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Omg Kelly lol
I love you right now for writing this haha. I've been craving a new unique plot fic. :-* *runs to read*
--- Quote from: Rose on April 24, 2008, 03:52:25 AM ---Omg Kelly lol
I love you right now for writing this haha. I've been craving a new unique plot fic. :-* *runs to read*
--- End quote ---
um, yeah. no guarantees. haha.
I trust you lol
*dances cause I was the first review*
YAY! i'm looking forward to reading this Kelly. I just wanted to let you know that your summary was very confusing to read. lol I don't know if it is just me nt beiong able to comprehend things but I had to read it about five times to figure out who was in a mental institution and even still i'm kind of confused. lol Just wanted to give you a heads up about that.
I am going to read this before watching SN or maybe i should wait unti after...hrmmm
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