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Wherein a plane wreck is only the beginning of their ordeal…

Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: Tradewinds
Chapters: 20
Completed: Yes
Word count: 56208
Read: 44336
Published: 10/02/16
Updated: 03/13/17
Story Notes:
(Though I'm technically still editing the final few chapters, I've decided to get the ball rolling, hopefully in time to get into the good stuff by Halloween. :P )

1. I by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1053 words)
rough landing

2. II by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1273 words)
opening gambit

3. III by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1916 words)
check and mate

4. IV by shadesmaclean [ - ] (3207 words)
fat birds don't fly

5. V by shadesmaclean [ - ] (4045 words)
Camp Stilton

6. VI by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2425 words)
into the Woods

7. VII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2674 words)
campfire dreams

8. VIII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2892 words)
the gloaming

9. IX by shadesmaclean [ - ] (3376 words)
blue moon

10. X by shadesmaclean [ - ] (4616 words)
bogged down

11. XI by shadesmaclean [ - ] (3022 words)
red moon

12. XII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2382 words)
Ellay River

13. XIII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (3170 words)
no moon

14. XIV by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2586 words)
out of the Woods

15. XV by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2620 words)

16. XVI by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1589 words)
rescue party

17. XVII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2367 words)
on Rannigan's Wharf

18. XVIII by shadesmaclean [ - ] (2154 words)
meanwhile, back at the ranch...

19. XIX by shadesmaclean [ - ] (1355 words)
too soon to celebrate

20. Sole Survivor by shadesmaclean [ - ] (7486 words)
bonus "What If?" story