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Moony. Wormtail. Padfoot. Prongs. Their adventures were the stuff of Hogwarts legend. But there are untold stories, stories that only the four of them know. Come along and discover the true tale of the Marauders of Hogwarts...

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Movies > Harry Potter
Characters: James Potter, Lily Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Maurauders, Other, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Sirius Black
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 924
Completed: No
Word count: 1996099
Read: 1115828
Published: 08/29/15
Updated: 02/12/18

1. The Werewolf Restriction Act (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1674 words)

2. A Magical Christmas Surprise (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1659 words)

3. The Noble House of Black (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (1190 words)

4. Muggle-Watching (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (2445 words)

5. The Hogwarts Express (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1470 words)

6. Snivellus Snape (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1609 words)

7. Discussions on Blood Status (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (2087 words)

8. The Sorting of Sirius Black (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (2377 words)

9. The First Year Gryffindors (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1895 words)

10. The Ambition of Lucius Malfoy (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (2372 words)

11. The Ego of James Potter (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1704 words)

12. The Whomping Willow (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (2172 words)

13. A Visitor at Gryffindor Table (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (2133 words)

14. Flying Lessons (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (2508 words)

15. Severus in the Middle (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (1910 words)

16. Double Potions (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1868 words)

17. The Full Moon (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1940 words)

18. The Slug Club (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1826 words)

19. The Disappearance of Remus (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1419 words)

20. Mad Politics (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1816 words)

21. The Reformation of the Knights of Walpurgis (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (2238 words)

22. An Audience for Flying (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (2179 words)

23. Dark Magic Detectors (Moody) by Pengi [ - ] (1627 words)

24. How the Slytherins Think (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1619 words)

25. Detention (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1711 words)

26. Midnight Meeting With the Dark Lord (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (1645 words)

27. Dark Conversations in Dark Corridors (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (2035 words)

28. An Exclusive Dinner Party (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (2243 words)

29. Meeting in the Library (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1576 words)

30. Occlumency Practice (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (1291 words)

31. The Secret of Remus Lupin (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1893 words)

32. Cauldron Pox (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1423 words)

33. Excuses (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1860 words)

34. The Opening Match (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (2357 words)

35. The Mind of Lucius Malfoy (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (3485 words)

36. Midnight Mapping (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (3103 words)

37. An Invasion of Privacy (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1699 words)

38. The Moon Signs (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1441 words)

39. Barking (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1557 words)

40. The Slug Club Christmas Party (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (2981 words)

41. The Train Home (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1390 words)

42. Kreacher's Master (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1737 words)

43. The Silver Cloak (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1959 words)

44. A Curious Happening (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1504 words)

45. The Reflection in the Mirror (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (1578 words)

46. Awkward Christmas (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1491 words)

47. Return on the Hogwarts Express (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1558 words)

48. A Good One (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1383 words)

49. Twitchy Tutman (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1422 words)

50. The Hogwarts Kitchens (Wormtail) by Pengi [ - ] (2710 words)

51. The Terrors of Sirius Black (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1934 words)

52. Filch's Office (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (2689 words)

53. To Protect Lily (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (1504 words)

54. Offender, Bilius Weasley (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1258 words)

55. Copying Notes (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (2431 words)

56. What Good Mates Are For (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1533 words)

57. Return to Filch's Office (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (1509 words)

58. Savior of the Family (Severus) by Pengi [ - ] (2041 words)

59. The Sneeze (Lily) by Pengi [ - ] (1423 words)

60. Found Out (Padfoot) by Pengi [ - ] (1708 words)

61. Fight in the Defense Hall (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (2074 words)

62. He's a Werewolf (Prongs) by Pengi [ - ] (2510 words)

63. The Prefect's Toilet (Wormtail) by Pengi [ - ] (1362 words)

64. A Bit of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum (Moony) by Pengi [ - ] (1393 words)

65. Students out of Bed by Pengi [ - ] (2286 words)

66. Defense, Cancelled by Pengi [ - ] (1462 words)

67. Alastor Moody by Pengi [ - ] (2029 words)

68. A Bad Mood by Pengi [ - ] (1470 words)

69. The Bat-Bogey Hex by Pengi [ - ] (1517 words)

70. Valentine's Day by Pengi [ - ] (1449 words)

71. The Foiled Plan by Pengi [ - ] (2536 words)

72. Leap Day by Pengi [ - ] (2645 words)

73. A Broken Bit of Mirror by Pengi [ - ] (2038 words)

74. Rebellious Children by Pengi [ - ] (1931 words)

75. The Burning of the Dark Mark by Pengi [ - ] (1549 words)

76. A Reflection on the House of Black by Pengi [ - ] (1966 words)

77. Lily's Open Ear by Pengi [ - ] (1797 words)

78. Utter Bullocks by Pengi [ - ] (1471 words)

79. Run Ins by Pengi [ - ] (1979 words)

80. Picnic in the Rain by Pengi [ - ] (2060 words)

81. Serious Sirius by Pengi [ - ] (2335 words)

82. Preparations by Pengi [ - ] (2088 words)

83. Into the Forbidden Forest by Pengi [ - ] (1541 words)

84. The First of Thrice by Pengi [ - ] (2180 words)

85. The Dark Lord and His Friends by Pengi [ - ] (3024 words)

86. Dumbledore by Pengi [ - ] (2113 words)

87. The Confession of Severus Snape by Pengi [ - ] (1831 words)

88. In the Headmaster's Office by Pengi [ - ] (2034 words)

89. End of Term by Pengi [ - ] (1915 words)

90. Lily's Lonely Summer by Pengi [ - ] (2299 words)

91. Sirius's Rebellion by Pengi [ - ] (2325 words)

92. Dinner at Malfoy Manor by Pengi [ - ] (2017 words)

93. Morsmordre by Pengi [ - ] (2145 words)

94. Flourish and Blotts by Pengi [ - ] (1801 words)

95. Return to Hogwarts by Pengi [ - ] (2460 words)

96. The Sorting Hat's Song by Pengi [ - ] (2567 words)

97. The Tournament Announced by Pengi [ - ] (2084 words)

98. Pick-up Quidditch by Pengi [ - ] (2669 words)

99. A Special Brand of Magic by Pengi [ - ] (2509 words)

100. A Visit From Professor McGonagall by Pengi [ - ] (2455 words)

101. A Cat in Transfiguration by Pengi [ - ] (2805 words)

102. To Alice by Pengi [ - ] (2776 words)

103. Go Howl at the Moon by Pengi [ - ] (2080 words)

104. The Duel at Breakfast by Pengi [ - ] (2200 words)

105. A Chat with Severus Snape by Pengi [ - ] (3094 words)

106. Beati Pacifici by Pengi [ - ] (2943 words)

107. The Trophy Room Passage by Pengi [ - ] (2317 words)

108. Filch's Chase by Pengi [ - ] (2870 words)

109. Jealous James by Pengi [ - ] (2249 words)

110. Quidditch Try Outs by Pengi [ - ] (2441 words)

111. Recensere by Pengi [ - ] (2246 words)

112. The Witch With the Humped Back by Pengi [ - ] (2701 words)

113. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Pengi [ - ] (2660 words)

