November 22nd, 2011
"I am so nervous." I exclaimed to Leigh D. "What if they think, I look to short in this?" I asked. "Plus, AJ and Nick fought last night." I explained as she helped me into a simple causal outfit. Leigh hugged me with her pretty chestnut and caramel brown hair. Then kissed my lips. "How" she told me. "Howie, sweetie, relax, you guys have been through alot together." She told me as she gave me a huge hug. "I will take care of Thanksgiving here, you just relax and you and Kevin, just worry about your families and Brian." She repeated and gave me a big hug.
Since the women would be helping out too. This was sure to be chaotic.
I saw Kevin as I came out of my room. He had started on cooking Thanksgiving dinner for all of us. As we had been staying in our rooms with our kids for the day.
"Kevy, you cook?" I asked. "No Howie, I sing, dance, and tickle Nick until he cries." He joked. We both laughed. Brian came in there, and started cooking with Kevin, and everyone just stared at him. "Brian?" Nick asked. "What are you doing?" Nick exclaimed. "Making dinner for you guys." He said.
"I think I missed something, not just about the girl, about us, we screwed up. We forget about people whom love us too easily and that STILL FIGHT for US. And how LUCKY WE ARE, GOD GAVE US THE LIFE WE HAVE." Brian explained. The group hugged.
"Ok..." Brian was about to speak. "Nick this is your fault." AJ said. Nick sighed angrily under his breath. "Havin Thanksgiving twice can be over-rated, guys." Howie tried to calm them both down.
"Nick!" Brian shouted. "We keep kicking people out for you and your family making all of our families paranoid, their are like 12 people in your family and Howie's. Why are you so scared of stuff?" Brian asked. "Not every fan is after you to do whatever you and our goofy nutty managers are thinking." Brian explained. "I NEED THIS BUDDY." Brian told him as he hugged him. "You need to wake up to reality and stop trying with everyone, it's not our fault for everything you do, and you shouldn't be trying to have people control your brain 24/7 either, or try to reprogram your mind to fit in or to forget bad memories." He continued. "Your more than that." Brian explained. "We're family, another family group of friends. YOU NEED TO REALIZE THAT TOO." He finished.