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Summary: Photobucket

Curiosity killed the cat but would it kill our relationship? I never meant for it to go as far as it did. All I was doing was a little exploring. Turns out I enjoyed it. Slightly too much. That's how I got caught.

I didn't want to believe what I was seeing. How the hell could she do this to me?! Didn't I satisfy her?! I don't know what pissed me off more. The fact that somebody else could give her so much pleasure or that I wanted to have a part in it.

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block
Characters: Donnie
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Slash F/F
Series: None
Chapters: 36
Completed: Yes
Word count: 46305
Read: 50242
Published: 11/27/11
Updated: 01/26/12
Story Notes:

First of all, I'd like to thank Tri for inspiring me to take a chance of my own. If you've read my stories Public Displays and Pure Obsession, you know I've dabbled here. Now I'm working on a larger scale. Let me know what you think!

1. Chapter 1 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1440 words)

Here we go!

2. Chapter 2 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1012 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Simple Sue [ - ] (2140 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1764 words)

I just wanted to say thanks to those that are supporting this effort and that it's gonna be a journey for us both. Again, thank you.

5. Chapter 5 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1007 words)

For those of you reviewing thank you and for those of you still interested and reading thank you.

6. Chapter 6 by Simple Sue [ - ] (984 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1660 words)

The weekend's here. Which is a bad thing for those reading because it means no access to a computer for me til Tuesday. In the meantime, enjoy this until I return:)

8. Chapter 8 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1379 words)

Tuesday! another update. Yay! enjoy!

9. Chapter 9 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1103 words)
another chapter and if anybody's really good with html please help me! I kinda get lost after the word Wow in this chapter how to center the rest of it back. Thank you and enjoy!

10. Chapter 10 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1143 words)

11. Chapter 11 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1251 words)

I thought I should preface this with again thanking Tri for her inspiration. Let me know what you think:)

12. Chapter 12 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1869 words)

Saturday again....Boo! But enjoy this one and hopefully I'll have another for you by Tuesday! Later!

13. Chapter 13 by Simple Sue [ - ] (2198 words)

Tuesday.... you know what that means :) Enjoy!

14. Chapter 14 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1198 words)

15. Chapter 15 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1466 words)

First off, thank you for all the support that you've given. I wasn't sure what the response would be when I followed in Tri's footsteps but again, I'd like to thank her for inspiring me to take the giant leap as well. Enjoy!

16. Chapter 16 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1365 words)

A chapter for the weekend. Hopefully I'll have more on Tuesday. Have a good one and enjoy!

17. Chapter 17 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1276 words)

I'm back! It's Tuesday! Enjoy!

18. Chapter 18 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1755 words)

Sorry for no update yesterday but here we go. I hope this more than makes up for it. Enjoy!

19. Chapter 19 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1239 words)

20. Chapter 20 by Simple Sue [ - ] (913 words)

A two fer today! Enjoy!

21. Chapter 21 by Simple Sue [ - ] (817 words)

Okay, this is the last chapter before Christmas so Merry Christmas to you all and I'll see you after the holiday. Enjoy!

22. Chapter 22 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1000 words)

Another Tuesday has arrived! Enjoy!

23. Chapter 23 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1236 words)

24. Chapter 24 by Simple Sue [ - ] (801 words)

25. Chapter 25 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1095 words)

Last update for 2011. Enjoy!

26. Chapter 26 by Simple Sue [ - ] (866 words)

Tuesday again....Yay! Enjoy!

27. Chapter 27 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1052 words)

28. Chapter 28 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1271 words)

29. Chapter 29 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1298 words)

30. Chapter 30 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1189 words)

Sorry about the lack of updates. Enjoy!

31. Chapter 31 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1265 words)

32. Chapter 32 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1671 words)

I apologize for the lack of updates this week. I had a little bit of a rough one but just lack of inspiration mostly so hopefully I'll get back to your regularly scheduled programming next week. Thanks for your patience and enjoy!

33. Chapter 33 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1215 words)

Another Tuesday is here. Yay! It's a double whammy. Enjoy!

34. Chapter 34 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1240 words)

On with the show! :)

35. Chapter 35 by Simple Sue [ - ] (1156 words)

I know I've been terrible about updates this week but I've had some other distractions so I do apologize and I hope to get back on track next week. Thanks for your patience and enjoy!

36. Chapter 36 by Simple Sue [ - ] (971 words)

Sadly, we are at the end of this little journey. Thank you for all the support. I already miss Meg and Donnie. Don't you? :p Enjoy!