114. Exploring the Tunnel by Pengi [ - ] (2218 words)

115. The Shrieking Shack by Pengi [ - ] (2071 words)

116. A Tie on the Pitch by Pengi [ - ] (3473 words)

117. Hogsmeade Weekend by Pengi [ - ] (2650 words)

118. Firewhiskey by Pengi [ - ] (2059 words)

119. The Walls Have Ears by Pengi [ - ] (2651 words)

120. Blankets for a Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (2868 words)

121. Departures and Lies by Pengi [ - ] (3024 words)

122. The Myth and The Truth by Pengi [ - ] (2555 words)

123. But That Would Make You A -- by Pengi [ - ] (3171 words)

124. Just a Spat by Pengi [ - ] (2012 words)

125. Defiance by Pengi [ - ] (1939 words)

126. The Potters by Pengi [ - ] (2513 words)

127. Christmas at the Potter's by Pengi [ - ] (2444 words)

128. The Eye of the Dark Lord by Pengi [ - ] (2347 words)

129. Back to Hogwarts by Pengi [ - ] (2435 words)

130. McGonagall in Defense by Pengi [ - ] (2122 words)

131. Dirty Plays by Pengi [ - ] (2591 words)

132. Gunhilda of Gorsemore by Pengi [ - ] (2622 words)

133. Loads of Chocolate Frogs by Pengi [ - ] (2806 words)

134. Protect Your Friend by Pengi [ - ] (2689 words)

135. Theoretically Speaking by Pengi [ - ] (1842 words)

136. Honeydukes by Pengi [ - ] (2801 words)

137. Books by Pengi [ - ] (2478 words)

138. Remus's Valentine by Pengi [ - ] (2041 words)

139. The Lovely Tea by Pengi [ - ] (2785 words)

140. Slughorn's Store by Pengi [ - ] (2498 words)

141. A Place to Hide the Horn by Pengi [ - ] (3111 words)

142. Poetic Justice by Pengi [ - ] (2220 words)

143. The Hogwarts All-Star Quidditch Team by Pengi [ - ] (2520 words)

144. The Advice of the Potions Master by Pengi [ - ] (1918 words)

145. Kisses in the Common Room by Pengi [ - ] (3091 words)

146. The Muggle Hero by Pengi [ - ] (1924 words)

147. Engaging Rumors by Pengi [ - ] (2778 words)

148. Talk of Resistance by Pengi [ - ] (2475 words)

149. April the First by Pengi [ - ] (2618 words)

150. Ilvermorny's Arrival by Pengi [ - ] (2165 words)

151. The Quidditch Team Dinner by Pengi [ - ] (2747 words)

152. One Hundred Muggles and Muggle-Borns by Pengi [ - ] (2732 words)

153. The Hogwarts Seeker by Pengi [ - ] (2239 words)

154. Best Off As Friends by Pengi [ - ] (2198 words)

155. Good Company by Pengi [ - ] (2194 words)

156. The No-Maj Debate by Pengi [ - ] (2170 words)

157. Just Know It by Pengi [ - ] (2514 words)

158. Shrivelfigs and California Girls by Pengi [ - ] (1825 words)

159. Mandrake Leaves by Pengi [ - ] (2302 words)

160. Capture from Diagon Alley by Pengi [ - ] (2451 words)

161. Secrets and Private Words by Pengi [ - ] (2406 words)

162. The Story of an Ickle Third Year by Pengi [ - ] (2801 words)

163. Macrocephaly by Pengi [ - ] (1658 words)

164. Red, Green, and Blue Bottles by Pengi [ - ] (2723 words)

165. Pre-Tourney Nerves by Pengi [ - ] (2229 words)

166. N.E.W.T.s., Interrupted by Pengi [ - ] (2450 words)

167. The Moment They Would Never Forget by Pengi [ - ] (1707 words)

168. Ennervate by Pengi [ - ] (2043 words)

169. The Hospital Wing by Pengi [ - ] (2492 words)

170. The Bell Towers by Pengi [ - ] (2793 words)

171. To the Stands by Pengi [ - ] (2174 words)

172. Brass in the West Tower by Pengi [ - ] (2561 words)

173. The Tribute of Bilius Weasley by Pengi [ - ] (2302 words)

174. S.B., J.P., R.L., P.P. by Pengi [ - ] (1866 words)

175. Number 12 by Pengi [ - ] (2826 words)

176. House Elf Catalog by Pengi [ - ] (2077 words)

177. Pitching Tent by Pengi [ - ] (2148 words)

178. Mutare Magus Animus by Pengi [ - ] (1905 words)

179. The Cinema by Pengi [ - ] (2551 words)

180. Something Black in the Woods by Pengi [ - ] (2501 words)

181. Snuffles by Pengi [ - ] (2128 words)

182. The Family Dog by Pengi [ - ] (2090 words)

183. A Job Well Done by Pengi [ - ] (2279 words)

184. The Homorphus Charm by Pengi [ - ] (2812 words)

185. Midnight Visitors by Pengi [ - ] (2006 words)

186. Hash and Barm by Pengi [ - ] (2847 words)

187. The House Elf Placement Agency by Pengi [ - ] (2577 words)

188. Wilted Yellow Daisies by Pengi [ - ] (2629 words)

189. A Crash of Thunder by Pengi [ - ] (2240 words)

190. Goodnight Kreature by Pengi [ - ] (1637 words)

191. Fancy a Swim by Pengi [ - ] (2182 words)

192. The Marauder's Map by Pengi [ - ] (2427 words)

193. An Invitation to Brunch by Pengi [ - ] (2095 words)

194. Care of Magical Creatures by Pengi [ - ] (2087 words)

195. Kreacher's Guest by Pengi [ - ] (1883 words)

196. Tasseography by Pengi [ - ] (2580 words)

197. The Screechsnap by Pengi [ - ] (2372 words)

198. Slughorn's Brunch by Pengi [ - ] (2396 words)

199. The Mentor by Pengi [ - ] (2343 words)

200. Fight on the Dungeon Stairs by Pengi [ - ] (3124 words)

201. Wild Young Things by Pengi [ - ] (1888 words)

202. Magcal Talking Stag by Pengi [ - ] (2438 words)

203. The Broken Boy Wolf by Pengi [ - ] (2092 words)

204. Remus by Pengi [ - ] (1762 words)

205. Dragon Fighting by Pengi [ - ] (2571 words)

206. Interesting Facts by Pengi [ - ] (1914 words)

207. Up to No Good by Pengi [ - ] (2217 words)

208. The Wolf and the Dog by Pengi [ - ] (2436 words)

209. Where's Sirius? by Pengi [ - ] (2624 words)

210. Glacius by Pengi [ - ] (2317 words)

211. A Good Deal of Studying by Pengi [ - ] (2370 words)

212. Professor Veigler's Boggart by Pengi [ - ] (2648 words)

213. Defending Lily by Pengi [ - ] (2220 words)

214. Headed to Hogsmeade by Pengi [ - ] (2554 words)

215. Henry the Eighth by Pengi [ - ] (2385 words)

216. Exposed by Pengi [ - ] (2150 words)

217. Pony Stories by Pengi [ - ] (2197 words)

218. A Spice of Mystery Sauce by Pengi [ - ] (1785 words)

219. A Very Important Announcement by Pengi [ - ] (2139 words)

220. Numengard by Pengi [ - ] (2023 words)

221. The Gods of Hogwarts by Pengi [ - ] (2335 words)

222. Unusually Large Things by Pengi [ - ] (2637 words)

223. A Rodent in the Air Vent by Pengi [ - ] (2886 words)

224. Searching for Peter Pettigrew by Pengi [ - ] (2766 words)

225. Animangusified by Pengi [ - ] (1770 words)

226. The 1973-74 Gryffindor Quidditch Team by Pengi [ - ] (2967 words)

227. Taking Up The Torch by Pengi [ - ] (1827 words)

228. Don't Be So Blue by Pengi [ - ] (1958 words)

229. Fawkes Feather by Pengi [ - ] (2349 words)

230. Hunting Time Approaches by Pengi [ - ] (2744 words)

231. The Potion for All Potential by Pengi [ - ] (2774 words)

232. Challenging a Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (3086 words)

233. The Most Muggley-Muggle by Pengi [ - ] (2370 words)

234. Sketches of a Siramarg by Pengi [ - ] (2717 words)

235. Lily Needs to Talk by Pengi [ - ] (2913 words)

236. Sniff Me, Mate by Pengi [ - ] (1717 words)

237. Bat Got Your Tongue by Pengi [ - ] (1852 words)

238. Caught by Pengi [ - ] (2276 words)

239. Fight on the Pitch by Pengi [ - ] (2148 words)

240. The Fallout by Pengi [ - ] (1924 words)

241. What's the Plan, Potter? by Pengi [ - ] (2750 words)

