Ugh, I'm mad at myself for not getting my guesses done on time! I set time aside to do it yesterday and I got about half of them read but I didn't make it... fail.
Which story did you write? I wrote My, What A Guy!
How did your twist on Beauty and the Beast fit your fanfic writing niche? To be honest, I had a lot of trouble figuring out what the heck my "niche" was when I went to write my story. Then, thanks to the help of the other half of my brain, I decided to focus on my love of procedural crime dramas. None of my stories are without their lighter, more humourous moments so that's where I took my version of the fairy tale, picking out the part of the Disney feature where Belle's dad gets carted off to the loony bin for ranting and raving about the beast except I put Gaston in his role instead as sort of a backwoods lunatic.
Before seeing everyone else's guesses, did you think most people would be able to match your story to you? I figured everyone would have it figured out before we even got to the guessing LOL I first thought everyone would figure it was either myself or Steph that had written it because of the British English, then I thought the plot would give it away.
After seeing everyone else's guesses, were you surprised at the guesses for you or your story? Quite! I have to say I was very flattered that people thought that I had written Mare's story - I'd consider myself lucky to be half the writer she is!