Novemeber 7th, 2011
"Leighanne!" I shouted into the phone. "Honey, please pick up." I cried. Then I just let go as I was bawling on my hotel's phone. "I miss you and Baylee so much, please come to New York citi' Leighty. I miss my chocolate bonnies girl. Please." I beg and cried. Then I called again, the 5th time. Nick heard me and came into the room.
"Leighanne!" I cried into my phone. Then Nick grabbed my cell phone from me. "Leighty. Brian is busy, I will help him compose, choose to come here if you can with Waylee or Baylee, whatever we're calling him this year. Bring the lil' b-rok with you. Get here, so the big one starts being nice to me and stops crying." Nick said into the phone. Then hugged me.
"Ok." Nick said, trying to re-compose himself and his thoughts. A big nervously, trying to hide it too. Then turned to me; looking disgruntled. Then floded his arms and locked my hotel room door behind him. Then sat on the bed beside me and gave me a comic book.
"See that, that is the most awesome super hero ever!" I said. "He is awesome, and he rocks, and I think he is the best." Nick said. "That is what I think about you, so why are you not talking to your bestiest best bestie friend in the group?" Nick asked.
"Your a jerk and Lauren is a big mistake." I told him. He sighed. "Brian she isn't a prostitute, ANYMORE!" Nick exclaimed. "I know, Nick and that is your choice. Your an adult, but you don't know her. We have known so many people longer, and you simply can do better than her." I told him.
"We know people with zits, broken limbs, and disablities that have done better than that." He told me. "They don't even jobs or careers as amazing as ours, most of them!" I replied as I excalimed and grabbed his shoulders, and hugged him as he seemed a bit shock. "I'll think about it." Nick said sadly, with a couple tears falling from his eyes. "I need to stop being a jerk and a bully, huh?" He asked. "Yes, you do." I told him as I messed up his hair by rubbing it for fun.
"Hey, let's go to KFC and see something cool around here or go to one of the sports things around here." Nick asked in a statement. It's hard to explain.
Kevin knocked on the door as we left. "Hey guys." He said. "Where you going?" He asked.
20 minutes later at KFC.
"I ate the most, you owe me the next meal dudes." Kevin said. We laughed. "So Brian, why have you been so sad. I miss my family, and I am worried about my grandma." I told him.
"awwwwwww." They all sighed at once. All 5 of them. "She has cancer and heart problems, and the whole thing is sad." I told them. They all sliently nodded, as I could tell Nick and AJ were trying to keep psychological notes on what we were all thinking and doing with my story.
"It will be ok, buddy." Alex said as he gave me a huge hug. "We love you as our best friend you know that right?" He asked, a bit worried than usual for him. I smiled. They were going to make me cry again if they didn't quit it.
After that we took our cab back to the studios on 8th and South ave. in the Bohemian District in NYC. Not expecting anyone to notice us. We got mobbed, like crazy mobbed. We ran into another building. Did we time travel again and not have anyone tell us? I thought. "Omg!" Kevin yelled.
"Did we time travel again?" Howie asked. "Am I in one of my kick ass fantasies?" Nick asked. "Is anyone doing anything sexy for us yet?"AJ asked. We all laughed. "Are the police there?" Kevin asked. "Where is Jesus?" I asked. They all looked confused. "You know he is due and all you know." I explained. They just did some slient sighs and just tried to stay focused. As we hide in the building next to the studios wondering how we were going to finish the album.
Then our record engineers came in, and gave us all jaintor outfits and hats. "Wear this and come on in, and give your accessories to your manager's people." The guy who ran the uniform store said. We thanked him and gave him some money and a number to the record company to ask for free stuff or tickets from us. Well, Howie did. Always Mr. Business man. lol
We came in. "I got something for all of you." He told us. Larry, being the new guy and all. "It's an evelopes for all of us." Nick said forgetting he grew up over the past 10 years. "Then now, Brian open it." He ordered me to do. "Please, B-rockster, we haven't got all damn day." He said maturely as he asked.
"Tickets to my hometown in Kentucky." I said shocked. "Leighanne thought this would be best, she said she has made some personal plans for you, you all would find enjoyable, since Howie and some of the other guys made some calls reguarding the upcoming holiday the last Thursday on the 3rd week of Novemeber." He said sternly and seriously as he walked around the small temporary office room, we had also rented out there. "Now, get to work and call if there are any problems, gentlemen." he said. "Thanks" we all said at once, a little bit in shock.