242. The Stuff Nightmares Are Made Of by Pengi [ - ] (1977 words)

243. Bullies in Hogsmeade by Pengi [ - ] (2926 words)

244. Xenophilius Lovegood Gets a Date by Pengi [ - ] (2019 words)

245. Dirigible Plums by Pengi [ - ] (2640 words)

246. Sleepless Night by Pengi [ - ] (2862 words)

247. How Did You Know by Pengi [ - ] (1980 words)

248. Snape's Charge by Pengi [ - ] (3043 words)

249. The Key Purveyor of Magical Mischief-Making by Pengi [ - ] (2276 words)

250. Freak by Pengi [ - ] (3904 words)

251. Back to Sirius by Pengi [ - ] (2147 words)

252. Peter's Emotional Crisis by Pengi [ - ] (2418 words)

253. Where Dogs Can Run Free by Pengi [ - ] (1624 words)

254. Problems by Pengi [ - ] (2901 words)

255. Weakest Points by Pengi [ - ] (2977 words)

256. The Dream by Pengi [ - ] (1903 words)

257. Hexes and Honesty by Pengi [ - ] (2182 words)

258. The Spirit of a Prankster by Pengi [ - ] (1840 words)

259. The Banesberry Tea by Pengi [ - ] (2797 words)

260. The Mudblood's Address by Pengi [ - ] (2253 words)

261. Newt Scamander and the Terrible Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (1905 words)

262. Aconite Leaves by Pengi [ - ] (2444 words)

263. Obsession, Admiration, and Rash Revenge by Pengi [ - ] (2698 words)

264. Of Biceps and Birthdays by Pengi [ - ] (2388 words)

265. A Talent for Transfiguration by Pengi [ - ] (2272 words)

266. The Omega and the Beta by Pengi [ - ] (1925 words)

267. The Hogshead Pub by Pengi [ - ] (2263 words)

268. Who is the Boy? by Pengi [ - ] (2387 words)

269. The First Drops of Blood by Pengi [ - ] (2218 words)

270. What's True by Pengi [ - ] (2727 words)

271. The Hunter's Command by Pengi [ - ] (3165 words)

272. James Potter's Only Regret by Pengi [ - ] (2284 words)

273. To the Death by Pengi [ - ] (2584 words)

274. I Knew You Had It In You by Pengi [ - ] (2190 words)

275. Four Marauders, Safe and Sound by Pengi [ - ] (2665 words)

276. The Rumor by Pengi [ - ] (2241 words)

277. Evvvvvaaaaans by Pengi [ - ] (1669 words)

278. Dear Remus by Pengi [ - ] (2300 words)

279. February 13 by Pengi [ - ] (2366 words)

280. Snogging With My Mates by Pengi [ - ] (2408 words)

281. The Duel in Potions by Pengi [ - ] (2445 words)

282. Do You Reckon by Pengi [ - ] (2143 words)

283. A Bit of Logic by Pengi [ - ] (2566 words)

284. Meteolojinx by Pengi [ - ] (2060 words)

285. Playing with Fire by Pengi [ - ] (3069 words)

286. The Artist at Work by Pengi [ - ] (3417 words)

287. The Most Wildly Messy Thing by Pengi [ - ] (1829 words)

288. A Rucksack Full of Filibuster's by Pengi [ - ] (2088 words)

289. What Myrtle Saw by Pengi [ - ] (2240 words)

290. Talking Back by Pengi [ - ] (2177 words)

291. Beneath the Surface by Pengi [ - ] (2703 words)

292. The Empty Kitchen by Pengi [ - ] (1763 words)

293. The Night of the Full Moon by Pengi [ - ] (2043 words)

294. Pumpkin Juice by Pengi [ - ] (3374 words)

295. Fix My Moony by Pengi [ - ] (1964 words)

296. Slughorn's Warning by Pengi [ - ] (3013 words)

297. Remus's Birthday Party by Pengi [ - ] (2295 words)

298. After the Kiss by Pengi [ - ] (3090 words)

299. April by Pengi [ - ] (2232 words)

300. The Spill on the Pitch by Pengi [ - ] (2499 words)

301. James's Good Dream by Pengi [ - ] (1710 words)

302. The End of Term Party by Pengi [ - ] (2561 words)

303. The Stag in the Forest by Pengi [ - ] (2530 words)

304. Salmon Puffs by Pengi [ - ] (1820 words)

305. The Loco-Motion by Pengi [ - ] (2197 words)

306. Marauders for Life by Pengi [ - ] (2318 words)

307. Mopsus Sees All by Pengi [ - ] (1533 words)

308. Black Ashes by Pengi [ - ] (2959 words)

309. A Lovely Pigeon Lady by Pengi [ - ] (2420 words)

310. Operation Free Sirius by Pengi [ - ] (2042 words)

311. Escape from Grimmauld Place by Pengi [ - ] (2179 words)

312. A Patch of Buttercup Flowers by Pengi [ - ] (2437 words)

313. The Burrow by Pengi [ - ] (3175 words)

314. That's What The Blacks Do by Pengi [ - ] (1637 words)

315. Galleons at the Leaky Cauldron by Pengi [ - ] (1926 words)

316. Three in the A.M. by Pengi [ - ] (3345 words)

317. The Invitation by Pengi [ - ] (1555 words)

318. The Tent in the Woods by Pengi [ - ] (3158 words)

319. Under the Influence by Pengi [ - ] (1860 words)

320. Forever Young by Pengi [ - ] (3405 words)

321. The Mathematics by Pengi [ - ] (1455 words)

322. A Sirius Talk by Pengi [ - ] (1821 words)

323. Malfoy at King's Cross by Pengi [ - ] (2487 words)

324. The Dragon Bomb by Pengi [ - ] (2064 words)

325. The Minister for Magic by Pengi [ - ] (3046 words)

326. Remus's Nap by Pengi [ - ] (2210 words)

327. Werewolf on the Grounds by Pengi [ - ] (1963 words)

328. You're Not a Freak by Pengi [ - ] (2276 words)

329. James's Idea by Pengi [ - ] (1856 words)

330. The Muggle Artefacts Museum by Pengi [ - ] (1802 words)

331. The Evidence of the Seer by Pengi [ - ] (1893 words)

332. Operation Cheeremus by Pengi [ - ] (2131 words)

333. House Elves by Pengi [ - ] (2033 words)

334. Sirius's Decision by Pengi [ - ] (2090 words)

335. Releasing the Animagus Within by Pengi [ - ] (2537 words)

336. Breaking Up is Hard to Do by Pengi [ - ] (1746 words)

337. Crystal Balls by Pengi [ - ] (1609 words)

338. Personality Traits by Pengi [ - ] (1877 words)

339. A Knot of Fur and Scars by Pengi [ - ] (2372 words)

340. The Future Mr. Evans by Pengi [ - ] (2041 words)

341. A Dirty Mouth by Pengi [ - ] (1784 words)

342. Who Do You Think It Is? by Pengi [ - ] (1669 words)

343. Questions in the Night by Pengi [ - ] (1441 words)

344. Books and Bikes by Pengi [ - ] (1698 words)

345. Werewolf for Hire by Pengi [ - ] (2211 words)

346. Among the Dead by Pengi [ - ] (1963 words)

347. Remus's Bloody Boyfriend by Pengi [ - ] (1624 words)

348. A Girl in the Clubhouse by Pengi [ - ] (2297 words)

349. Spying Eyes by Pengi [ - ] (2440 words)

350. A Handkerchief for Professor Minnie by Pengi [ - ] (1896 words)

351. The Blood-Thirst of a Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (1975 words)

352. Addled Minds by Pengi [ - ] (1563 words)

353. Last Words by Pengi [ - ] (2685 words)

354. The Grim by Pengi [ - ] (2952 words)

355. When Squids Fly by Pengi [ - ] (2708 words)

356. Determination Theorem by Pengi [ - ] (1400 words)

357. End of November by Pengi [ - ] (2081 words)

358. Wild Thing by Pengi [ - ] (1421 words)

359. Potter's Proposition by Pengi [ - ] (2139 words)

360. Another Chance by Pengi [ - ] (1605 words)

361. The Yule Ball by Pengi [ - ] (2716 words)

362. This. Is. It. by Pengi [ - ] (1967 words)

363. Good or Evil by Pengi [ - ] (1882 words)

364. What Would Sirius Do? by Pengi [ - ] (2191 words)

365. Snape's Lie by Pengi [ - ] (1853 words)

366. Owe You Proper Snogs by Pengi [ - ] (1797 words)

367. Waking Up by Pengi [ - ] (2337 words)

368. A Visit to St. Mungo's by Pengi [ - ] (2120 words)

369. Honey and Sweethearts by Pengi [ - ] (1738 words)

