Bad-lekya with a silent D, lmao. I love that pronunciation. Now I wish I had more excuses to use this brand new acronym.
I believe in your character development MBK Hot Mess Nick!
LOL I know; it's a good one! I totally had to go watch the clip of their fight. The first time I ever saw it, I was horrified at how they were both shouting "Shut the fuck up!" at each other, but now I'm like Kevin laughing in between them - I just find it funny. It shows that brotherly relationship they have, because the only person I could ever see myself screaming at like that in real life is my sister LOL.
That's what I keep telling myself, one day at a time. And if I get that day by writing a little of something else, so be it. Realistically, I'm happy as long as I can be ten chapters ahead of whatever I'm posting, 15 is better, 20 would be amazing. I think there's some dread that comes with finishing a story and I don't know why that is... I think we've already talked about that though?
Yeah, I think we have. It's true, though. I think it's because while you're excited to finish, you're already starting to worry about what you're going to write - or not write - next and if it will go as well as the story you've been working on and have gotten comfortable with. It's fear of the unknown.
I challenge you! We'll do it together.
I'm sure I'll have 50,000 words of something to try to write in July.
Sounds good! I will still be writing MBK LOL. My early estimate is that this is going to be a medium-sized novel for me, not an 100+ chapter epic, but also not a 25-chapter short novel. I'm guessing it will be around 50 chapters? Which probably means it will end up being at least 60, although I have been more concise with my last few stories, so maybe not. In any case, I'm only on Chapter 12, so it has quite a ways to go.
I've been doing it on my own since I didn't want to make PBox a project when I was editing it, though it would have been nice to keep track of my monthly progress on PNecklace specifically in hindsight. If you want to keep tracking it on NaNo, you just go to your "projects" section and any project you've added will have a little button that says "create new goal" and then a window pops up where you name the goal, add the number of words in your goal, and then set the timeline. If it has a goal already associated to it (e.g., "Camp NaNo April 2021"), you won't see the button until that goal timeline ends.
Awesome, thanks! I may have to create a new goal when this month is over.
Since I've had a computer again, writing has been so much easier. I wonder if I would have gotten more into it in 2015 if I'd had an actual computer at the time and not just a tablet or my phone.
This made a huge difference for me too! My last laptop died right after I finished the first few chapters of MBK back in 2018, and that was a big part of what derailed my writing for the rest of that year. I didn't buy a new laptop because I still had an old desktop computer, but I had gotten so spoiled by being able to write wherever I wanted that I didn't like sitting at a desk any more. It wasn't as comfortable, so I just didn't do it as often. First world problems. I finally asked for a Chromebook for Christmas that year, and I was so much more productive after that. This past year I got a new desk, desk chair, and desktop computer, which is what I'm on right now, but I still prefer my Chromebook for writing. I know Tracy uses a tablet and has used her phone in the past, but I could never write that way regularly.
I want to be better about getting morning sessions in. I have gone back to my "I have nothing to do and no students are here yet, I will write until they show up" and it's been pretty productive the two days I did it so far. I think I need to convince myself to do some writing earlier on weekends or set times when I can check the forum (like "write from x time to x time, then check the forum) rather than "type type type type type refresh type type type type type refresh," lol.
Good for you, writing before/at work! I've been on spring break, so it's been much easier to get morning writing sessions in, but I had been writing for a few minutes while drying my hair almost every work day. I don't really count that as a morning writing session, but it still counts as writing - enough to keep my streak alive on days when I don't come home from work and write in the evening. But I think doing that actually helps motivate me to come home and get writing again. There's something about not having the time to write that makes me want to write more... whereas when I have all day to write, I will do it, but I also waste a lot more time.
I have gotten into a good routine on my days off where I wake up, make coffee, bring it back to bed with me, and write in bed for hours. I usually don't even let myself check the forum or Twitter until I've gotten going on my writing, and then I will give myself a break. It has worked out well for me, but it also requires that I have no plans until afternoon, which is not always the most practical. One perk of the pandemic is that it gave me a lot more plan-free days, which I appreciated.