Novemeber 24th, 2011 Thanksgiving Day! in Flordia.
"I am going out to shop!" Rochelle yelled, realizing AJ had just fallen asleep watching the football games. She kissed him on the head. "I'm going to get you a video game from Purple Mart."she told me sweetly with a small hug and small rub of my foot. I was so sleepy from all the cooking we both did for each other. I went out like a light bulb after talking to my friends online that night at 8.
At Purple Mart. At the big box store, that was painted purple and had a cute little Heart in the middle all in white. There was a line, as they shut the doors to control the crowd and had about 8 police men. The police arrested that person.
The parking lot was packed and traffic went all the way around to the turn off at an intercention and round abouts about 4 miles back. But Rochelle, being beautiful and her, knew she would find a way. As she found an opening and parked the car and joined the huge line of people out there.
The store's were 24/7 but they had all of the Black Friday and Black Sales- Thanksgiving people at one door, letting them in, after asking what they wanted and having the cops come in to watch the stores both days. "Oh My God!" Someone shouted. "They have a TV for $200 and it's a 42'!" The man shouted as the store opened it's doors. Then someone came in peppered spray people over getting the video game consul, AJ had wanted the new Wii and Xbox Rochelle promised she would get for me. I am sorry, sometimes I go all dual on myself. Poor babe.
Then she sighned, picked up some hot chocolate for us and some Christmas stuff and went to "We are Toys" store to pick up stuff.
At "We are toys" store.
"We got Xbox360 and Wii plus for $245 each a good deal on them!" the store employee said. "Come on people take your number." He said as he gave the younger employee numbers to pass out to people who could get one. Rochelle was lucky she was number 5. She had a chance, AJ was going to be so happy Christmas day!
but then before she could get it. Some person stole her number and tackled her out of line, then started beating people up there. Rochelle began to cry wishing AJ was there. She didn't know one of AJ's twitter friends saw her and took a picture of her crying. She went up to the person that did that. "I hate you, you ass hole!" she cried. As she ran out the door crying.
As the police showed up. This time the police chief called AJ's home, since he saw her in town to let him know that she had been at 2 black friday incidents and it was only 1 am.
She went to "Electronic buyers" next. it was a big red store with a huge price tag. This time. It seemed normal, she might get it. Then I and my young brother came into the store in hoddies and and long sleeve shirts. "Roch!" AJ said with a hug. "I woke up and you were gone and the police called." I told her. "We don't need this stuff." I told her. "Yes, we do, or you won't be happy at Christmas." she said. "Do you even remember what "Christmas" and "Thanksgiving" is even about?" I asked her. "Yeah" my younger brother said. "It's about getting food, and Christmas is about getting presents and Santa." she said trying to push ahead. "Come on, let's go to White Castle and get something to eat or better yet, go home so I can make love to you." I said so sweetly with a hug to her. It was starting to make her melt right then and there.
"Your not safe here, plus people get into a riot or freenzy when they see us, still." AJ explained. "Forget the video game, we'll order that online. Where people are more safer tomorrow." AJ's/my younger brother explained. "Please." I asked as he kissed her on the lips. "No." Rochelle said. "Why, hon?" I asked as I tried to hide all of my arm tattoos in my conspicious hoodie. "Because you won't tell me the meaning or what you want." Rochelle said about to storm off.
"Ok," I said as I held her back. " "Thanksgiving" is a holiday about being Thankful for family and the blessing God has given us in life, and we celebrate it by eating a feast of usually home made goodies." I told her and then kissed her on the lips. "Like you sweetness." I said with a smile. "I should thankfully making love to you." I told her.
"Christmas?" she asked. " "Christmas" is a holiday about the birth of Christ and all the people they have converted over the years by taking over once, pagan holidays for winter and making it about God and what he gave to us through Jesus into a day where people give presents." I explained. "Like you, you were his gift to me." I finished kissing her. She sighed. "Ok, you win, let's go home, J." She told me, as my younger brother Tom came home with us.
At Brian's home.
"Thank you lord for all of this. Amen." I finished praying. 'Grandma is coming home tomorrow.' I thought, 'This is going to be awesome!' As I kissed Leighanne good night.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<333333333333333333333333333 The End <333333333333333333333333