370. Not Just One of Many by Pengi [ - ] (2329 words)

371. Rubbish and Monsters by Pengi [ - ] (1432 words)

372. Hot Chocolate in the Dark by Pengi [ - ] (1641 words)

373. The Permanent Record of Sirius Black by Pengi [ - ] (2224 words)

374. Another Christmas by Pengi [ - ] (2656 words)

375. Petunia's Fit by Pengi [ - ] (1612 words)

376. The Coldest Night by Pengi [ - ] (2324 words)

377. James's Date by Pengi [ - ] (1777 words)

378. Pescoco Engorgio by Pengi [ - ] (2109 words)

379. Petunia's Neck by Pengi [ - ] (1740 words)

380. Master Sirius Ought to Know by Pengi [ - ] (2127 words)

381. The Peace of Madness by Pengi [ - ] (1910 words)

382. What Else Happened by Pengi [ - ] (2477 words)

383. Snape's Birthday by Pengi [ - ] (1862 words)

384. Sneaking About by Pengi [ - ] (1911 words)

385. A Stag Animagus by Pengi [ - ] (2094 words)

386. Memories and Visions by Pengi [ - ] (3203 words)

387. In or Out by Pengi [ - ] (1954 words)

388. The Divination Classroom by Pengi [ - ] (1793 words)

389. What's Mopsus Playing At by Pengi [ - ] (1630 words)

390. Weird Feelings by Pengi [ - ] (2038 words)

391. Madness, Longbottom by Pengi [ - ] (2613 words)

392. The Parchment on the Wall by Pengi [ - ] (2270 words)

393. Getting Sirius by Pengi [ - ] (1971 words)

394. The Motorbike by Pengi [ - ] (1878 words)

395. Catching Remus Up by Pengi [ - ] (2045 words)

396. The Pawn by Pengi [ - ] (2797 words)

397. The Clocks by Pengi [ - ] (2216 words)

398. Well Now It's a Party, Isn't It? by Pengi [ - ] (1512 words)

399. All My Friends by Pengi [ - ] (1808 words)

400. The Battle of Lestrange Manor by Pengi [ - ] (2493 words)

401. Poppy's Administrations by Pengi [ - ] (2067 words)

402. Shoddy News by Pengi [ - ] (2472 words)

403. Gyrari Tooth by Pengi [ - ] (1720 words)

404. Wear a Helmet by Pengi [ - ] (2319 words)

405. Chairs on the Ceiling by Pengi [ - ] (2216 words)

406. Regulus's Request by Pengi [ - ] (1535 words)

407. Both Horrible Bullies by Pengi [ - ] (2904 words)

408. To the Bloody Woods by Pengi [ - ] (1447 words)

409. Cinnamon by Pengi [ - ] (2689 words)

410. Dog, Stag, Rat, Remus by Pengi [ - ] (2723 words)

411. The Headline by Pengi [ - ] (2093 words)

412. On the Steps of the School by Pengi [ - ] (1826 words)

413. Extra Credit for Herbology by Pengi [ - ] (2548 words)

414. I'm Watching You Potter by Pengi [ - ] (1832 words)

415. The Metamorphmagus by Pengi [ - ] (2160 words)

416. Letters by Pengi [ - ] (1750 words)

417. Oh Deer, a Full Moony by Pengi [ - ] (2028 words)

418. The Letter, Delivered by Pengi [ - ] (2089 words)

419. Madder Than Alice's Hatter by Pengi [ - ] (2093 words)

420. Minchum For Minister by Pengi [ - ] (2462 words)

421. Rat in the Cellar by Pengi [ - ] (2535 words)

422. Seeing Snuffles by Pengi [ - ] (1825 words)

423. A Way to Explain by Pengi [ - ] (1991 words)

424. Our Own Resistance by Pengi [ - ] (2432 words)

425. Recruiting by Pengi [ - ] (2426 words)

426. Quite a Pair by Pengi [ - ] (1950 words)

427. Happy Birthday, Potter by Pengi [ - ] (2525 words)

428. Petrificus Totalus by Pengi [ - ] (1944 words)

429. The King Has Returned by Pengi [ - ] (1830 words)

430. The Meeting Room by Pengi [ - ] (1730 words)

431. The Order of the Phoenix by Pengi [ - ] (3977 words)

432. Sirius's Plan by Pengi [ - ] (1829 words)

433. The Defender of the House Elves by Pengi [ - ] (1898 words)

434. The Pledge by Pengi [ - ] (2069 words)

435. Who is Harold Minchum? by Pengi [ - ] (2376 words)

436. The Offers of Placement by Pengi [ - ] (1866 words)

437. Warning Sirius by Pengi [ - ] (2975 words)

438. Tick-Tock by Pengi [ - ] (2603 words)

439. Kreacher's Commands by Pengi [ - ] (1700 words)

440. Ticket to Ten Thousand Galleons by Pengi [ - ] (2268 words)

441. Son of Toddy and Mitzy by Pengi [ - ] (1872 words)

442. Peter the Leader by Pengi [ - ] (1775 words)

443. Command of the What by Pengi [ - ] (1861 words)

444. The Future by Pengi [ - ] (2399 words)

445. Somebody's by Pengi [ - ] (1723 words)

446. The Prophecy of the Chosen One by Pengi [ - ] (2154 words)

447. I'll Ruddy Kill You Myself by Pengi [ - ] (1756 words)

448. The Trial of Orion Black by Pengi [ - ] (1985 words)

449. The Secrecy Charm Broken by Pengi [ - ] (1863 words)

450. Understandings by Pengi [ - ] (2001 words)

451. In Wake of the Attacks by Pengi [ - ] (2421 words)

452. The Half-Breed Army by Pengi [ - ] (2561 words)

453. A Promise to Return by Pengi [ - ] (2287 words)

454. A Risky Plan by Pengi [ - ] (1795 words)

455. The Rescue by Pengi [ - ] (2819 words)

456. Druella at the Ministry by Pengi [ - ] (2307 words)

457. The Suitcase Laboratory by Pengi [ - ] (2107 words)

458. Decompressing by Pengi [ - ] (1854 words)

459. The Nomination for Minister for Magic by Pengi [ - ] (2378 words)

460. The Charkorais Bird by Pengi [ - ] (1689 words)

461. A Spinner 'Round the Block by Pengi [ - ] (1866 words)

462. Definitely Neptunian by Pengi [ - ] (1553 words)

463. Dragon Smoke by Pengi [ - ] (2333 words)

464. Getting a Prongs-On by Pengi [ - ] (2660 words)

465. Hostile Spirits by Pengi [ - ] (2397 words)

466. The Undead, Eggs, and Opals by Pengi [ - ] (2247 words)

467. Late Night Chatter by Pengi [ - ] (1527 words)

468. Keep an Eye by Pengi [ - ] (2373 words)

469. Wonder Woman by Pengi [ - ] (1906 words)

470. The Screaming Bogey of Strathfully by Pengi [ - ] (1764 words)

471. The Janus Thickey Ward by Pengi [ - ] (2491 words)

472. Charkorais Song by Pengi [ - ] (2008 words)

473. Propaganda by Pengi [ - ] (2253 words)

474. Fallengundur University by Pengi [ - ] (2138 words)

475. A Vote for Voldemort by Pengi [ - ] (2434 words)

476. The Sentence of Druella Black by Pengi [ - ] (2894 words)

477. The Best at Breaking by Pengi [ - ] (1998 words)

478. Lily's Brothers by Pengi [ - ] (2741 words)

479. Borrowed Without Permission by Pengi [ - ] (1600 words)

480. The Flight of Bert and Ernie by Pengi [ - ] (1617 words)

481. The Magic That Holds Our Pieces Together by Pengi [ - ] (1851 words)

482. Like a Puzzle Piece by Pengi [ - ] (1677 words)

483. The Port Key by Pengi [ - ] (1950 words)

484. The Moonstone Ceiling by Pengi [ - ] (1894 words)

485. The Life of Newt Scamander by Pengi [ - ] (2355 words)

486. What's a Moony Without a Padfoot? by Pengi [ - ] (2498 words)

487. The Stigma of the Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (2059 words)

488. Dumbydoor by Pengi [ - ] (2245 words)

489. Logistics by Pengi [ - ] (2992 words)

490. Done It by Pengi [ - ] (1996 words)

491. Prefects Badges by Pengi [ - ] (2264 words)

492. The Most Brilliant Camping Adventure In The History of All of Time and Then Some by Pengi [ - ] (2208 words)

493. The Shots by Pengi [ - ] (1744 words)

494. Goodbyes, Supplies and Other Things by Pengi [ - ] (2262 words)

495. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs by Pengi [ - ] (1992 words)

