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Author Topic: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.  (Read 14256 times)


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Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« on: March 01, 2008, 01:33:44 AM »

Okay, I don't know if this has been discussed before (chances are yes, lol), but I was curious, so I thought I'd ask.

I got fed up with writing fan fics just because I can never get anywhere with them, and shortly thereafter, I thought about making a whole journal about an experience of mine that I'd like to remember for the rest of my life. Anyway, I got to thinking that maybe I'd have an easier time if I write from personal experience. So, I began writing this nonfiction story that is completely 100% true (dialogue and all), and so far, it has been SO much easier for me. I'm only stuck on one little part, because I can't remember what this one store was called that I went to and it's important for this chapter of the story, lol.

So, I was wondering: Has anybody else attempted nonfiction and/or personal experience and found that they had an easier time with it?

Sorry, kind of a vague/boring question, lol.
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 12:03:04 PM »

I don't think I've ever written a completely one hundred percent true story, but I do often write about things I know. Like I used the whole bi-polar thing in "Welcome To My Heart". Not only did it make for an interesting character, but I got to vent about it a little. Turned out to be a great outlet for me. (LMAO at the number of people who thought I did a lot of research for that story. That was the other reason I chose bi-polar, cause I didn't have to do any research, I'm way too lazy for that. I'm not Julie, ya know ;)

But to answer your question, I have a really hard time with nonfiction. I've tried it before and it just never seems interesting. So I just use all the nonfiction stuff in my life and put it into a fictional story and that's when the writing flows the easiest for me.
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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 12:12:04 PM »

I'm still reading "Welcome to my heart" right now, lol. It's really good so far, though. I really love it! ;D

lol. I'm not sure I know anyone who researches for their stories as much as Julie does!

That makes sense too; basing fiction stories off of stuff in real life. I've never seriously tried it, but I might one day. It sounds like it'd be fun to play around with the different things I could do with personal experience things.
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 12:28:35 PM »

lol I didn't know you were reading that one. You might not even be to the part where you find out about the bi-polar thing. haha I may have just spoiled it for you.

now, takes a moment to cringe knowing that you're reading that one.

haha if that's how I feel every time someone tells me they are reading that one, maybe I should take it down. lol ok I won't do that, but I do have to give the disclaimer to make myself feel better. Thank you so much for reading that story, *is flattered* but ugh... SOOOOOOOO not my best work. That one is so much crap. I love it, but it's really crap.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2008, 12:46:18 PM »

:D That's okay. I'm used to reading spoilers since I'm always behind in reading stories lately. The quality of the writing is what counts though. :)

lol. Don't feel that way! It's a wonderful story! Regardless of if it's your best work or not!
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 12:59:24 PM »

I think it's easier to write what you know and have expericenced personally. Many of my non fanfic and even fanficy stuff has a lot of real life stuff in them. I also think the more personal the story, the harder it is to put it out there for people to review lol
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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2008, 01:02:37 PM »

lol the writing quality is what makes me cringe with that one. We could play a game with that story and try to count how many of the pet peeves from the pet peeve thread are in it. (probably more than I put in the pet peeve challenge. Maybe even all of them. haha.)

I did have fun writing about my crazy issues though, and it's often made me think I should write a story about some of my other experiences. I've always kind of wanted to write a story about how my husband and I met cause it's really cute and sort of "fairy-tale-ish" (we were engaged two weeks after we met without ever having even gone on a date, and got married two months later. We're crazy, ha ha, but it was very fluffy. Right up my alley as far as writing goes, but I wouldn't want to just write non fiction, I would spruce it up in a fictional way.

And I've also kind of wanted to write a serious story about some of my darker experiences, but I'm not very good at writing drama/angst. I wonder if writing my own story might actually help me do that. I should try it, but it's kind of a depressing story, I don't know how many people would ever want to read it. (though I suppose since I "beat" it, it's a happy ending.)

How has your story been going? Do you ever feel strange writing it knowing that it's all real? Do you find it hard to remember things? Would you ever consider sharing something like that with people?  I think I might have a hard time showing people something that they knew was real.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2008, 01:04:50 PM »

I think it's easier to write what you know and have expericenced personally. Many of my non fanfic and even fanficy stuff has a lot of real life stuff in them. I also think the more personal the story, the harder it is to put it out there for people to review lol

hehe, that's when you change your name and move to another state if you still know the people that are in it! That or reveal everything personal ahead of time, lol.
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2008, 01:11:10 PM »

lol the writing quality is what makes me cringe with that one. We could play a game with that story and try to count how many of the pet peeves from the pet peeve thread are in it. (probably more than I put in the pet peeve challenge. Maybe even all of them. haha.)

I did have fun writing about my crazy issues though, and it's often made me think I should write a story about some of my other experiences. I've always kind of wanted to write a story about how my husband and I met cause it's really cute and sort of "fairy-tale-ish" (we were engaged two weeks after we met without ever having even gone on a date, and got married two months later. We're crazy, ha ha, but it was very fluffy. Right up my alley as far as writing goes, but I wouldn't want to just write non fiction, I would spruce it up in a fictional way.

And I've also kind of wanted to write a serious story about some of my darker experiences, but I'm not very good at writing drama/angst. I wonder if writing my own story might actually help me do that. I should try it, but it's kind of a depressing story, I don't know how many people would ever want to read it. (though I suppose since I "beat" it, it's a happy ending.)

How has your story been going? Do you ever feel strange writing it knowing that it's all real? Do you find it hard to remember things? Would you ever consider sharing something like that with people?  I think I might have a hard time showing people something that they knew was real.

