November 23rd, 2011
"My flight is for the AA225, mom!" AJ yelled into his cell phone at the kentucky airport. "It is, Alex." My mom said as she wrote it down. "Did you pray and make sure to pick up pumpkin pie. Rochelle, gave me this recipe for pumpkin pie that you'll love when you get home it is so easy, and it's mostly pumpkin." She said happily. "Ok, be careful, angel." She told me. "Ok, ma." I replied with a simple smile on my face. "Love you." she said. "Love you too, mama." I answered back. "Be safe." she told me. "Bye for now." she finished our conversation.
"It will be ok, AJ." I told him. "But Brian is there alone." Nick explained. "He is not, Kevin is staying with him and his family, and brothers and stuff." I explained. "Plus, if he needs us, he will call me and I will put you 5 on confrence call, you know. Same thing with Kevin too." I explained. "Plus, we got to get them Christmas presents after that big sales thing. When people won't riot on us. You know?" I tried to anaylsis and explain to me. AJ just nodded. 'Love the man as my bestie, but he doesn't always make complete sense when he talks. It's a bit cute and funny, the way he talks about stuff.' He seemed to be thinking about me.
"AARON!" Nick shouted. As he hugged his younger brother, now 23. "I missed you, bubby!" He shouted and hugged so tightly in the airport. "I am on my way home to Cali to see mom, dad, too." He said. Nick looked at their tickets. "Omg!" Nick shouted. "Check it dude, we are next to each other on the same flight! Yippie!" Nick shouted. As they walked to their terminal with the other travelers. Now it was just me and AJ.
"You coming with me to Flordia?" I asked. "I would, dude, but you choose to move to Florida to be near your mom, remember?" AJ reiterated. "But, I gotta go get my cousin down there at the hub there to go to Cali, so I am going with you." AJ told me. I gave him a big hug. "I love you too, buddy." I told him as I gave him a huge hug. "I can't wait till we're on TV, tomorrow!" I told him with a smile.
At the stores all over the country at the same time.
"Ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, cream, eggs, pie crust, peas, potatos, green beans, pumpkin mix." Leighanne said to herself. That is all we need. Brian was keeping a watch on Baylee.
"Easy cook Turkey, stuffing, onions, greenbeans, mushroom soap, frying oil,..." Kristen said to herself. Sighing. "Mason, I hope this works." she said. "I do too mom, I love you mom, you can cook for me anytime." He told her happily as she laughed happily before a simple stressed out sigh.
"Cranberry sauce,Chocolate pie mix, Thanksgiving Enchalaidas and burritos." Leigh D, said to James. "Your lucky your named after a sweet man with almost too many tatoos already." She said. "Daddy will love this." she said. "I am glad Brian was nice enough to let I and Rochelle to go home a day early before their BSB Thanksgiving." she explained to the 4 year old. "That is why we left so early mommy?" He asked. "Yes," she explained.
At the hospital.
"So Doctor Doran," Brian asked. "Can we bring Thanksgiving to her?" he inquired to about his grandma and her conditions. "It may help her improve a little bit and her attitude as well." He explained. "So I will leave a note for the nurses that your coming right after you eat this year and watching "Miracle on 34th Street" here. Since that is your family's tradition." The young african american doctor explained to him. "Good. Thank you." Brian nodded.
At the chapel in the hospital.
Brian took down the elevator to the 2nd floor and went into the small chapel they had there. And wrote a pray in a notebook again. Then he went in front of the altar to pray.
"Please help me, God, please. I love you, your awesome, amazing, even some people in the middle east aren't doubting you like in the past. You do wonderful things for my friends and I all the time. But think abou it. Please, LORD, PLEASE GOD, PLEASE, HOLY SPIRIT, PLEASE. Heal my grandma, please help us to have a wonderful Thanksgiving day, and please help us all be happy. Amea'n" He said in a thick accent with a tear or 2 coming down his face again.
He had begged and praised and kept praying for a whole 15 minutes. Then decided to pick up some whine for him and Leighanne for Thanksgiving and the Sale days after, since him and BSB tend to cause riots when they go then.