496. Fancy Yourself a Miracle Worker by Pengi [ - ] (1733 words)

497. Andy's Experiment by Pengi [ - ] (2161 words)

498. Dividing by Pengi [ - ] (2495 words)

499. The Start of Term Feast by Pengi [ - ] (2284 words)

500. Prefect Duties by Pengi [ - ] (2003 words)

501. Time for Bed, Wake Up by Pengi [ - ] (1717 words)

502. Puffer Fish and Salamander Toes by Pengi [ - ] (2732 words)

503. Sirius's Defense by Pengi [ - ] (1850 words)

504. Blattam Alterar by Pengi [ - ] (2171 words)

505. Forever by Pengi [ - ] (2290 words)

506. Don't Forget the Face That Snogs You by Pengi [ - ] (1601 words)

507. Say It Again by Pengi [ - ] (2113 words)

508. Giddy and Fabulous by Pengi [ - ] (2024 words)

509. Ali Prewitt's Scare by Pengi [ - ] (2122 words)

510. Control Your Mates, Lupin! by Pengi [ - ] (1741 words)

511. Lily's Dream by Pengi [ - ] (1896 words)

512. Maryrose Knows by Pengi [ - ] (1784 words)

513. I Loved You James Potter by Pengi [ - ] (2475 words)

514. The Password by Pengi [ - ] (2028 words)

515. The Insulting Parchment by Pengi [ - ] (2351 words)

516. A Particularly Bad Moon by Pengi [ - ] (1925 words)

517. Bandages by Pengi [ - ] (1828 words)

518. Regulus Makes a Friend by Pengi [ - ] (1761 words)

519. Mouse Ears by Pengi [ - ] (2998 words)

520. I've Eaten My Boyfriend by Pengi [ - ] (1526 words)

521. Our Theoretical Animagus by Pengi [ - ] (2351 words)

522. Going for a Walk by Pengi [ - ] (2085 words)

523. Boink by Pengi [ - ] (1320 words)

524. Scared Ickle Little Beans by Pengi [ - ] (1941 words)

525. Popcorn by Pengi [ - ] (2208 words)

526. Be More Patient by Pengi [ - ] (1575 words)

527. The New Quidditch Captain by Pengi [ - ] (3093 words)

528. The Attitude by Pengi [ - ] (2220 words)

529. Tension in the Entrance Hall by Pengi [ - ] (2547 words)

530. The Defense Against the Dark Arts Game Show by Pengi [ - ] (1699 words)

531. The Time Thief by Pengi [ - ] (3088 words)

532. Merlin's Beard by Pengi [ - ] (2980 words)

533. The Clock From the Mantel by Pengi [ - ] (2093 words)

534. A Spirit to Speak With by Pengi [ - ] (2534 words)

535. Because of All That You Are by Pengi [ - ] (2531 words)

536. What'd it Mean? by Pengi [ - ] (2376 words)

537. Anthracomancy by Pengi [ - ] (1973 words)

538. Need to Know Basis by Pengi [ - ] (2190 words)

539. After All This Time by Pengi [ - ] (2689 words)

540. You Know Lily Evans, Moony! by Pengi [ - ] (2265 words)

541. Happy Mewmories by Pengi [ - ] (2367 words)

542. Something Has Changed by Pengi [ - ] (1708 words)

543. Remus's Dog by Pengi [ - ] (1497 words)

544. Agrafo by Pengi [ - ] (2885 words)

545. Fighting Together by Pengi [ - ] (2834 words)

546. Sorry Minnie by Pengi [ - ] (1679 words)

547. Sirius Black's 16th Birthday by Pengi [ - ] (1903 words)

548. Exactly What You Deserve by Pengi [ - ] (2339 words)

549. Home Safe by Pengi [ - ] (2140 words)

550. The Match by Pengi [ - ] (3261 words)

551. Brunches and Balls by Pengi [ - ] (2546 words)

552. Rutabagas and Celery Sticks by Pengi [ - ] (2194 words)

553. Go-With-Me-To-The-Yule-Ball by Pengi [ - ] (2255 words)

554. What's Happened by Pengi [ - ] (1977 words)

555. It Should Have Been You by Pengi [ - ] (1750 words)

556. Thought It Would Be Fawny by Pengi [ - ] (2550 words)

557. Lily's Letter by Pengi [ - ] (2103 words)

558. Chrysanthemums and Bluebells by Pengi [ - ] (2317 words)

559. Petunia's Rhinoceros by Pengi [ - ] (2466 words)

560. Moony Down by Pengi [ - ] (2184 words)

561. Intentions by Pengi [ - ] (3179 words)

562. Not Yours To Have by Pengi [ - ] (2182 words)

563. Mirror Talk by Pengi [ - ] (1627 words)

564. Positively Jinxed by Pengi [ - ] (1735 words)

565. Sonorous Maximus by Pengi [ - ] (2124 words)

566. Throwing Stones by Pengi [ - ] (1891 words)

567. Greyback's Treat by Pengi [ - ] (2481 words)

568. Into the Woods by Pengi [ - ] (1486 words)

569. The Creek Bed by Pengi [ - ] (2504 words)

570. The Caterwauling Charm by Pengi [ - ] (1554 words)

571. What You Crave by Pengi [ - ] (2259 words)

572. You Are a Traitor, Mr. Veigler by Pengi [ - ] (2429 words)

573. Tell Me About the Yonkers by Pengi [ - ] (2402 words)

574. Ned Veigler's Memory by Pengi [ - ] (1530 words)

