Yep, absolutely. If it's something traumatic you've been through yourself, you have every right to write your truth, no matter how triggering it is for someone else reading. And if you haven't been through it, you better do the research to write it as accurately and sympatheticall y as you can.
LOL I don't think a demon fetish is so weird, even if you did have one. Look at how people are with vampires. Even before Twilight, there used to be a lot of vampire fics in our fandom. If vampires can be sexy, so can demons. Especially when they look like Nick. LOL
True, maybe Stephen King is a serial killer. Or maybe I am... burying the bodies in my backyard at all.
I feel like you can tell when someone is writing something from personal experience versus having dutifully researched it versus slapping it together. I can't quite explain the difference well, but it's like feelings jump from the words that aren't necessarily there even when something is very carefully researched and crafted.
Vampires are overplayed after Twilight and all the Anne Rice novels (plus both of them are anti-fanfic). Team demons! It's really just Nick with a couple extra body parts that get in the way sometimes, lol. I mean this in general, not just in a sex scene; being able to fly is neat, but life is hard when you have wings to maneuver through doorways, for instance. Although, I'll be honest, since they're not sentient body parts or anything, I don't always mention them. But I figure that's the same thing as not specifically mentioning a finger if that fingers's not doing anything and I always assume Nick still has ten fingers unless told otherwise, lmao!
I think demons were a harder sell just because they're not as prevalent as vampires and I made the conscious choice to not have them able to simultaneously be the demons and the Backstreet Boys, at least technically, you know I love my loopholes. It's easier to be a vampire and still be a Backstreet Boy, you just stop doing daytime appearances. I'm sure it would have been an easier sell if they were... I don't know... demons that drew power from applause and adulation rather than suffering so they could simultaneously be the Boys and demons, but that didn't fit the story I wanted to tell since they're something else in the PBox universe (but I won't say what yet because spoilers, obviously). Although, now that I'm saying it, demons that get powerful through praise sounds really interesting... However! If I finish all of PBox and then wrote yet another completely different story about demons, then people would assume I had some sort of demon fetish, lol.
Or maybe I am... burying the bodies in my backyard with my lawnmower.
Fixed it for you. lmao
Yeah, livers can regenerate, but it takes time, so if the damage was severe enough to completely shut it down in a matter of days, you're screwed. Tylenol in particular is toxic to the liver, but I think ibuprofen is harder on your stomach. So pick your poison! I'm an ibuprofen person myself though.
LOL This was dumb early twenties Nick, so of course he did not have his "take this or die" meds with him. It's amazing he survives as many fanfics as he does, with all the ailments and injuries we throw his way. I'm always in favor of another stabbing! LOL
Makes sense! Organ failure is a real beast! So you're saying with my wonky stomach, I should actually be taking tylenol... interesting. Ibuprofen has always been less unsavory to me, not in a pill popping way, just tylenol tastes super chalky when it goes down.
I suppose you're right. Early twenties Nick was not a good packer for climate change between regions, so I assume he didn't think too hard about what he had on his person, lol. He survives through the sheer power of author love, of course! He's that 1 in a million odds for anything; fanfic Nick should apply for the lottery, he's very lucky. I'm a horrible person, now that I've said it... I kinda want to stab him... but in a nice way... for character development, lol.
I'm the same way with names. I've always just picked names I like or that sound good for that character and only look at their actual meanings if I'm torn between names and need help deciding. Based on what some parents name their kids, I assuming most of them don't bother to look up the meaning or don't care what it means. For example, I have a friend whose son is named Cooper, which means "barrel maker" after the profession. I doubt she thought, "Yes, I want my son to be a barrel maker!" She just thought it was a cute name. (Although she does like to drink, so maybe the meaning does fit LOL.) I do like names that do have a more personal meaning or story behind them, like your husband being born close to St. Nicholas Day. That is meaningful in a different way.
