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 on: Today at 09:11:14 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by mare
It makes me happy when people root for the Mets. Thanks! They had a great season. I belong to a few Mets FB pages, and it amazed me the amount of people who came on to say what a great job the Mets did this year and that after their teams were out of it they were all in on the Mets. Even Dodgers fans came in to say how great they were. The only people who didn't were Phillies fans, because they are the worst!  ::)

Now I have to rely on my emotional support Kieran to stay out in public and give me a few late night interviews and of course SNL. It wouldn't hurt if he was on another awards circuit run. He's getting rave reviews for A Real Pain so you never know!  ;)

It might very well be the same series. Who knows? It might even be the same story! LOL

 on: October 20, 2024, 11:39:25 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by RokofAges75
I hear you.  I can't wait for the election to be over... and hopefully go the way we want it to!  Two more weeks...

I forgot to say it in my last post, but I've actually been following postseason baseball for the past week or so.  I'm rooting for your Mets to hang in there!  I hate the Dodgers.  I was also rooting for poor Cleveland, but the damn Yankees got the best of them last night.   A subway World Series would be fun for New York!

I would love to see Kieran host SNL!  They've had some good hosts and musical guests so far this season.

Thanks!  At the rate I'm going with this story, I may well make it to 2,000 and still be writing this series LOL.

 on: October 20, 2024, 09:23:44 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by mare
Can I just say, I don't know if I'm going to last through the end of this election cycle! I need Zanax! I don't know about you, but I wake up angry and stay angry all day long. I don't know if that's what it's like for you in Wales, Steph. Hopefully you don't have a megalomaniac trying to take over your country.  LOL Thank GOD for the Mets. They've been a great distraction, but I'm afraid their run will be ending today and then all I'll have to look forward to is some press tour stuff from Kieran before he disappears again. I need him to host SNL is what I need! Help me manifest this into existence! And his movie is coming out November 1st so there's that. He's been a private person ever since he was a kid. He said seeing what his big brother went through and how it destroyed him was enough for him to stay the hell away from being out in public.

Also, Congrats on hitting your 1,000 day hitting streak mark! Maybe you'll make it to 2,000!

 on: October 19, 2024, 12:40:54 PM 
Started by mare - Last post by RokofAges75
Your vacation sounds lovely, Steph!  I would have loved seeing whales and dolphins in the wild.  I'm with you on preferring someplace less hot, though.  We finally got some cooler autumn weather this week, and I couldn't have been happier to be able to wear long sleeves and pants without roasting.

The Scottish Highlands and Ireland are so beautiful!  I went to both when I studied abroad in Stirling, Scotland in college, and I would love to go back.  Mare, that's so cool that you got to go to England in high school!  I love your Long Island iced tea story LOL.  I had my first legal drink in the UK as well.  I was 20 when I went there, so still a year shy of being able to buy alcohol in the States.  It was fun to be able to drink in pubs!

The Liam Payne news is so shocking and sad.  I feel for his family and friends and all the fans who are grieving right now.  It definitely makes me grateful that Nick and AJ have both gotten help and seem to be in better places in their lives now.

That is scary about that guy stalking Kieran and his family!  No wonder he is super private.  There are a lot of weird people out there.

 on: October 19, 2024, 09:25:43 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by mare
I was a massively huge fan of Duran Duran. I have seen them a lot. Probably more than BSB. I have never met them. Came close once. I'm sure you've seen the story I post on FB every year on Nov 2nd. If not, look for it in a few weeks! lol

Ironically enough, THREE of my friends from college have actually played with them. When John Taylor left for a little bit, my friend Bryan Bellar played bass briefly for them. Wes Wehmiller also a friend of mine. He roomed with my really good friend Steve (on FB.) Played lead guitar with them after Andy left the group. Unfortunately, he died of cancer in 2005. :O( And finally another friend, Joe Travers, who made fun of me for the November 2nd incident, played drums for them for a little bit after Roger left for a hot minute. Despite all that, never got to meet them. Crazy!