575. Arrival at Hogwarts by Pengi [ - ] (2382 words)

576. Newt Scamander's Journal by Pengi [ - ] (2883 words)

577. P.A.H.W.F.A.H.W.W.N.D.J.P. by Pengi [ - ] (1971 words)

578. Regulus's Choice by Pengi [ - ] (2147 words)

579. Greasy Headed Garbage Monkey by Pengi [ - ] (1699 words)

580. God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs by Pengi [ - ] (3221 words)

581. You Smell Like Dog by Pengi [ - ] (2507 words)

582. The Sentencing of Severus Snape by Pengi [ - ] (2712 words)

583. The Shoulder of The Star by Pengi [ - ] (2588 words)

584. Gobstones by Pengi [ - ] (1790 words)

585. The Little Brat by Pengi [ - ] (2577 words)

586. Acting Like I Always Do by Pengi [ - ] (2222 words)

587. Official Club Business by Pengi [ - ] (1740 words)

588. Take It Back by Pengi [ - ] (2319 words)

589. The Spell in the Grade 7 Textbook by Pengi [ - ] (1653 words)

590. The Darkness in Me by Pengi [ - ] (1974 words)

591. Gideon Prewett's Peacock by Pengi [ - ] (2147 words)

592. Regulus's Vengence by Pengi [ - ] (2545 words)

593. Wanted by Pengi [ - ] (1674 words)

594. A Terrible Idea by Pengi [ - ] (2088 words)

595. Mr. Black - You Are Not My Type by Pengi [ - ] (2260 words)

596. Dementor Echoes by Pengi [ - ] (3063 words)

597. Patronus Class by Pengi [ - ] (1852 words)

598. Our First Patronus by Pengi [ - ] (1779 words)

599. Regulus and Sirius Black's Clubhouse by Pengi [ - ] (1955 words)

600. The Dementor by Pengi [ - ] (2429 words)

601. A Traitor by Pengi [ - ] (2976 words)

602. We're Being Tortured by Pengi [ - ] (2135 words)

603. Revelio by Pengi [ - ] (1769 words)

604. You Need Help by Pengi [ - ] (1552 words)

605. Protect Her by Pengi [ - ] (2120 words)

606. Lucy Minchum by Pengi [ - ] (2727 words)

607. A Burgundy Smoking Jacket by Pengi [ - ] (1844 words)

608. Maryrose's Mind by Pengi [ - ] (2230 words)

609. The Chamber by Pengi [ - ] (2589 words)

610. Run of the Stag by Pengi [ - ] (1927 words)

611. Drowning by Pengi [ - ] (2057 words)

612. McGonagall's Office by Pengi [ - ] (2618 words)

613. Once Upon a Time by Pengi [ - ] (1884 words)

614. The Fight by Pengi [ - ] (2035 words)

615. Falling Apart by Pengi [ - ] (2582 words)

616. Serious Sirius is Seriously unSirius by Pengi [ - ] (2364 words)

617. The State of Things by Pengi [ - ] (2853 words)

618. Hufflepuff Spy by Pengi [ - ] (2165 words)

619. The Match Against Hufflepuff by Pengi [ - ] (2697 words)

620. Poetry, Evans by Pengi [ - ] (2168 words)

621. Remedial Potions by Pengi [ - ] (2039 words)

622. A Vial of Phoenix Tears by Pengi [ - ] (2675 words)

623. The Doe by Pengi [ - ] (1830 words)

624. The Werewolf Patronus by Pengi [ - ] (2456 words)

625. Kreacher is Bringing News by Pengi [ - ] (3013 words)

626. In the Cavern by Pengi [ - ] (1603 words)

627. Where Regulus and James Went by Pengi [ - ] (2048 words)

628. Wake Up, Regulus, Wake Up by Pengi [ - ] (1850 words)

629. You Won't Lose Me by Pengi [ - ] (1981 words)

630. In the Tunnel by Pengi [ - ] (1728 words)

631. Talking With Evans by Pengi [ - ] (2245 words)

632. Oak, Rowan, Birch and Holly by Pengi [ - ] (2774 words)

633. The Jamesless Days and Nights by Pengi [ - ] (2448 words)

634. Rosewood and Wolf's Bane by Pengi [ - ] (2222 words)

635. Amplificare by Pengi [ - ] (2869 words)

636. The Missing Cave by Pengi [ - ] (2105 words)

637. The Secret by Pengi [ - ] (3462 words)

638. Werewolf Lessons by Pengi [ - ] (2691 words)

639. Book Chocolate by Pengi [ - ] (1838 words)

640. Operation Deer Evans Be My Valentine by Pengi [ - ] (2515 words)

641. The Wrong Potter by Pengi [ - ] (1804 words)

642. Tickle the Pear by Pengi [ - ] (2081 words)

643. Dumbledore Confetti by Pengi [ - ] (2199 words)

644. Are You In or Are You Out? by Pengi [ - ] (3334 words)

645. Punishment for the Crime by Pengi [ - ] (2025 words)

646. Regular Children by Pengi [ - ] (2217 words)

647. Marauder Extraordinaire by Pengi [ - ] (2201 words)

648. A Space Odyssey by Pengi [ - ] (2307 words)

649. Should've Been Me by Pengi [ - ] (2144 words)

650. Picking Up a Scent by Pengi [ - ] (1929 words)

651. You Young Werewolf Catchers by Pengi [ - ] (3218 words)

652. Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog by Pengi [ - ] (2439 words)