Yeah, same, if there's two equally good names, then it can be a good deciding factor. I think Cooper is a cute name for a kid (though not on any list I've ever had personally), but yes, I also knew it meant "barrel maker," lol. I don't worry about parents' drinking habits until I've had all their children in my class and they're all named after liquor brands. This has happened to me once, lol. I think it's better when it's a personal meaning too rather than a name meaning thing.

Broken. LOL I started it a few months before Broken, and it was always just a dumb side project that kind of fizzled out over the years. It wasn't really a conscious decision to stop writing it; I just haven't updated it since 2007.
All you needed to say. Completely understand, lol.
Wow, congrats!! You've had such a productive weekend! You're so close to finishing!!
I know! Hopefully I can chunk out this 900ish words and then there's only about 8,000 more to go! Crazy! And if these next two chapters are anything like the two chapters I did this weekend, then they'll fly by!
Although, my outline for this arc was very tight. I pretty much followed the major beats of the arc down to each bullet point without major changes (just some minor changes here and there, and writing more than a sentence to convey it, obviously), but it only ended up being five chapters worth as opposed to the six or seven I'd originally planned on. That was fine though, because it didn't need those extra chapters or it would have felt needlessly drawn out. But good thing I was loosey goosey with the other arc and added a whole chapter I hadn't bullet pointed plus one ended up having a clear division of content for two chapters worth of stuff, lol. Really, I think I'm most impressed that I finished two partially started chapters and wrote six others in one month! That's a pretty quick pace! I think I've been excited to finish, despite all the other things going on.
I had a really good writing day today and finished my Kevin chapter! It's 7,000 words long.
I kept checking my word count early on, worrying it was going to be long because I had a lot planned for it, and it was always lower than what I thought. 2,500 words... 3,000 words... So I eventually stopped checking it and just kept writing. Well, apparently it more than doubled in length since I stopped checking LOL. Oh well. It will just be long then! I'm not sure what I would do differently to shorten it because I feel like everything I included is important and needed to be in there at some point... and if I split it into two chapters, I would need to come up with something else for the Nick chapter in between, which is a struggle I do not want to bring upon myself, based on how the last couple Nick chapters went.
I did not write anything else or drink caffeine at 2 a.m., and I ended up sleeping until almost noon today, but then I got up and wrote for like 5 hours straight. I got over 2,000 words written! What I did differently today was shower first, then go back to bed with my coffee and write. That way I wouldn't get derailed by the urge to take a shower, which is what has been ending my writing sessions other days.
Yeah, I dunno, I think as long as I can be left alone for a few days without having to go anywhere or do anything I don't want to do, I will write. Damn social obligations and adult responsibiliti es getting in my way LOL. I don't know how people with kids get anything done.
That's really exciting after your couple of slow days! Wow 7000 words! Congrats!! I hate when I do that too. I always keep checking thinking that I might need to add a little something in and then it always surpasses it. I usually stop checking once it's in the 2500 range as long as I know I have something that will at least be 500 more words. After that, I just write until it's done. I feel like my writing goes smoother once I stop worrying about it too. I'd say unless you have a solid plan for a Nick chapter that can go inbetween, don't bother. Let it be long. It sounds like your Kevin chapters are more meaty, so let Kevin have the meat of this story. He's earned it! And it's great that you're having fun with it!

But if Nick's giving you trouble, maybe you still don't want to write Hot Mess Nick after all, lol.
That's awesome! 2000 words in one writing session! I always find I do better too if I shower first thing when I get up instead of writing, then showering like I did today. I think it's the same thing as getting ready for work, showering just makes me feel like I'm ready for my day, but if I don't shower then maybe I'm ready for the day and maybe I'm not? It's like this weird middle ground.
Ugh, adult responsibiliti
es are the worst! lol Anything on your docket the next couple of days? I wish I could stay home and write. I think if I had two more solid days, I could be done. Guess I'll stretch it out over the week, lol.
And once again, we're back to one really long to respond to post, lol!