"I can't believe this!" Kevin yelled. "I stubbed my toe!" Kevin cried. "Dude, it hurts." He whined at AJ a little bit. "Well, it's not my fault." AJ replied sarcastically with a friendly giggle. As he turned around and went to check on his friend and co-worker and partner behind him at air port.
"Take it easy, man, we'll be fine." AJ told him as he gave him a big hug, "now take off your shoe and sock, and see if your bleeding." He checked. He was fine. "Dude, we got some whicked blisters on our feet, it could be worse, you know." I told them. "How?" Nick asked "We could be fighting demons and witches like on "Charmed" and "Buffy" and in those really bad movies AJ seems to love more than anyone else in this group." I told them with a sigh. "Hey!" AJ shouted back. "I watch your Christian movies, I have for years, Brian." Alex replied. "I watched Howie's Westerns, Kevin's action movies, Nick's Adventure movies and Teen movies, and on movie night," He said with a small pause. "..." He said as a joke. "I hear applause here people, I even hosted for you." He finished.
I laughed. "Alex, I love you, but more than 10 years for you can seem like forever, you know and we're headin on 20 years." I told him with a laugh and a little hug and small pats on the back and shoulders. "Take it easy." Howie told him. "It's the jet lag, it's making him cranky too." Howie told me. "Why are we going to your house for Thanksgiving Brian?" Howie asked. "Because that is the best place to do it, and we could have the families at different places near my house. Since my grandma got sick and all." I said with a sigh.
"Ok, guys." Our on road manager said, "We have photo shoots singles for all of you guys in New York City tomorrow, then we have Howie, Nick, and Brian doing their solo ones, then group ones, at the end of the day." She told us. "When our are P.A.s coming?" Howie asked. "I need to know my phone confrenences?" Howie asked. AJ and I laughed and it spread throughout the group. "Do you prefer us or the people running the labels and entertainment things that boss us around too much?" Alex replied in a bit of a joking mood. "You guys, fans second, even the meanest ones, give us kisses and hugs when we're sad." Howie told me. Then hugged us.
They all hugged me. "It will be ok, Brian." As Howie hugged me. "Tell me what happened, Brian?" Howie asked. "What do you remember?" He continued. "You look like your stressed out, about to be sick, and about to cry." Howie told me. Than I fainted. The on road manager was about to say something. But I heard AJ and Nick shoow him off for a minute and try to move me on top of the chairs we had been sitting on earlier. "Poor man, we probably should do it, through."Kevin spoke up, which surprised everyone a little bit. "It would make him feel less alone and our kids would get to know their true family friends a bit more and get more comfortable." Kevin continued. "Then we could have a BSB Thanksgiving for just us guys and the do ones with our families and hang out with Brian some with our families." He finished.
I don't remember what he said after that. But Nick was so happy. "Brian, guess what?" He asked. "Howie ate too many gummy bears and dough nuts again?" I joked. Him and Howie laughed, as Howie ate an unusually big yellow gummy bear. "What am I supposed to be scared of this one?" He said boldy as he showed it to the group and ate it. "It's not Halloween you know." He exclaimed as our crew and the guys, just laughed and laughed. "Well, we're having Thanksgiving with you, Brian." Nick told me. I nearly fainted if Nick, AJ, and Kevin made sure they were behind me and near my sides and Howie dropped his gummy bears to grab me. I was speechless.