653. A Cozy Little Scene by Pengi [ - ] (1754 words)

654. The Switching Charm by Pengi [ - ] (2871 words)

655. Tossed by Pengi [ - ] (1678 words)

656. Two Bird, One Stone by Pengi [ - ] (2155 words)

657. At Least There Were Memories by Pengi [ - ] (2011 words)

658. A Matching Set by Pengi [ - ] (2149 words)

659. Every Other Tuesday And Also On Bank Holidays by Pengi [ - ] (1990 words)

660. Awkwardly Talking by Pengi [ - ] (1941 words)

661. The Rumor by Pengi [ - ] (1527 words)

662. Death Eaters Don't Cry by Pengi [ - ] (2555 words)

663. Regulus's Plan by Pengi [ - ] (2187 words)

664. Appenticitis by Pengi [ - ] (1453 words)

665. It's a Duck by Pengi [ - ] (2012 words)

666. Near Death Experience by Pengi [ - ] (2014 words)

667. You Guys Wanna Be Heroes? by Pengi [ - ] (1853 words)

668. Not Until by Pengi [ - ] (1644 words)

669. Super Sirius and Rat Boy by Pengi [ - ] (2552 words)

670. The Pamphlets by Pengi [ - ] (1834 words)

671. Feeding Achyls by Pengi [ - ] (2360 words)

672. Threatening a Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (2354 words)

673. Give It Back by Pengi [ - ] (1994 words)

674. Sleekeazy by Pengi [ - ] (1989 words)

675. Werewolf in the Tunnel by Pengi [ - ] (2778 words)

676. I Surrender by Pengi [ - ] (1728 words)

677. The Rescue by Pengi [ - ] (2148 words)

678. How We Ended Up Here by Pengi [ - ] (2677 words)

679. A Moment Alone by Pengi [ - ] (2675 words)

680. Free Her Now by Pengi [ - ] (2107 words)

681. What Do You See In Them? by Pengi [ - ] (2563 words)

682. Finally Coming in Handy by Pengi [ - ] (2981 words)

683. I'm Here Now by Pengi [ - ] (1552 words)

684. Not Good But Better by Pengi [ - ] (1796 words)

685. Counseling by Pengi [ - ] (1939 words)

686. Do You Know What Today Is? by Pengi [ - ] (1400 words)

687. Best Birthday by Pengi [ - ] (3053 words)

688. Announcing the Dates by Pengi [ - ] (1333 words)

689. Severus's Protection by Pengi [ - ] (2554 words)

690. Slughorn's Favorite Student by Pengi [ - ] (2017 words)

691. Itinerarium Maraudentium by Pengi [ - ] (2049 words)

692. Where We're Going by Pengi [ - ] (1653 words)

693. Who Will Stop the Rain? by Pengi [ - ] (1734 words)

694. The Attacks by Pengi [ - ] (1654 words)

695. To The Top of The Tower by Pengi [ - ] (2011 words)

696. Siriumptious Optima Black by Pengi [ - ] (1853 words)

697. More Than He Ever Had by Pengi [ - ] (2403 words)

698. Can't Find the Map by Pengi [ - ] (2197 words)

699. Determined to Die by Pengi [ - ] (1963 words)

700. That's Why I Trust You by Pengi [ - ] (1993 words)

701. Dragon Fire by Pengi [ - ] (1765 words)

702. The Minute Hand On the Clock by Pengi [ - ] (1858 words)

703. They Met At The Fountain by Pengi [ - ] (1893 words)

704. Always With The Saving by Pengi [ - ] (1931 words)

705. Just Take Me There by Pengi [ - ] (1951 words)

706. I Came For You by Pengi [ - ] (2029 words)

707. Left by Pengi [ - ] (1929 words)

708. The Moment That Would Need Changing by Pengi [ - ] (2406 words)

709. The Mystery That is Time by Pengi [ - ] (2171 words)

710. To Number 12 Grimmauld Place by Pengi [ - ] (1877 words)

711. Rewriting the Past by Pengi [ - ] (3143 words)

712. Quite A Lot Had Changed by Pengi [ - ] (1895 words)

713. This Go Around by Pengi [ - ] (2273 words)

714. Can You Hear Me Major Prongs? by Pengi [ - ] (2965 words)

715. Tell Me Everything by Pengi [ - ] (1830 words)

716. Timelines by Pengi [ - ] (2316 words)

717. What Fell Apart by Pengi [ - ] (3238 words)

718. Glad You're Alive by Pengi [ - ] (1819 words)

719. Smoking On the Beach by Pengi [ - ] (2299 words)

720. Dreamed by Pengi [ - ] (1909 words)

721. Mr. Black by Pengi [ - ] (1736 words)

722. You're Not My Mother by Pengi [ - ] (2649 words)

723. I'm A Stud Muffin! by Pengi [ - ] (1937 words)

724. Artefacts by Pengi [ - ] (1893 words)

725. Severus Didn't Do Anything by Pengi [ - ] (2832 words)

726. The Moon and Star by Pengi [ - ] (2037 words)

727. Do Stags Have Teeth? by Pengi [ - ] (1939 words)

728. Tis But A Scratch by Pengi [ - ] (2458 words)

729. I'm Not Letting Go by Pengi [ - ] (2193 words)

730. Go Ahead, Ask Him by Pengi [ - ] (1634 words)

731. Cramming by Pengi [ - ] (2552 words)

732. O.W.L.s by Pengi [ - ] (2261 words)

733. Five Signs That Identify a Werewolf by Pengi [ - ] (2593 words)

734. Snivellus's Pants by Pengi [ - ] (3836 words)

735. Our Evans by Pengi [ - ] (2277 words)

736. The Burning of the Dark Mark by Pengi [ - ] (1865 words)

737. Looking Forward to Summer by Pengi [ - ] (1839 words)

738. Jealousy Waves by Pengi [ - ] (2593 words)

739. It Isn't Up To Me by Pengi [ - ] (1762 words)

740. Best-Friends-in-Law by Pengi [ - ] (2095 words)

741. Leaving On a Jet Plane by Pengi [ - ] (2262 words)

742. The Alarm Clock by Pengi [ - ] (217 words)

743. Manners, Evans by Pengi [ - ] (1716 words)

744. Sharing a Room with Vernon by Pengi [ - ] (2076 words)

745. Ace by Pengi [ - ] (1707 words)

746. I'm Not Worthy by Pengi [ - ] (1541 words)

747. Funny Business by Pengi [ - ] (1888 words)

748. Invitation by Pengi [ - ] (1781 words)

749. Italian Leather Loafers by Pengi [ - ] (2542 words)

750. Sirius Black's Main Squeeze by Pengi [ - ] (2212 words)

751. Erumpetis by Pengi [ - ] (2272 words)

752. For You to Say Yes by Pengi [ - ] (1804 words)

753. The Kneazle's Eyes by Pengi [ - ] (2335 words)

754. It's Punk Rock, Prongs by Pengi [ - ] (1673 words)

755. Lean On Me by Pengi [ - ] (1997 words)

756. Never Can Tell What the Future Holds by Pengi [ - ] (2124 words)

757. All That Sort of Sentimental Rubbish by Pengi [ - ] (1585 words)

758. The Ticket by Pengi [ - ] (2272 words)

759. Fennel by Pengi [ - ] (1722 words)

760. Not Entirely Sure Yet by Pengi [ - ] (2233 words)

761. Dorcas Meadowess & Morning Glories by Pengi [ - ] (3346 words)

762. Little J by Pengi [ - ] (1841 words)

763. Reckless Remus by Pengi [ - ] (2511 words)

764. The Flying Morris Mini by Pengi [ - ] (1879 words)

765. Trouble by Pengi [ - ] (2346 words)

766. Front Page by Pengi [ - ] (1994 words)

767. Colours and Feelings by Pengi [ - ] (2921 words)

768. A Miracle by Pengi [ - ] (1931 words)

769. As Long As You Want Me by Pengi [ - ] (1338 words)

770. A Silly Reason by Pengi [ - ] (1909 words)

771. Plans Being Made by Pengi [ - ] (1839 words)

772. Maybe James Isn't A Just Anymore? by Pengi [ - ] (1927 words)

773. Omelettes by Pengi [ - ] (1932 words)

774. He Was His Father by Pengi [ - ] (1287 words)

775. Alright, Evans? by Pengi [ - ] (1640 words)

776. An Artefact of Sorts by Pengi [ - ] (1576 words)

777. Prongs, It Was a Mistake by Pengi [ - ] (2537 words)

778. The Lupin House by Pengi [ - ] (1647 words)

779. Don't Worry Baby by Pengi [ - ] (1797 words)

780. Of All Times to Come Out of The Case by Pengi [ - ] (2354 words)

781. Take My Seconds by Pengi [ - ] (1572 words)

782. Healer! We Need a Healer! by Pengi [ - ] (2129 words)

783. Seconds by Pengi [ - ] (1742 words)

784. Sirius's Addiction by Pengi [ - ] (1326 words)

785. I Won't Forget You by Pengi [ - ] (2138 words)

786. Why's it a Plural For? by Pengi [ - ] (1782 words)

787. Sirius Black's O.W.L. by Pengi [ - ] (1505 words)

788. The Results by Pengi [ - ] (1421 words)

789. My Favourite Part of Yoga by Pengi [ - ] (1790 words)

790. The Advocate by Pengi [ - ] (1877 words)

791. Raspberry Fizz by Pengi [ - ] (1874 words)

792. What Now What Now by Pengi [ - ] (1420 words)

793. Do You Reckon People Snog on Ducks? by Pengi [ - ] (2528 words)

794. Hallucinations by Pengi [ - ] (2090 words)

795. Durmstrang by Pengi [ - ] (1573 words)

796. TONKS! by Pengi [ - ] (1804 words)

797. 31 August by Pengi [ - ] (1556 words)