Going to London isn't the normal field trip. Normally for us, field trips are day trips as well. This happened over a spring break greatly discounted because of fruit, candy and all kinds of other fundraising sales to get us there. I don't remember them checking with anyone about how old we were. Our teachers were sitting at a table right next to us. They didn't realize we ordered Long Island iced tea. They thought we just got a pitcher of Coke. Needless to say, when they figured it out, they were not pleased! That was the last time we got to sit by ourselves. lol

I'm sorry for your daughter. I am seeing a lot of people struggling with it on Twitter.

 on: October 18, 2024, 10:50:26 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by Carter-Orange
I was also massively into Duran Duran when I was young, never got to meet them, but saw them in concert once.

I bet going to England on a school trip was exciting, such a long way to go from there.  Our school trips were usually a day trip somewhere local lol, although we did have a day trip to France when I was 12.

I didn't know you could drink at 16 here! I just googled it and says if you're with an adult you can.  I always thought it was 18, but maybe that's to buy it yourself. You learn something new every day I suppose lol.

Yes, my daughter has been waiting years for news of a 1D reunion, looks like it won't be the reunion anyone expected :(

We do live in a scary world with all these weirdos

 on: October 18, 2024, 09:13:10 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by mare
Wow, Northern Africa seems so far away and so exotic! And now I get why it's so hot! Glad you didn't have to travel very far to get to the airport.

When I was a sophomore (year 10) in High School, I went with my AP English class to London. We stayed primarily in London and went to a bunch of shows there. But we also traveled to Stonehenge, Liverpool, Birmingham, and Dover. Because I was the youngest by two years, I really didn't have any friends that came along with me, but because I also loved Duran Duran at the time, I didn't even care. I spent that whole trip thinking I'd run into them. The first night we were there, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe where we proceeded to order a pitcher of Long Island Iced Teas for our table since the legal drinking age was 16. Our teachers had no clue! LOL

I can't even imagine what it would be like if that had happened to us in our fandom. We are lucky that the boys always had each other to count on. It's sad that the big One Direction reunion all their fans have been craving is going to take place at one of their funerals. It really puts things in perspective.

Yes, he was removed, but I'm still worried. Even though he's off social media for now, he still might be stalking Kieran and his family. I'm just hoping someone has warned them about this lunatic. He's not on social media at all and his wife only posts on Instagram so they wouldn't be aware of it unless someone told them. We live in a very scary world these days!

 on: October 18, 2024, 03:17:10 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by Carter-Orange
Tenerife is one of the Canary Islands which are part of Spain but they are just off the coast of northern Africa.  So the weather is hot all year and they are popular destinations because of that.  There are a few islands, I've been to Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Tenerife, but there are a couple more.  And what's even better is that you can get there from our local airport which is about a half hour drive from my house rather than having to drive a couple of hours to one in England.

There are so many lovely places in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.  I really want to see more of them.  Where did you go in England?

Yes, shocking and tragic news about Liam Payne.  My daughter was a massive fan of them when she was a kid (she still loves them now), so of course that means I became a bit of a fan too and took her to the concerts, bought all the merch and things like that.  She still can't believe it, she's really shocked.  It makes me think how lucky we are that we still have Nick and AJ after all the troubles they've had with drink, drugs ad mental health issues.

I'm glad to hear that weird guy had his account removed, people like that are dangerous.

 on: October 17, 2024, 09:15:33 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by mare
I'm unfamiliar with Tenerife. I've never heard of it before. Judging from your posts, was it in Spain? I'm so glad you had the opportunity to go whale watching. To date, that is still the single best thing I've ever done on any vacation I've ever had, even though technically it wasn't a vacation because it was out of Boston while I was there in college. We took a day trip to Cape Cod.

I would love to go to the Highlands of Scotland one day. I loved England but I'd love to see Scotland, Ireland and Wales as well. They all look beautiful!

What about that Liam news? That's so tragic! I feel for their fans. I can't even imagine.

That guy's twitter account finally got removed! I don't think there's been another one so hopefully they blocked the IP this time.

 on: October 17, 2024, 06:10:20 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by Carter-Orange
Mare, that's creepy about Kieran's stalker. There are some real weirdos out there.

Good to hear you're both getting on well with writing though.

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