November 12th, 2011
"Oh.......Ohhhhhhhhh, Yeah, Oh!" Christina Aguilera sang on the CD. "Ain't no other man comes next to you, ain't no other man, does what you do." The chorus sang. "You got soul, you got class, you got style in your hot ass." They continued. "Ohhhh-woooh" Christina vocalized. "Yeah, ahhh" she conintued. "Ain't no other man it's true. Ain't no other man, but you." They finished. "Ain't NO OTHER MAN, BUT YOU BOY!" She kept singing to the last 2 choruses finished. As I layed there on the bed dreaming. 'Poor B-rokster.' I thought.
"Thanksgiving and he is all alone crying about his grandma. I feel bad." I told someone in the extremely nice hotel room as I took off my shorts and tight black T-shirt. Showing my rippling muscles.
"It's ok, AJ." Rochelle's sweet perky, happy voice sqeeked out in a happy trebel clef tone, I had grown to love and her laugh reminded me of a fan I dated that was now trying to date Nick, but hey, not easy to do, even if you live by the man. "It's just I feel like everything is going too fast. I mean the employees get treated well and get an awesome Thanksgiving, maybe we should do the same for him." I continued. As I got out her colonge and sprayed myself. Then she came out.
In a tight top and skinny boy shorts. That showed those hips. I was floored. "Wow." She said with a big smile. "Your not even going to try today are you, I thought you wanted me and to do me." She hinted. "Maybe?" I suggested with a smirk. "Your not trying either,mayybe, darlin', I should check your hips to make sure they fit that soul of yours?" I flirted as I kissed her neck gentley and hugged her. I gave her my fun-double wink, which she just loves. She smiled huge. Then she kissed me. "AJ, aj, aj, alex, alex, alex...alex." she kept saying, then I felt someone spray a small squirt gun with water at me several times. Then pinch my hands.
"Howie!" I screamed. "You fell asleep, come on, let's get the menu planned out and get the flowers for Brian to his grandma already." He continued. "You fell asleep in the lobby of the hospital, what is wrong with you?" Howie asked. "I miss Rochelle, she ROCKS!" I told him. "She is mine. D, like Leigh B.D. is yours." I told him.
In Grandma's hospital room.
"Oh my goodness." I cried as I helped her brush her hair. "This is bad, daddy, well she make it to Thanksgiving?" Baylee asked. Now my son is smart, but I couldn't answer. "We'll pray, if not we'll take Thanksgiving to her as much as we can." I told him. I gave her a hug and left her a card and some magazines for the hospital for her and other people to use later on. Then left the flowers Howie got for me. Then told the Nurse's aides to make sure she ate and helped the doctors with her cancer and heart problems.