798. Hooked on a Feeling by Pengi [ - ] (2363 words)

799. Kids Like Us by Pengi [ - ] (1825 words)

800. Scared Little Seagulls by Pengi [ - ] (2727 words)

801. Hatstalls and Staff Changes by Pengi [ - ] (2270 words)

802. Bygones by Pengi [ - ] (2794 words)

803. Friends That Snog by Pengi [ - ] (1425 words)

804. Dragon! by Pengi [ - ] (1693 words)

805. Gringott's Bank by Pengi [ - ] (2568 words)

806. The Dragon Standoff by Pengi [ - ] (2360 words)

807. Professor Sirius Black by Pengi [ - ] (1976 words)

808. Black Sheep by Pengi [ - ] (2388 words)

809. May I Call You Minnie? by Pengi [ - ] (1909 words)

810. The S.S.E.A.W. Pledge by Pengi [ - ] (1396 words)

811. Bertie Bott's by Pengi [ - ] (2042 words)

812. No Sugar Tonight by Pengi [ - ] (1832 words)

813. Fencing by Pengi [ - ] (1613 words)

814. The Muggle Murderer by Pengi [ - ] (2885 words)

815. Be Careful Out There by Pengi [ - ] (1896 words)

816. Neid, Calc, 273 by Pengi [ - ] (2383 words)

817. A Jinx by Pengi [ - ] (1936 words)

818. The Truth Comes Out by Pengi [ - ] (3319 words)

819. Shackles by Pengi [ - ] (2090 words)

820. Teacups and Time Travel by Pengi [ - ] (2904 words)

821. Bickering by Pengi [ - ] (1922 words)

822. Who is Mia Black? by Pengi [ - ] (2154 words)

823. Sirius Wants To Go To The Library by Pengi [ - ] (1185 words)

824. A Play Out Of Your Book by Pengi [ - ] (2637 words)

825. Shaped a Bit Like a Freak by Pengi [ - ] (1761 words)

826. Warm Milk and Tea by Pengi [ - ] (2813 words)

827. The Quidditch Try-Outs by Pengi [ - ] (2203 words)

828. Muggle-Wizard Relations by Pengi [ - ] (2738 words)

829. You Ruddy Pickle by Pengi [ - ] (1676 words)

830. A Second Thought by Pengi [ - ] (1720 words)

831. Don't You Think He's Cute? by Pengi [ - ] (2524 words)

832. A Sure Bet by Pengi [ - ] (2141 words)

833. The Owls by Pengi [ - ] (2167 words)

834. Tradition by Pengi [ - ] (2477 words)

835. The Best Thing Ever by Pengi [ - ] (2424 words)

836. Did You Say That To Jasper, Too, Mr. Potter? by Pengi [ - ] (2423 words)

837. The Sugar Quill by Pengi [ - ] (2042 words)

838. Ghosts by Pengi [ - ] (1745 words)

839. Halloween by Pengi [ - ] (1823 words)

840. The Dancing Queen by Pengi [ - ] (1578 words)

841. A Full Blown Event by Pengi [ - ] (2297 words)

842. An Absolutely Brilliant Captain by Pengi [ - ] (2103 words)

843. For the Greater Good by Pengi [ - ] (2706 words)

844. Tell Me About Faere Dhu by Pengi [ - ] (2374 words)

845. Unnatural by Pengi [ - ] (1809 words)

846. Oh Gods Evans by Pengi [ - ] (1803 words)

847. The Reverend's Manse by Pengi [ - ] (2056 words)

848. Such Names by Pengi [ - ] (2403 words)

849. About Bleeding Time by Pengi [ - ] (1995 words)

850. The Matter of Your Floo by Pengi [ - ] (1759 words)

851. Keep My Secret by Pengi [ - ] (2676 words)

852. O.M.T.L.I.N.O.A.A. by Pengi [ - ] (1975 words)

853. Padfoot Down! by Pengi [ - ] (1761 words)

854. You Stupid Girl by Pengi [ - ] (1976 words)

855. Not Hiring by Pengi [ - ] (2290 words)

856. Why Do You Say That Potter? by Pengi [ - ] (1550 words)

857. Lovekaban by Pengi [ - ] (1961 words)

858. I Thought I Was Your Muffin? by Pengi [ - ] (1717 words)

859. Put Your Claws Away by Pengi [ - ] (2057 words)

860. Will You? by Pengi [ - ] (1883 words)

861. Remus's Suspicions by Pengi [ - ] (1589 words)

862. Remus Lupin's Homework by Pengi [ - ] (1973 words)

863. Blue Opal by Pengi [ - ] (2241 words)

864. The Old Divination Chamber by Pengi [ - ] (2431 words)

865. Two Names Are in The Stars by Pengi [ - ] (2060 words)

866. More Than A Feeling by Pengi [ - ] (2107 words)

867. See You Soon Potter by Pengi [ - ] (2019 words)

868. I LOVE YOU by Pengi [ - ] (1385 words)

869. Accompany Me to the Yule Ball by Pengi [ - ] (1898 words)

870. You Used to Be Darling by Pengi [ - ] (1643 words)

871. Slug Club Slug by Pengi [ - ] (1408 words)

872. A Good Show, At Least by Pengi [ - ] (1876 words)

873. Jinxes, Cursed Objects, and Other Stuff by Pengi [ - ] (2421 words)

874. The Yule Ball by Pengi [ - ] (1980 words)

875. So Nice To See You Again, Potter by Pengi [ - ] (1537 words)

876. Blurry by Pengi [ - ] (1253 words)

877. Reducto by Pengi [ - ] (2357 words)

878. Not the Right Time by Pengi [ - ] (1377 words)

879. A Proper Family by Pengi [ - ] (2301 words)

880. Adustio by Pengi [ - ] (2178 words)

881. Rolf Theseus Artemis Fido Scamander by Pengi [ - ] (1900 words)

882. Something Wrong by Pengi [ - ] (1689 words)

883. Metamorphmagi by Pengi [ - ] (1670 words)

884. So Dramatic, Just Like Your Brother by Pengi [ - ] (1877 words)

885. Breaking Tradition by Pengi [ - ] (2317 words)

886. Perhaps I Intend To by Pengi [ - ] (1502 words)

887. Fiddlefaddle by Pengi [ - ] (1699 words)

888. Things Worth Living For by Pengi [ - ] (1929 words)

889. Tell Me Where He Is by Pengi [ - ] (1964 words)

890. A Proper Goodbye by Pengi [ - ] (1607 words)

891. The Office of G & F Prewett by Pengi [ - ] (1475 words)

892. Throwing Stones by Pengi [ - ] (1859 words)

893. Wormtail by Pengi [ - ] (1769 words)

894. Where is Durmstrang? by Pengi [ - ] (1657 words)

895. The Cogs by Pengi [ - ] (2027 words)

896. Do You Know The Way? by Pengi [ - ] (1938 words)

897. A Hair Out of Place by Pengi [ - ] (1535 words)

898. Havmork by Pengi [ - ] (2049 words)

899. The Twisted Trunk by Pengi [ - ] (1680 words)

900. Entering the Gates by Pengi [ - ] (2085 words)

901. One Hour by Pengi [ - ] (2448 words)

902. Homonculous Again by Pengi [ - ] (2569 words)

903. The One To Go by Pengi [ - ] (1601 words)

904. The Moment You've Been Waiting For by Pengi [ - ] (933 words)

905. James! by Pengi [ - ] (1547 words)

906. I Said NO! by Pengi [ - ] (1720 words)

907. To the Tower Room by Pengi [ - ] (2451 words)

908. Green Light Filled the Corridor by Pengi [ - ] (2494 words)

909. The Precious Seconds He Had To Spare by Pengi [ - ] (2418 words)

910. Why James Potter? by Pengi [ - ] (2329 words)

911. PIRATEY THINGS! by Pengi [ - ] (2697 words)

912. Coming To by Pengi [ - ] (2119 words)

913. The Blood, The Bowl, and The Locket by Pengi [ - ] (2728 words)

914. Jamesishness by Pengi [ - ] (1953 words)

915. Please, No More by Pengi [ - ] (2086 words)

916. Brave by Pengi [ - ] (2503 words)

917. Go by Pengi [ - ] (2250 words)

918. M-Mature Were-Werewolves by Pengi [ - ] (1812 words)

919. Flashbacks by Pengi [ - ] (2151 words)

920. Not Completely by Pengi [ - ] (2018 words)

921. Doing a Study by Pengi [ - ] (2199 words)

922. Unwanted, Pesky Guests by Pengi [ - ] (1997 words)

923. Weak and Pathetic by Pengi [ - ] (2449 words)

924. Never Give Up, Prongsie by Pengi [ - ] (2193 words)