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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 09:35:59 PM ---Haha, that is so true!  I love how our boys embrace their "feminine" side.  They're not afraid to share their feelings or cry in front of other people or tell each other "I love you" or, in AJ's case, wear nail polish and eye makeup and women's clothing LOL.  They must be fairly confident in their masculinity to do those things.  I also think their willingness to emote and show their love for each other makes them more fun fanfic characters to write.
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Me too, and they always have. It's the best part of their bond. :) I was never sure why anyone called them the "serious ones" like they had zero emotions. They're the best little emoters. ;)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 09:35:59 PM ---I've been writing all evening and haven't even turned on my TV!  I guess no Walking Dead or 90 Day Fiance again tonight.  I'll catch up when my inspiration runs out.  It is rare for me to be on such a roll this early on in a story (especially a story I was stuck on for three years LOL), so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
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Woah! Go, Julie, go! I'm sending good vibes to your inspiration! Now was just the right time to write this one!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 09:35:59 PM ---Yay for another snow day tomorrow!  And congrats on finishing your chapter!  I hope you can keep the momentum going and take advantage of the extra writing time tomorrow.  Snow days are the best because there's no pressure to go out and do anything with your unexpected day off.  You can just stay home and do whatever you want.

I hate splicing!!!  And yet, it makes me happy to be able to use excerpts from old versions of a scene in the new one.  I just hate the process of putting everything together.

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I am so excited. It's a four day weekend! I knew I had it in me eventually. I'm hoping I can as well. I'm trying to keep my sleep schedule fairly consistent, but I'm honestly wide awake, so I may just keep writing until I can't or it hits midnight or something. Tomorrow's schedule is a little writing, a little of my volunteer stuff, some coffee, and paper shredding, lol. Today I deep cleaned the bathrooms, so I deserve some writing time.

I don't mind splicing, but it's usually a "I wrote part of this scene already and now we're here." Then I type over it in suggest mode as I see fit until it goes with the rest of what's there. Suggest mode is my favorite, but the walls of green are something else after a while. I think this one might be a little harder because I have a "here's what happened" version and "here's Nick saying 'here's what happened' as everyone reacts" version. There's good in both, it's just putting them together in the right way, because I don't think it warrants both a "here's what happened" chapter and a "everyone reacts" chapter. Not sure what this is yet! I may have to reread both of them first, then decide.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 15, 2021, 10:08:08 PM ---I had so many ideas for one shots over the weekend but also no motivation to write any of them lol.
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Write them down and save them for when motivation comes!

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 15, 2021, 10:08:08 PM ---I’m not sure what is making me hesitate on the Brian story. It could be a few reasons. I think it is a very interesting idea but I don’t think I have enough to make a whole story and commit to regular updates on it. I have not written any romance that is not slash in about two years, so I think that is why i am having trouble connecting to that story again. I find myself revisiting old ideas I’ve had and the stories on AC that I abandoned, like the storm chasing story that had AJ as the main character. I’d love to actually rework it and make another attempt on it one day. It’s just going to need a LOT of research and I just don’t have time to take  to do that with how my work is going. It’s been very hectic at my night job for the last month or so. I had to take over a job in my department that’s not my normal job, without being trained properly on said job. I was thrown into it and I winged it. So my stress level has been through the roof.

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Could be a novella if you think it has enough for a little story, but not a lot of story? I wonder if there's a romancey movie that would get you in the groove? 27 Dresses is always one of my go-tos.

I do love that you're getting inspired on old ideas too! Maybe we can all make a commitment to each other to tackle Guilty Roads, Gobosei, and the AJ story (or another old one you like) if we're all feeling inspired about them. :)

It's hard to find creative motivation when work is stressful. Sorry you had an entire new job thrust on you without training; that's always hard! I'm sending you lots of good vibes that it gets better. Make sure that you're taking time for you! Whether that involves writing or not! You're a champ!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 09:47:27 PM ---For sure, Slaughterhouse Five is quintessential Kurt Vonnegut! I'm glad you're enjoying everything you're reading. What's next on the list, either general or a classic you haven't read?

I can't think of the last thing I read that wasn't a fanfic... Depending on how writing is going, I think I'm going to commit to reading something over spring break.

How do you feel about reading in public places? Like at work?

I have the same pile in our living room. It's bad.

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Next up is probably a John Grisham novel I haven’t read yet. I think it’s called The Partner? I’ve read his newer stuff but never read much of his older stuff.

I missed the where I read question. I always had a book with me at school in case of last minute assemblies or class no shows. I usually bring a book with me wherever I go, like my Dr. Appt. tomorrow, but if it’s too loud I can’t concentrate on what I’m reading. I prefer reading at home, especially when the weather is warm enough for me to sit outside.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 09:42:01 PM ---But definitely for the April/July Camp Nanos, you can set whatever word count as a goal and have at it for any old or new project or projects, they don't even have to be "novels" in the traditional sense: poems, research papers, scripts, blogs, whatever are all fine as long as we're writing. And then we just cheer each other on and update our word counts as we work. :) Camp used to be a little more complicated set-up wise (like you could join pre-made writing groups based on what you were writing), but it's a lot simpler now that it's all the same site. Here's their little blurb:

And I already preemptively made our writing group back whenever we all discussed the July one, so it's ready to go whenever, it just needs a little visual love, lol.

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Yeah, that sounds more my speed.  I don't like having a lot of requirements for something that's supposed to be fun.  I could probably churn out 50,000 in June or July with the right story, but not in any other month.  Count me in for the Camp Nano!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 09:47:27 PM ---How do you feel about reading in public places? Like at work?

I have the same pile in our living room. It's bad.

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I can read in public places if I have to (like in waiting rooms or airports), but I prefer to read at home.  I do read at work sometimes, but only children's books or professional texts.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 15, 2021, 10:08:08 PM ---I had so many ideas for one shots over the weekend but also no motivation to write any of them lol.

I’m not sure what is making me hesitate on the Brian story. It could be a few reasons. I think it is a very interesting idea but I don’t think I have enough to make a whole story and commit to regular updates on it. I have not written any romance that is not slash in about two years, so I think that is why i am having trouble connecting to that story again. I find myself revisiting old ideas I’ve had and the stories on AC that I abandoned, like the storm chasing story that had AJ as the main character. I’d love to actually rework it and make another attempt on it one day. It’s just going to need a LOT of research and I just don’t have time to take  to do that with how my work is going. It’s been very hectic at my night job for the last month or so. I had to take over a job in my department that’s not my normal job, without being trained properly on said job. I was thrown into it and I winged it. So my stress level has been through the roof.

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I'm glad to hear you have a lot of ideas!  Sorry the time/motivation is lacking.  Your work situation does sound stressful!  I hope it gets better as you get used to it or until you can hire someone new for that position.

I hear you on the romance woes.  I usually write romance more as a subplot so I don't worry about running out of ideas or getting bored with it.  I've gotta have some other drama outside of the relationship to keep me interested.  If it helps, you sound exactly like me when I was getting ready for write By My Side back in the day - worried I wouldn't have enough ideas, worried I wouldn't be able to commit to it.  Somehow it turned into a 200-chapter novel that I had no trouble finishing.  But even though it is a romance, it definitely had outside drama, too.  Maybe there's a way you could combine the Brian romance storyline with another idea to beef it up.  Or you could always envision it as a shorter story, like a novella instead of a novel.  Not everything needs to be an epic, as I'm learning LOL.


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