Novemeber 21st, 2011
At the hospital
"Hugs. I gave him hugs." I told Alex as we finished telling what happened the past couple of days. "Then what?" Alex asked. "Then..." I said. As Kevin remembered hopefully and told Alex.
Brian started to cry uncontrollabley and broke down again. It is sad how used to a hospital he is. He surprised what ghosts are there don't say "Hi" to him. I smirked as I continued to remember and tell the story. "Brian,...brian...Bri!" I yelled and gave him a big hug in the waiting room. "It's ok." I told him as I gave him a hug. " You still have me, the guys, and that weird girl from Ohio Nick is secretly into." I told him with a laugh.
We all told her we didn't like her, but the truth is, we did. But a whole other story there. Otherwise, why wait 18 years to kick someone out we could and legally should have at the 11 year marker? But I regress. "Brian." I finally told him. "We love you man, your our wing man, your our friend, we're like brothers." I told him. "Since we did our blood swear back in 1993 with those 5 guys; you think I would leave you when things get this bad?" I asked him. "No." He said in a sad whisper.
"mmmmmmhhh" I sighed, 'as if Nick hooking back up with Lauren when he could've had a baker wasn't a shameful and disgraceful thing enough. To his fans, his family, and us. Never mind how nice she was, she was beneath all of them, and yet we called ourselves Christians for that. The baker of all of them.' I thought. I only do it when I am concerned about him.
"Brian, you have to let go, you have to realize, you love her, and that is all you can do, she may not make it to Thanksgiving in 3 days." I said, as I gave him a big hug.
At Brian's family home.
"The group moved in with glee." AJ joked as we both laughed. "But..." AJ continued as he remember and told me what happened. "Nick was getting a drink of water." AJ told me.
"Nick" I yelled. "Help me with this." I yelled. As he helped me move movies in. "AJ you know how many movies this is and clothes?" He asked. "Just move it or I am slapping you for making that OSU girl cry." I yelled. "Well, you wanted her out too." I said. "We asked the fans on our cruise in 2010, after we lied, then we lied on through howie to do it, so chill." Nick yelled. "I hate her." Nick lied. "Then why you keep lying about it?" I asked. "You keep getting that look, like you know she loves you more than Lauren does?" I asked. He gulped.
"What is she better now?" He asked. "No jerk." I said. "I mean what is she going to do write the truth down?" He asked. "Yeah, probably or send it to a magazine and make us look bad or just in a comment column or 2. Your mom is a bad judge of character." I replied. He nearly punched. "Kitty kat book" I said. Then he calmed down, but of chorse you know that Kevin. "Then Howie put a whipped cream pie in his face?" Nick said. Then blinked out of his anger.
" Brian will be ok, stop taking it out on the girl." I told him. Then Howie tapped his shoulder and threw a bannana cream whipped pie in his face. We laughed then Nick threw vegtables at us. Then leighanne came into the room. "Boys?" Leighanne asked in her southern ohioan accent, even through she was from Columbus, Ohio. "Ya' boys wantta know how to cook?" She asked.
In Leighanne's family kitchen
After we cleaned up. She made us clean and chop up the vegtables we had been throwing. We made a kick ass beef stew with it and fried onions and red potatos and beans with it. Of chorse, we made the cakes for everyone. Since we're having Thanksgiving tomorrow.
"WHAT?" I asked. "I" being Kevin, me. "Thanksgiving with the group is tomorrow?" I asked. "Sh___beep!" I said. "You mean, smoothie?" AJ asked as a joke, then giggled to hmself. I hit him in the chest you know what I mean.
"Now tell me what really happened?" I asked. AJ reiterated. "Leighanne taught us how to cook suckatashes." AJ told me. "Then.... after the fight, we got dressed and Nick made a mess of the veggies. I don't know how." He told me. "How?" I asked. "Simple, Kevin," AJ said with a funny pause, "he's a spoiled brat jerk, hypnotized freak." AJ with a hard edge of truth.
Nick had thrown the vegtables at Howie and I and told us to cook for Brian, we said. "No man." Both of us replied. "Leighanne said "do it". I am special so I don't have to do it." Nick paraphrased for us. I hit the back of his head. "I am special, my friend is sick, I have some crazy ugly girl in ohio I need to make feel worse about men and herself and her life, and I DON'T NEED TO MAKE VEGGIES for people. I NEED to show LAUREN HOW IMPORTANT I THINK I AM, SINCE THAT IS WHAT SHE LIKES THAT AND TO KNOW SHE CAN CONTROL ME LIKE A PUPPET." He yelled. "What the fuck?" I asked. Baylee was right there watching.
I understood how he felt. "Come on boys, let's make a cake with Baylee, so Brian and Kevin will be happy when they get home." Leighanne said as she hug us. She hit Nick. "Nick, stop it, and stop with the ego tripping." She yelled. "What does that even mean?" Nick asked. Before shrugging and going to the basement for a pool game. I hugged Baylee. "Baylee, I am sorry little man." I told him as I gave him a huge hug. "Your daddy will be ok and grandma too."
"I am going to pray for him, he will be and so will grandma and she will be happy again." Baylee said naively and sweetly. He was a smart, religious, spritual kid, but he doesn't grasp the world is anything but easy, happy, nice, and sweet, and rarely hopeful enough to be fully counted on. Which is why the guys treat him like we do and with as much as respect as Brian expects. Like he is there. Anyways, we prayed.
"Dear, heavenly father God, heal my mom, my grandma, my daddy, and my uncles, cousins, and grandma, and 3rd uncles Nick, Howie, AJay', and Kevin." He said. "Forgive them for all of their sins and make that mean, sad, girl go away, she is too ugly, and wanted to cook for Nick, and Nick only deserves to date people that are their way of "nice" which makes most people cry alot." He said, which made me cry. "Amen." He finished.