Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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--- Quote from: mare on October 09, 2007, 07:46:58 PM ---What a great idea! lol you is a genius! :)

--- End quote ---

Yes, yes I am a genius. Glad you noticed.  8)

Ok, enough of my jackassery... I have news for you. So I had been thinking about my deadline for chapter 14, and what I was going to do with it then I decided that since I have the flu I would rather be asleep so I went to bed lol Yeah, good story eh? There's more. So I went to bed at like 10, then at 12 I wake up because I had a stroke of brilliance and had thought of a really funny line for a scene in chapter 14, rather than hope I remember it I decided to write it down and grabbed my notebook. Well, here I am at 12:45 with the entire chapter written on paper lol As soon as I wrote one thing it all just started pouring out of me and before I knew it the whole chapter was done! So, if I have time tomorrow I will type it up, edit it, and will so definitely meet my deadline.

 :o wow! maybe Mare should start crackin the whip over all our heads! lol. That kind of inspiration doesn't come easy.

WOW!! That's excellent!! You get two gold stars for that one! and I wil gladly give everyone deadlines if that will help! lol

So when's my next due date? lol

LOL how many more chapters do you have to go?

The answer to that will let me figure out how much time I can give you between dates but let's say for now your next chapter is still due by the 15th. :)


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