:D Who cares if some pet peeves are in it? It's not like the whole story is one big pet peeve! It's a good story, lol.

I think that writing personal experience really helps a person to be able to write what they normally couldn't with something that never actually happened, in my opinion. You should try it. :)

My story's been great! It's about a beach trip that my church youth group went on. I've written 9 pages so far (which is more than I can say about any other story I've written) and we're still on the ride down there! :D I love it.

I'm only having trouble with the little "filler" type things that happen in between the major parts, because I can't remember what stores we went to and what everyone said and did in them (it was quite amusing though...), I think that once I get passed this one part, everything will go smoothly again. :)

No, I don't feel strange writing it knowing that it's all real. Partially because over on Julie's forum, there's a whole entire two threads about this, because I use Julie's forum as my journal, lol. So, I've basically already written the story, I'm just putting it into story form now!

I don't think I'd mind showing anybody on the internet. It'd be an entirely different thing if I were to show people that are actually in it. *hides* lol.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 01:13:11 PM by A-RokzStalker »
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2008, 01:18:21 PM »

oh man... Church youth group trips... I have some crazy stories about church youth group trips.. ha ha good times.

filler parts are always the hardest thing about writing, I think, anyway. But good for you on writing! getting past the first scene is always tough, so nine pages is awesome.

And yeah that makes sense about sharing the story with internet people. I could probably do that easy enough. That's different than writing a story about everything I went through and then showing it to the people I have to face everyday. Even the people that experienced it with me. It would be so nerve-wracking letting everyone know what I was thinking and feeling through all of that.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2008, 01:23:31 PM »

oh man... Church youth group trips... I have some crazy stories about church youth group trips.. ha ha good times.

filler parts are always the hardest thing about writing, I think, anyway. But good for you on writing! getting past the first scene is always tough, so nine pages is awesome.

And yeah that makes sense about sharing the story with internet people. I could probably do that easy enough. That's different than writing a story about everything I went through and then showing it to the people I have to face everyday. Even the people that experienced it with me. It would be so nerve-wracking letting everyone know what I was thinking and feeling through all of that.

Oh yeah, youth group trips are always fun-filled, lol.

lol. See, if I were to show this story to the people I face everyday, I'd die. I really would. Whether from suicide or heart attack, I'd die, lol.
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2008, 02:02:41 PM »

I use a lot of personal experiences in my writing, but I definitely don't write EVERYTHING based on personal experience. Just certain little events I'll stick into my writing. Funny that this topic came up because I was just rereading Quarter Life Crisis, a story I began writing and kind of abandoned that was probably my most personal story yet and considering giving it another stab. There are definitely parts of Misty's depression that are much darker than my experiences, but in other ways it is very experience driven. Her two best friends are modeled after two of my friends and her problems with each of them are problems I've experienced. For instance she's dealing with the abandonment of one of her best friends getting married and not having time for friends anymore. Definitely something I experienced with my best friend from college. Basically I like to take my experiences and integrate them with fiction sometimes. It makes for a more powerful story I think.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2008, 02:06:39 PM »

I've done that! Sometimes the best stories come from things that have happened to you personally.


This one is a little boring, but... "Memoirs of a Nineteen-Year-Old Teenybopper I rarely get the motivation to update it. lol And obviously it hasn't been updated recently because then it would sadly be "Memoirs of a Twenty-Year-Old Teenybopper." lol

And then there's also "Boundaries" It's more ficction than a few other pieces I have on there (like some essays I really liked, lol), but it's really mostly non-fiction, so... There you go.

I think writing about your own experiences can be fun... But it can also be a challenge. It really just depends. lol

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2008, 05:54:48 PM »

I use a lot of personal experiences in my writing, but I definitely don't write EVERYTHING based on personal experience. Just certain little events I'll stick into my writing. Funny that this topic came up because I was just rereading Quarter Life Crisis, a story I began writing and kind of abandoned that was probably my most personal story yet and considering giving it another stab. There are definitely parts of Misty's depression that are much darker than my experiences, but in other ways it is very experience driven. Her two best friends are modeled after two of my friends and her problems with each of them are problems I've experienced. For instance she's dealing with the abandonment of one of her best friends getting married and not having time for friends anymore. Definitely something I experienced with my best friend from college. Basically I like to take my experiences and integrate them with fiction sometimes. It makes for a more powerful story I think.

Ah, so you're writing fiction based on reality, am I correct? In some ways, I almost think it would be more difficult to do that than it is to actually write nonfiction experiences... That's just me though. Sounds like it works out really well for you. :)
~ Amy.


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Re: Personal experience nonfiction anyone? lol.
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2008, 06:01:56 PM »

I've done that! Sometimes the best stories come from things that have happened to you personally.


This one is a little boring, but... "Memoirs of a Nineteen-Year-Old Teenybopper I rarely get the motivation to update it. lol And obviously it hasn't been updated recently because then it would sadly be "Memoirs of a Twenty-Year-Old Teenybopper." lol

And then there's also "Boundaries" It's more ficction than a few other pieces I have on there (like some essays I really liked, lol), but it's really mostly non-fiction, so... There you go.

I think writing about your own experiences can be fun... But it can also be a challenge. It really just depends. lol

Oh cool! So, you've written quite a bit of this sort of thing! That's awesome! :)

I personally don't think it's too challenging. Just because I've actually experienced it first hand, so I know what it's like and everything, you know? And like I said before, I've already told people most everything that happened and most everything that was said, so if I need to be reminded of things, I can just go back to those and copy and paste, lol.

I can see why you'd say it would be a challenge though. I'm sure I'll hit road blocks along the way eventually, but as of yet, I've done pretty okay. :)
~ Amy.
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