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Author Topic: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world  (Read 47630 times)


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #75 on: February 02, 2008, 01:05:31 AM »

No way! I meant to give you a more in depth review cuz I read it last week. Readers are stupid! I'm actually torn because duh you want him with Jordan, but in a lot of ways I can sympathize with Erin and I know VERY well from personal experience what it feels like to be someone's second best, so I feel for her as well. I'm waiting paitently to see where its going actually. It could go either way right now.

That's the problem sometimes with readers. They want to immdiately jump to the first female that is introduced defense because that's who they 'should" wind up with. And anyone else who comes between that is a bitch. I think I'd like to write a fic where the first girl introduced is the bitch. But then my readers would like her because she was with the guy first.

aww. now see. that makes you one of those readers that just "gets" it then. lol. Yay for you reading my story. Thankies and squishy hugs!

But you can totally see why I'm waiting for readers to turn on me though, right?

and LMAO at the one girl who told me that Erin was just faking it and is really some scheming bitch just trying to move in on Jordan's man. She's one of those readers that doesn't "get" it.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #76 on: February 02, 2008, 01:05:46 AM »

*sigh* Oh Leo... *thinks back to 8th and 9th grade*

Why are you thinking back? lol I still love Leo.

Ps, Julie, are we still game to see that Titanic 2 movie when it comes out? lmao Midnight Showing poss?

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #77 on: February 02, 2008, 01:07:18 AM »

I've never read ANY Jane Austen or Bronte sister novels *hides* How that happened between Honors English and minoring in English in college is beyond me. I feel like I've gypped myself big time.

So yea I want to jon your Jane Austen book club lol


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #78 on: February 02, 2008, 01:08:06 AM »

Omg, that's what I hated about English classes.  If it's true that literature is up to interpretation, how could you mark an answer like that wrong?  Plus, that just sounds PICKY!!

Also, I've said this before, but I really find it hard to believe that when all those authors wrote their stories, they purposefully included all of the symbolism and whatnot that we learn about when reading them in English classes today.  They probably had no idea how much their stories would be analyzed centuries later.

It was just picky, especially since he only hated the badmitton and not the rest of the summer athletic program. lol

I know, right? lmao I wonder what will be the classics from this generation? lol Maybe something one of us writes; that would be hilarious. Students analyzing all the hidden symbolism in Broken or something. lol

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #79 on: February 02, 2008, 01:09:01 AM »

I've never read ANY Jane Austen or Bronte sister novels *hides* How that happened between Honors English and minoring in English in college is beyond me. I feel like I've gypped myself big time.

So yea I want to jon your Jane Austen book club lol

Please do. Please do. We can take turns reading it aloud. lol

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #80 on: February 02, 2008, 01:09:08 AM »

To be fair, it's not called a trajedy for nothing. lol

Jane is love! I've been meaning to read Sense and Sensibilty. Kelly, can we read it together? lmao Like a weekly read aloud book club?

aww yes! I do! lol I have to read them aloud or I don't get it and I usually stick to young adult fiction for a reason if I read anything or else I have to read stuff that my husband wants to read too so that he'll read with me. But he read P&P to me because he's kind of girly and loves Jane too!
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #81 on: February 02, 2008, 01:10:19 AM »

Why are you thinking back? lol I still love Leo.

Ps, Julie, are we still game to see that Titanic 2 movie when it comes out? lmao Midnight Showing poss?

Hells to the yes!!!  I'm SO there! ;D

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #82 on: February 02, 2008, 01:11:08 AM »

aww. now see. that makes you one of those readers that just "gets" it then. lol. Yay for you reading my story. Thankies and squishy hugs!

But you can totally see why I'm waiting for readers to turn on me though, right?

and LMAO at the one girl who told me that Erin was just faking it and is really some scheming bitch just trying to move in on Jordan's man. She's one of those readers that doesn't "get" it.

OMG Are readers retarded? I take offense in that because in many ways I know exactly what it feels like to be Erin. Guys only tend to pay attention to me to get over someone else :( But how shy she is and everything reminds me of myself so I have a soft spot for her. I like Jordan too though. Can't Brian date them both? lol

And no Dee I'm not much of a Leo fan anymore. Another blonde came along and stole my heart not long after my Leo phase...  ;)


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #83 on: February 02, 2008, 01:11:41 AM »

I've never read ANY Jane Austen or Bronte sister novels *hides* How that happened between Honors English and minoring in English in college is beyond me. I feel like I've gypped myself big time.

So yea I want to jon your Jane Austen book club lol

I've never read any Jane Austen either, since I passed on P&P.  I'm sure we can all say that about at least one classic author, unless you're one who reads the classics just for the sake of reading them.  But English teachers can only assign so many of them in one year.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #84 on: February 02, 2008, 01:13:53 AM »

It was just picky, especially since he only hated the badmitton and not the rest of the summer athletic program. lol

I know, right? lmao I wonder what will be the classics from this generation? lol Maybe something one of us writes; that would be hilarious. Students analyzing all the hidden symbolism in Broken or something. lol

LOL what's hilarious about this conversation/that comment is that when I was writing Broken, at least the beginning of it, I was in AP English my senior year of high school, and all we did was analyze the symbolism of this crap, and so I thought I was going to throw some symbolism into my writing.  I think that's why I got into my dream interpretation phase I got into with that story LOL.  It all makes me cringe when I look back on it now.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #85 on: February 02, 2008, 01:16:31 AM »

aww yes! I do! lol I have to read them aloud or I don't get it and I usually stick to young adult fiction for a reason if I read anything or else I have to read stuff that my husband wants to read too so that he'll read with me. But he read P&P to me because he's kind of girly and loves Jane too!

Great, let's do it then. lol I have to go buy it first though... lol

I've heard Emma is good too. :)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #86 on: February 02, 2008, 01:17:06 AM »

Hells to the yes!!!  I'm SO there! ;D

Excellent! ;D If we're going to the Midnight showing, maybe we should dress up in costumes... lol

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #87 on: February 02, 2008, 01:18:06 AM »

And no Dee I'm not much of a Leo fan anymore. Another blonde came along and stole my heart not long after my Leo phase...  ;)

If it's Matt Damon or Nick Carter that totally doesn't count because I'm in love with all three of them. ROFL

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #88 on: February 02, 2008, 01:18:22 AM »

Great, let's do it then. lol I have to go buy it first though... lol

I've heard Emma is good too. :)

The only hard part is keeping up w/ reading a novel between reading for classes and reading fics.


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Re: Ugh... Great minds thinking alike in the fan fic world
« Reply #89 on: February 02, 2008, 01:19:09 AM »

I've never read any Jane Austen either, since I passed on P&P.  I'm sure we can all say that about at least one classic author, unless you're one who reads the classics just for the sake of reading them.  But English teachers can only assign so many of them in one year.

I feel like I've read most of them... Or the imporant ones anyway. Quick, start naming some off. lmao

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey
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