have too much inspiration and not enough time rather than loads of time and no inspiration. I can confirm that no writing gets done without inspiration.

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I've been writing all evening and haven't even turned on my TV!  I guess no Walking Dead or 90 Day Fiance again tonight.  I'll catch up when my inspiration runs out.  It is rare for me to be on such a roll this early on in a story (especially a story I was stuck on for three years LOL), so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 09:26:08 PM ---That's what Saturday was like. Loads and loads of rain. Then our fourth largest snow storm in record-tracking years. And then snow day number two tomorrow! It's a sign to write. Also a great time to be recovering from the vaccine if it had gone more poorly. Extra days. :) It's always super weird when it's green out and there's ice. It's like that here a lot just because of the sun being out most of the time, even when it snows.

I was just mostly bummed that Sunday felt like an inspiration day and ended up being a wash. But you're right, we all have days and weekends and weeks like that. :) After all that, I ended up finishing the chapter I was working on and writing about 1,300 new words today so far. Next chapter is fun because I basically have two versions of it written, I'm just figuring out how to splice it together the best so that it's the most interesting. So I'll go back to having several documents open at once, the worst, lol.

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Yay for another snow day tomorrow!  And congrats on finishing your chapter!  I hope you can keep the momentum going and take advantage of the extra writing time tomorrow.  Snow days are the best because there's no pressure to go out and do anything with your unexpected day off.  You can just stay home and do whatever you want.

I hate splicing!!!  And yet, it makes me happy to be able to use excerpts from old versions of a scene in the new one.  I just hate the process of putting everything together.


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